Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Christmas in October at Sears in Bethesda (Photos)

Halloween isn't here yet, but the Christmas decorations are coming out at Sears in Westfield Montgomery Mall. Olaf, Darth Vader and cans of Bud Light - the gang's all here.


  1. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Sears is dying. This will probably be their last Christmas season.

    And Christmas is in December. It's not even Halloween, let alone Thanksgiving, fercrissakes.

  2. Sears is not going to survive by marketing to people who would hang a Bud Light can on their tree. That seems like Walmart's demographic to me.

  3. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Appealing to the WalMart demographic... at Montgomery Mall.

    Strong work, Sears.

  4. Anonymous9:07 AM

    whats going on in battery park? The tennis court is all ripped apart, are they just re-paving the courts or is it going away for good?

    1. 9:07: I have been waiting for a response from the Parks department since yesterday. They say it takes up to 48 hours for a response.

  5. Anonymous9:38 AM

    There is an "aggressive" owl along the Capital Crescent Trail in Kenwood that is attacking people who have ponytails.

    Watch out, Dyer!

    1. 9:38: Hate to tell you, but that owl has been around for several years and has been striking pre-dawn joggers just as long.

  6. Anonymous9:47 AM

    @ 9:07 AM - Maybe the County figured out that folks almost never play tennis anymore. They use it to play catch with their dogs and to train their kids how to ride a bike.

    But it's interesting that they've not only taken down the fence, but dug up the posts and foundations as well.

  7. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Battery park is becoming the Walmart of parks.

  8. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Target on Rockville Pike already has two aisles dedicated to Christmas decorations.

  9. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Wouldn't it be great if a Wal-Mart moved in to the Sears space?

  10. Anonymous11:12 AM

    I can do you one better. Replace the Westbard shopping center with a WalMart, with 30-story apartment buildings on top.

  11. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Only if it surrounded by a huge surface parking lot on all sides.

  12. Anonymous12:55 PM


  13. Anonymous3:03 AM

    Wow Bethesda Magazine once again stealing content from Robert, this time about an owl that Robert wrote about years ago, a new low

  14. Anonymous3:44 AM

    That Sears is more out of place in that mall than a scholarship kid at Amherst College.

  15. Peter9:15 AM

    Re: Anon @3:44 -- disagree partially because (a) it has the Land's End section in there; and more importantly (b) it's just about the best place in all of MoCo to comparison shop on major appliances, grills, tools, etc. Heck probably the latter is what's going to keep Sears around, I seem to think they are one of the biggest appliance retailers out there. What, you think WalMart is gonna take up the slack on that? And frankly I'd rather shop Sears for a fridge than Home Depot.

  16. Steve D.1:36 PM

    "@ 9:07 AM - Maybe the County figured out that folks almost never play tennis anymore"

    ??? Um, maybe you don't.

    And a Walmart at Montgomery Mall would be a sure sign of the apocalypse.

  17. Anonymous3:44 PM

    @ Steve D. @ 1:36 PM -

    Clarification to previous post - "never play tennis at that particular court anymore." Like I said, it's mostly folks playing catch with their dogs, or training their kids to ride a bike.

  18. Anonymous3:58 PM

    12:37 PM [Tuesday]: "I have been waiting for a response from the Parks department since yesterday. They say it takes up to 48 hours for a response."

    Did he ever follow up on the call? Don't bet on it.

  19. Anonymous11:15 PM

    I was wondering what kind of owl that owl is. I mean, a horned owl is one thing, but a Great Owl can be three feet tall with a frightening wingspan. (I knew someone that accidentally hit one, and was dumb enough to load it in his backseat, thinking he had killed it. There he was, driving along the freeway when the stunned Great Owl, with it's 8' wingspan woke up. And it was not happy. True story.) Maybe I will have to go jogging predawn with a large net. Call it the spirit of Steve Irwin.
