Saturday, December 12, 2015

Car stolen in Chevy Chase Section 5; theft at Safeway + more - Bethesda crime update

Here's a roundup of crimes reported across Bethesda on December 9, according to crime data:

Liquor arrest. 4700 block Montgomery Lane.

Liquor arrest. 7100 block Woodmont Avenue.

Vehicle burglary. 6800 block Wisconsin Avenue.

Vehicle burglary. 7200 block Thornapple Place.

Vehicle burglary. 3600 block Underwood Street (Chevy Chase Section 5).

Stolen car. 3600 block Underwood Street (Chevy Chase Section 5).

Vehicle burglary. 5200 block Augusta Street.

Theft. Safeway at Shops at Sumner Place.

Theft. McDonald's (Pike District).

Theft. McDonald's (Pike District).

Theft. Westfield Montgomery Mall.

Vehicle burglary. Westlake Drive at Democracy Blvd.

Burglary. 5900 block Montrose Road (Pfke District).


  1. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Theft at Mcdonald's? Did someone take too many catsup packets?

  2. Anonymous3:17 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. 3:17: No one has provided more coverage of the demolition than this blog. I even inspired national websites with my Dark Side of White Flint series, and local knockoffs from media outlets who initially tried to keep it quiet.

      As for the second matter, apparently Ken Hartman withheld the information about the post office matter since early December - despite the clear message from the federal representative that the information therein was to be communicated to the residents of Bethesda. He then passed the memo to his favorite media source bypassing an official public announcement altogether. Unfortunately, I have no control over these abuses of power and unethical use of public resources to promote a particular private-profit media outlet. By the way, stop spamming on behalf of his favorite website.

  3. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Hartman published the letter from the USPS representative on his Twitter feed yesterday at 10:42 am. The other place published its article on it at 2:34 pm.

    Perhaps if you had been awake at the time, you could have gotten the scoop.

    1. 6:50 PM: You're still "Dumass material" - I tweeted and retweeted before AND after your magical 10:42 time that morning. Hardly asleep, but definitely a lot more important business to take care of than twiddling my thumbs waiting for the next tweet from Ken Hartman. That's his personal account, by the way, meaning that as of this hour, the County has yet to officially inform the public of the development, as that federal official clearly intended for them to do back on December 5.

      You're not a quarter of the man I am, hiding as Anonymous. If your opinions had any merit, you could put your name to them, and be hailed as a genius. Instead, everyone reading this is merely wondering how you manage to type with a straitjacket on.

    2. Anonymous9:23 AM

      Only in Dyer's mind does a news release from a County official, followed by an article in Bethesda's newspaper of record, not equate to "informing the public".

    3. Anonymous3:15 PM

      Why do you call someone a Dummass? That's against your comment policy and should be reported to the police along with your other harassment and cyber bullying reports.

    4. Anonymous3:26 PM

      Oh my...does 9:23 know the Gazette stopped publishing months ago?
      Dyer reaches more Bethesda residents on a daily basis at this point.

    5. 9:23: There was no press release from a County official, and there is no such "newspaper of record" in Bethesda. There are no newspapers published here, period. I'm surprised Hans Riemer didn't require you to take a drug test before he hired you.

    6. Anonymous5:29 PM

      Saith Dyer: "That's his personal account..."

      Wrong. As usual.

      "Ken Hartman –
      Director, Regional Services Center for Bethesda, Chevy Chase, North Bethesda, Potomac, and Rockville

      Bethesda, MD·"

    7. Anonymous7:09 PM

      How did Reimer make it into here? Why did you randomly insult him here?

    8. Anonymous8:04 PM

      I looked through a year's worth of Hartman's tweets, and noted that every tweet that was shared with the other place, was also shared with Dyer.

      So much for Dyer's allegations of "favoritism".

    9. Anonymous9:17 PM

      8:04pm spent all night looking through a year in Ken Hartman on Twitter. Please get a life.

      This guy will probably see Robert Dyer in his dreams again tonight.

    10. Anonymous9:20 PM

      7:09pm "How did Reimer make it into here?"
      That's what county residents are saying about Hans' performance so far in term #2.

