Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Kendra Scott opens at Bethesda Row (Photos)

Kendra Scott opened without warning Monday on Bethesda Avenue. The jeweler to the stars' door was wide open, and a sandwich board outside reflected the theme of the surprise opening: "Yes, we're open!" Champagne was being served inside, as Bethesda shoppers got their first chance to browse the new boutique's lineup.

One thing to check out is how much more complicated the seemingly-plain metal "awning" out front is at night. It is more than it appeared to be when initially installed, containing lighting that makes for one of the more interesting storefronts around the Row. Of course, it's hard to beat the Apple Store's window display.


  1. While the boutique stores may not draw mass shoppers, it's nice to see FRIT make a concentrated effort to being in retail so shoppers come and stay for more than the restaurants. It's starting to balance out a bit more nicely. Can't wait for the Williams Sonoma. Programs well with the Pottery Barn. Now if we can only get that Crate and Barrel Outlet store. :)

  2. Anonymous6:02 AM

    People are enslaved and starving all over the world.

  3. Anonymous6:35 AM

    OMG I can't wait for a C&B or a West Elm

  4. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Sinkholes on Arlington Road and stores opening without warning on Bethesda Avenue. What has Bethesda come to, at long last?

  5. Anonymous2:27 PM

    So no press release or invitation to Dyer and he still covers it. Unlike iPic which he admits he is not reporting on because they don't include him. Just as bad as a politician taking bribes.

    1. 2:27: Not even remotely similar to a politician taking bribes. How can you report something if the business doesn't tell you about it? Is playing favorites among media a good marketing strategy for a business? Clearly it's not.

    2. Anonymous7:33 PM

      So as a news source you are writing about iPic despite their not inviting you. That's not fair and impartial.

    3. Anonymous5:34 AM


    4. Anonymous9:07 AM

      In your opinion not similar. In my opinion definitely the same thing. Taking money to do something. Or not doing something because they won't do you a favor.

    5. 9:07: You can't write an article if iPic doesn't either provide the details, or invite you to a media event to collect the details and photos yourself.

      Secondly, snubbing one media outlet intentionally while intentionally inviting competing media outlets for a preview is not a smart move if your goal is obtaining media coverage on the snubbed website. Whether I want to write about a theater that has started off with a slap to my face is a legitimate editorial decision for me to make. But considering they have yet to send a single press release, what would I be writing about? "There's a theater here, readers. Uh, go in the door for a movie."

      Scintillating copy.

      Trying to compare that situation to a politician taking a bribe shows how delusional the MoCo political machine has gotten with no media outlet other than this one providing any critical or non-obsequious coverage.

  6. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Dyer is scum - we all know it.

    1. Anonymous6:36 AM

      Scum is a bit harsh now just cause you don't agree with his opinion on his blog. Let's keep it to civil discussion. All sides. :)

  7. Anonymous4:50 PM

    I'd like to see any of you bullies do his job and give us the news. Obviously you still care what he writes or you would stop visiting his site. It's no wonder we have a bullying problem in the world with adults like you all.

    1. Anonymous4:59 PM

      It's the same blogger that posts weird/offensive stuff on Robert's site. Sad, but true.

    2. Anonymous7:34 PM

      It's so weird how some folks think all comments are by the same person. I wrote one of these but not the other. Scum is too harsh.

    3. Anonymous7:35 PM

      Actually per Robert's insistence that this is a Bethesda beat stooge writing comments, then you would be right that it is a blogger who does the same work. Lol.

  8. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Good reporters always wait for someone to deliver the news right into their lap.

  9. 8:02: Or they could always just scrape photos from Facebook. Last time I checked, "good" reporters aren't tracking down the price of a small soda at a movie theater and calling it enterprising journalism.

  10. 7:33: Earlier you said I wasn't writing about iPic. Now you claim I'm writing about iPic and it's "so unfair." I didn't know Arkham Asylum had WiFi.

    1. Anonymous5:34 AM

      Way to take a typo out of proportion there.

  11. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Sigh..same blogger trolling Robert. He just can't give it up.

    1. Anonymous6:35 AM

      Why do you think I am a blogger? I would love to be a blogger. Dyer - hire me!!
