Monday, October 05, 2015

Developer of downtown Bethesda senior housing project seeks extension

Shelter Development, LLC is asking the Montgomery County Planning Board for an extension for its Brightview Bethesda senior housing project. Several issues were raised when the project went before the Development Review Committee, an inter-agency body that includes several utilities and government departments, on August 17.

Pat Harris, attorney with Lerch, Early & Brewer, filed the request on behalf of the applicant. Shelter says the primary issues are related to the configuration of the open space at the site, and the need to coordinate site access issues with the Montgomery County Department of Transportation.

The extension request would allow the Sketch Plan Review period to be extended until no later than December 21, 2015.

Planning staff is recommending approval of the request.


  1. Anonymous5:28 AM


    1. Anonymous6:24 AM

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Anonymous3:50 PM

      Did dyer just delete a straight answer to a question? What was the address again?

      Just because a competitor is mentioned doesn't make it spam. Lol.

    3. Anonymous7:23 PM

      So if washingtonpost was the source or cnn or fox or anywhere else would that be on to cite sources in your comment?

  2. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Yep. If you're looking for complete coverage of Bethesda's news, that's where you need to go.

  3. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Does anyone know which buildings would get knocked down for this?

  4. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Why do retirement homes have to have such ridiculously cheerful names?

    How about "Cold Gray Sunset" instead?

    @ 8:36 AM - The old house that was most recently used as offices of Barnes Plumbing.

  5. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Without full-service gas stations nearby I don't see how these old folks will be able to thrive in this location.

  6. Anonymous4:28 PM

    All senior housing developments that house a large number of residents MUST be built in CRT zones, and should not be approved unless there is a grocery store on the bottom floor. Making people walk across dangerous paths or drive is absolutely stupid. (See Washington Episcopal School's planned development as a great example of this error).

  7. Anonymous5:15 PM

    3:05 PM - Check out the "Wine event" article for more examples of Dyer's hypocrisy.

  8. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Kind of funny that he left the comment @ 6:57 AM up.

  9. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Why call it senior housing when only 1 person needs to be 55 or older? So many young adults are moving in with their parents (with their children). In many cases, families are using their grandparents for an address so their children go to good schools.

  10. 3:50: You better believe it. That was a gratuitous spam. I've reported the address of this building in at least 2 articles on this site. There's no need to plug a competing site.

    1. Anonymous5:08 AM

      So if anyone references another site or person or place or anything on your site, no matter if it is in context, that's spam and a plug? Just trying to follow you here.

  11. 5:28: 4907 Rugby Avenue.

  12. Anonymous11:03 PM

    @ 10:09 PM - You just repeated what the comment from 6:24 AM said, which you deleted.

    1. 11:03: Yes, just minus the gratuitous spam.

    2. Anonymous5:32 PM

      Was it a reference to Bethesda best that dyer deleted? Was it an ad? A reference? A source? What justified the deletion?

    3. Anonymous4:29 AM

      Dyer I like your blog but can you provide some help supporting your rationales? Would go a long way in helping logical thinkers as well as shutting up the trolls if we can follow your logic a bit more. Thanks.

  13. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Readers love that Dyer is reporting the news, not trolling other sites. #HullsBoys

    1. Anonymous4:32 AM

      As a "reader", how would you have any knowledge or proof or evidence to the matter?

      Hull I believe someone mentioned runs GGW? What evidence do you have that he or his readers are trolling here?

      Or Kraut and BB?

      Some proof would be helpful. Especially from a supposedly unbiased impartial practical logical rational reader who doesn't have access to analytics, logs, etc.

  14. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Dyer is trolling the citizens of MoCo.

  15. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Notice dyer did not delete the gratuitous spam for the Washington post, cnn, and fox above. But singles out a certain website which cannot be named.

  16. Anonymous7:59 AM

    And even if you don't say the name at all, he still deletes it. LOL, what a nutcase.

  17. Anonymous11:01 AM

    I've had enough of Dyer. I'm starting my own Bethesda news site with all the good news to report from the Council.
    AND I'm moving to Arlington to do so. Worked so well for the failed clone of Dyer's site.

    1. Anonymous2:40 PM

      Are you of the opinion that one must fail for the other to exist? Is hyper local Bethesda news and gossip and opinion reporting a zero sum game?

    2. Anonymous10:45 PM

      Are you referring to arlingtonnow and then when bethesdanow was bought by Bethesda magazine and merged into Bethesda beat?

    3. Anonymous5:05 AM

      11:01 Yes, it's sure to reach a broader spectrum. Even the illiterate can read blank pages.

    4. 10:45: Actually the website failed, as the founder acknowledged in an interview.

    5. Anonymous4:28 AM

      Do you have a link to the interview?

      A sale to a bigger company isn't necessarily so bad. But I see where you are going with this.

      So you are saying yes then one must fail for another to survive in the hyper local blog world?

  18. Anonymous8:23 PM

    2:41pm has a future in PR for developers or in Bethesda blogging.

    1. Anonymous10:44 PM

      Why do you think so?

  19. Anonymous5:10 AM

    Steve Hull has no connection to Greater Greater Washington. David Alpert is the site's founder. Dan Reed, an editor and frequent contributor there, is another one of Dyer's bogeymen.