    11. Anonymous5:53 AM

      "Please get a life", posts Dyer's shill at O-Dark-17.

  4. Anonymous7:20 AM

    6:50 You seem to be the only one obsessed with Dyer "getting the scoop."

  5. Anonymous6:33 AM

    5:53am - aw..are you upset you didn't dream about Dyer last night? Keep hoping. Maybe tonight.

  6. 5:29: That's not the Regional Services Center account, nor one where the public is expecting to receive official notifications, such as the RSC newsletter or alert emails. You're the one who foolishly brought the topic up - why do you want to embarrass yourself and the County further?

    1. Anonymous9:05 AM

      Sounds like you aren't going to write your own article on it. Any other reason besides spite for Hartman and the other place?

    2. Anonymous6:15 PM

      We think it's cause Hartman rarely links to dyer's blog. Dyer has said before either link to both or none at all.

    3. Anonymous7:35 PM

      "Link to both or none at all"

      A rule that exists nowhere except in Dyer's and his shill's feverish minds.

      Seriously - is the federal government forced to link to the Washington Times, every time that they link to the Post?

  7. 7:35: Governments aren't supposed to be linking to media. Usually, for legal reasons alone, there are all kinds of warning messages that pop up saying you are leaving a government website to another site, and that they aren't responsible for the content or anything malicious on that site. So it's a pretty big deal.

    There is indeed a rule that taxpayer-funded accounts can't be used for the financial benefit of a private business.

    1. Anonymous10:18 PM

      Or maybe Hartman just considers you a random crazy person on the Internet, rather than a news source.

    2. Anonymous3:36 AM

      Can you provide the government rule that says they aren't supposed to be linking to media?

      Where's the rule about taxpayer-funded accounts? How is a free account taxpayer funded? How is Hartman benefiting financially?

      Also lets not forget when Dyer said "link to me also or link to no one". So it's not about any so called legalities.

  8. 10:18: Considering a 7-days-a-week media outlet that heavily covers the area you represent the County government in as a "random crazy person" doesn't sound very smart from a professional or public relations standpoint. Welcome to 2015.

    1. Anonymous3:33 AM

      And there is dyer insulting people again.

    2. Anonymous3:37 AM

      Your coverage can be awesome. Your personality not so much. So it makes sense a government official might want to distance from you.

    3. 3:33: Where's the insult?

      3:37: Compared to the charming David Alpert personality? Please.

      Why would a government official want to distance himself from a 7-days a week news source whose readership is in the area he's appointed to serve? Stay off those drugs, man.

    4. Anonymous10:36 AM

      Same reason so many people comment negatively about you here. Or disagree with many of your perspectives. Etc.

      Drugs? That's a random thing to say about someone you don't know

  9. Anonymous10:18 AM

    I just read some of Dyer's comments on Hartman's Twitter feed.

    By the standards that Dyer applies to comments posted here, they would be considered "spamming" and "harassment".

    1. Anonymous5:50 PM

      Where can we read dyer's comments? Thanks!

    2. Anonymous6:22 PM

      @ 5:50 - Here you go.

    3. Anonymous4:59 AM

      Thanks! Ok so I read the newsletter and then Dyer's Twitter post.

      Nowhere does the newsletter claim the Bethesda Beat article broke the news. Dyer's Twitter post notes that he broke the news first, which is great and all and one of the great things about Dyer's blog, but what's the relevance of the newsletter mentioning the news from the Bethesda Beat post to Dyer saying he wrote it first? Maybe if Ken wrote that the in his newsletter that BB broke the news, but he made no such statement.

      And is it even that big of a deal to complain about?

    4. Anonymous3:46 AM

      Wouldn't a link to Twitter be a violation of policy per Dyer as he indicated a link to Bethesda Magazine or The Washington Post or New York Times etc are?

    5. Anonymous6:50 AM

      Even worse is a link to his own blog (i.e. his embarrassing archives).

  10. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Where does it say government officials aren't supposed to be linking to media?

    1. Anonymous7:47 PM

      It doesn't. Dyer is just making that up. And by his explanation of proof, his lack of explanation is evidence. Facts. #dodgingdyer
