Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Flashing signal activated at dangerous Bradley Blvd. crosswalk in Bethesda (Video + photos)

The long-delayed activation of the crossing signals on Bradley Boulevard, between Hillandale Road and Wisconsin Avenue in Bethesda, has finally happened. A spokesperson for the Maryland State Highway Administration pointed to Pepco as the party responsible for the delay.

They still are allowing parking too close to the crosswalk, which blocks drivers' views of pedestrians trying to cross until they have emerged into traffic.


  1. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Why is the guy on the sign facing one direction, but the arrow pointing in the opposite direction?

    Folks coming from Westbard on the short bus will be hopelessly confused and start tripping over their own shoelaces. I blame Hans Riemer.

  2. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Couldn't you have pixelated all those license plates?

    I suspect that most or all of those cars will be featured in the upcoming Bethesda crime reports. Thanks a lot.

  3. Anonymous7:44 AM

    You can't actually get any information from a license plate, 7:36, unless you're a cop, a DMV worker, or Rick Wright from Magnum PI. Go look up the Drivers Privacy Protection Act (and then fall fast asleep halfway through).

  4. Anonymous7:48 AM

    So was that pile of gravel actually in that crosswalk before Dyer took a picture of it?

  5. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Lol. I doubt thieves run tag numbers before breaking into a car and grabbing a GPS, cellphone or whatever else is visible. What would be the point?

  6. Anonymous7:59 AM

    As a hardened Bethesda criminal, I always run a background check on the car before I smash in the window and grab that cellphone left carelessly on the seat. I do this largely to make sure the owner doesn't have cooties.

  7. Anonymous8:06 AM

    I'm more concerned about angry Bethesda wives realizing that their husbands' cars weren't where the husbands said that they were that afternoon.

  8. Anonymous8:25 AM

    now we just need to get the state to move the no parking signs. And yes, that pile of gravel has been there for ages... Bethesda used to be anal about street sweepers, haven't seen one of those in ages.

  9. Anonymous9:12 AM

    I still don't undresatnd why they allow cars to park so close to the crosswalk. It's difficult to see people getting ready to cross because the parked vehicles block the view.

    Is there some type of regulation about this for mid-intersection crosswalks? Seems like the rules shouldn't allow this.

  10. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Ah, now I get it. The sign in the second picture is telling pedestrians that they must walk backwards, facing north, when they are crossing from the north side to the south side of Bradley.

  11. Anonymous1:21 PM

    More worried about ticketing spots that expire than enforcing no parking in residential non metered neighborhoods.

  12. Steve D.10:57 AM

    "Anonymous said...
    You can't actually get any information from a license plate, 7:36, unless you're a cop, a DMV worker, or Rick Wright from Magnum PI.

    7:44 AM"

    I thought Magnum usually just flashed a smile at women to get the info he needed.
