Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Former Bruce Variety building available for lease in Bethesda

The building recently vacated when legendary Bethesda retailer Bruce Variety closed is now available for lease. This indicates that the property owner has no immediate plans to redevelop, or consolidate the plot with any of the major developments around it. Those include Douglas Development's 8008 Wisconsin project, a planned redevelopment of the public parking lot adjacent to it, or JBG's Trader Joe's-anchored 7900 Wisconsin Avenue development.

Many had hoped that one of these projects would incorporate the smaller house, although that possibility can't be ruled out in the future. 8008 and 7900 seem to be set, but the one on the parking lot could remain a possibility, as I don't believe any renderings or concepts for that have been released yet. So perhaps that developer would like to talk to this landowner.

But for right now, the 4700 SF space at 8011 Woodmont Avenue is up for lease, along with 1370 SF of basement space. With a better, ADA-compliant entrance in front, this could always make for a good restaurant space. A great restaurant would certainly go well with any future developments that would surround it.


  1. Anonymous5:36 AM

    What a shame. Too bad Douglas can't take this into their project. Would be perfect to merge.

  2. Anonymous5:56 AM

    That corner doesn't really fit the feel of the downtown plan. Nostalgia aside if we want a semi-cohesive downtown plots like those eventually need to flip even if it is just a more up to date restaurant space or retail location. Anything but a bank.

  3. Anonymous6:17 AM

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  4. You mean for demolition. That whole corner can now be blown up. The liquor store already has had a sigh up for sometime so we know that's getting the wrecking ball. I thought that above ground county lot was slated to come down too. Too bad. That could be a really cool restaurant with its own parking lot. Too valuable not to be an office building or condos I suppose.
    Where are all these people coming from that are going to live in all these new buildings?
    It's incredible that the developers have confidence that if they build it, they will come. And do they have a lot of vacancies? I doubt it. You can't move in Bethesda anymore. Just ban cars. It's getting crazy.

    1. Anonymous8:47 AM

      Both Bainbridge and Gallery are in the mid 90 percent full from what I hear so apparently the renters are there.

  5. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Most of the little parking lots in the downtown are slated for development.

  6. Anonymous9:30 AM

    People will see Bethesda as a safe alternative. People like new but not necessarily in the up and coming, hip neighborhoods. They like boring places like Bethesda.

  7. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Arlington is popular...and very boring.

  8. Steve D.3:50 PM

    "Blogger JAC said...
    Where are all these people coming from that are going to live in all these new buildings?
    It's incredible that the developers have confidence that if they build it, they will come. And do they have a lot of vacancies? I doubt it. You can't move in Bethesda anymore. Just ban cars. It's getting crazy.

    8:09 AM"

    I'd rather they banned new condo construction. All these faceless buildings are a real eyesore.

    1. Anonymous4:55 PM

      These big buildings are gorgeous improvements. Especially compared to the one story dumps there now. Land cost though makes rent so much higher for business owners and tenants. Also without great assemblage we've got these hosgepodge buildings that don't play nice with each other and their surroundings.

  9. Anonymous7:45 PM

    @9:30 That's what I've found interesting. The new buildings have brought in my younger and childless people to the area. If I'm shopping at the Giant on Arlington Road on a weekday night, it's mostly people in their 20s and 30s shopping alone. Never used to be this way.

    I don't mind -- nice eye candy for an older fella like myself.

    1. Anonymous9:03 PM

      Also is a demographic that pays taxes and spends their money and don't use a lot of social services. It's good for an area in many ways.

  10. Anonymous9:52 PM

    @ 9:03 PM - Why do you hate Dyer so?

    1. Anonymous4:05 AM

      I'm 9:03. I'm not sure I said anything about Dyer?

  11. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Everything is eventually going to become generic and boring. White Flint Sector Plan 2 will wipe local flavor away---boring---even NYC is becoming boring except for the "lower class" neighborhoods---they are still vibrant---that won't last---it's all going to become boring with no local flavor. Boring boring boring.The old Bruce Variety was anything but boring. But you won't find that anymore around here cuz everything is turning boring. Even Bethesda Art is boring. But it always was boring.Luckily we can always find something that's not as boring. Tarnation Bob is not so boring. Thanks Tarnation Bob!

  12. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Too many white hipsters with white guilt problem, that's Bethesda.
