Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Bethesda Row sidewalk construction update (Photos)

The reconfigured and upgraded sidewalk along Woodmont Avenue near Bethesda Avenue has been unveiled. Unfortunately, it still doesn't line up properly with the streets it intersects with. While the reconfigured and rerouted Woodmont Avenue is designed to be safer and slow people down, it's no more an aesthetic improvement than the horrid new Woodmont-Leland barricade intersection a block south. However, it does have the Bethesda streetscape standard for its design.


  1. Anonymous11:43 AM

    None or this design makes any sense.

    Woodmont is more crooked than ever over that huge intersection.

    The curb ramp is gone at the CCT paved path so do the bicyclists ride along the new brick paved sidewalk and mix with pedestrians?

  2. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Don't worry when they infill that corner or do utility work they'll tear up the sidewalk again.
