Monday, January 18, 2016

Robbery on Massachusetts Ave., assault on St. Elmo Ave. + more - Bethesda crime update

Here's a roundup of crimes reported across Bethesda on January 15, according to crime data:

Theft. Waverly Street at Montgomery Avenue.

Theft. 5500 block Friendship Boulevard.

Robbery. Massachusetts Avenue at Onondaga Road at 1:00 AM (High Point).

Liquor offense/drugs/underage drinking party. 5900 block Walhonding Road.
- Details here.

Vehicle burglary. 5300 block Blackistone Road (Westmoreland Hills).

Vehicle burglary. 4500 block Wetherill Road (Westmoreland Hills).

Assault. 4900 block St. Elmo Avenue at 1:40 PM.

Burglary. 4600 block Creek Shore Drive at 9:33 PM (Randolph Hills).

Burglary. 7100 block Democracy Boulevard.

Vehicle burglary. Westfield Montgomery Mall.

Theft. Westfield Montgomery Mall.

Assault. 12000 block Rockville Pike at 6:06 PM (Pike District).

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