Sunday, January 31, 2016

MD SHA continues major snow operations in Bethesda (Photos)

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan continues to deploy additional work crews to Montgomery County, to address dangerous and congestion-causing snow remaining on state highways. In addition, snow piled up on roadsides - and blocking sidewalks - needs to be removed and hauled away.

A major snow removal operation took place last evening on Wisconsin Avenue, and on Bradley Boulevard. Another similar effort was underway on Georgia Avenue near Forest Glen at the same time.


  1. Anonymous6:22 AM

    "Oooh, Governor Hogan! I'm your Number-One fan!" gushes Dyer.

  2. Anonymous6:50 AM

    WOW! This highly unusual winter storm will be the norm. Get used to it, MoCo. The Gov. better get his act together for future events like this.

  3. Anonymous9:35 AM

    State of Maryland is doing a great job. They had roads passable very quickly after this historic blizzard.

  4. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Which of the above comments are sarcasm, snark or envy?
    We all know Anonymous#1 is the resident troll's envy.

  5. Anonymous11:32 AM

    6:50 AM Do you have any specific suggestions for the governor? This was an historic blizzard. We can't budget for this type of once in a generation storm.

    State Highway's hard working crew was out working overnight many days this past week. Roads were passable very quickly so we could all get around.

  6. Anonymous12:17 PM

    11:32 -- these "once in a generation storms" happen every few years. Of our top 10 worst storms on record, 5 of them occurred in the last 20 years.

    Roads were not passable very quickly. East West Highway was one lane only each way most of the way between Bethesda and Silver Spring as late as Saturday, a week after the storm and after several 50 degree days.

  7. Anonymous12:38 PM

    They got the roads passable, then went back and cleared everything. Makes sense.

    They worked at night. They couldn't block the roads during the day when folks had to use them to get to work.

    Maryland had a huge task to clear all of the state highways.

  8. Anonymous2:30 PM

    I noticed today that Arlington Road (county) has a lane blocked still while Bradley Blvd (state) is totally clear.

  9. Wait which is it. Are MD and MoCo doing a good job or bad job?

  10. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Maryland is doing an incredible job to make sure our streets are clean a week after the historic blizzard. But that damn Hans Riemer and his cronies on the council are incompetent for not having it done 5 days ago. Vote Dyer!

  11. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Arlington Road (county road) still has a lane blocked with snow. Meanwhile, Bradley Blvd (state road) is brilliantly cleared of snow.

    It's pretty clear that State Highway did a better job right now.

    I hope MoCo clears Arlington tonight, otherwise expect traffic jams tomorrow!

    MD SHA did a great job.

  12. MD and MoCo are doing the same thing - so MoCo is doing a good job too!

  13. Anonymous6:54 AM

    6:22 AM Could you see were Dyer was gushing from? ????

  14. Anonymous7:01 AM

    FOR CRYING OUT IT WAS A DAMN BLIZZARD, GET OVER IT. You spoiled, rotten whiners think you should have instant road clearance just so you can go nowhere fast. You go out an clean the grocery stores of all provisions, thinking the apocalypse is coming, then the moment its stopped you want to escape. What's the matter, can't deal with your screaming crotch fruit any longer? Road crews can only do so much in a 24-hour period, and for many locations, the responsibility for plowing is an HOA issue not government. Grow up children, act like adults. Knowledgeable adults.

  15. Anonymous8:29 AM

    7:01AM Well said.
    But a week later, higher temps, and still problems...well, it's getting old.

  16. re: Anon @ 7:01 PM - I agree too, although I think it is reasonable to expect that after 5 days, major thoroughfares like 355 have ALL lanes open.

  17. Anonymous1:20 PM

    MoCo has been great with snow removal. MD not so much.
