Saturday, February 13, 2016

Bethesda Crab House reopens after renovations

I have received several messages from readers concerned after having seen the coverings over the front of the venerable Bethesda Crab House at 4958 Bethesda Avenue recently. The good news is that they have done some renovations, and as of yesterday, Bethesda Crab House has reopened for business on their normal schedule.


  1. Anonymous6:16 AM

    A restaurant that closed for renovations and actually opened back up! Lol glad they are still around.

  2. Anonymous6:54 AM

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  3. Anonymous7:13 AM

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  4. Anonymous7:20 AM

    I was one of those who sent Robert a message. I have to say that I was disappointed to read this update. That place is horrible and run by one of the nastiest people in the world. Remember when they were in the news some years ago? Black people are not welcome there. Google that if you think I'm making it up. Somehow, they do well. People around here balk at food prices and yet will pay $100 plus for 12 crabs served up by a major asshole in a crappy environment. Boggles the mind.

  5. Anonymous8:15 AM

    It's expensive and the service is atrocious. Everyone there is so rude.

  6. Anonymous9:34 AM

    6:54 AM & 7:13 AM - Karma. Love is love.

  7. Anonymous11:36 AM

    I shop at Pescadeli often in the summer and have seen plenty of black people eating at the Crab House next door. 7:20 is just spreading baseless rumors.

  8. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Gotta do everyone's work for them. Secondly, my father has known the owner for years. He's a total jerk and always has been. The place is disgusting and should be gone. People are out of their minds to spend 100 bucks on a dozen MD crabs that aren't even from MD. How's this link for spreading rumor?

    1. Anonymous2:50 PM

      Oh wow that article is open for interpretation from either side on what actually happened.

  9. Anonymous2:53 PM

    That story is from 1993. Many coveted Millennials were not even born yet.

    But this sentence is key: "You go for the crabs, not for the service.

    1. Anonymous4:15 PM

      Maybe amend that to "You go for the overpriced crabs, not for the service."

  10. Anonymous3:15 PM

    7:20 AM, 12:39 PM = Benny Greenberg

  11. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Flush good money down the toilet to be treated like trash and ripped off of your hard earned money. You realize you could have an extremely nice dinner for two at a hot DC restaurant for the price they charge?

  12. Anonymous6:27 AM

    @ 3:15 PM - My guess is that he's the guy who tried to open "The Crab House" where Benihana is now. He sure is... crabby. LOL

  13. Anonymous8:37 AM


  14. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Isn't Dyer the one who says "slanderous comments will not be tolerated here"?

    1. Anonymous12:31 PM

      Only when he thinks it is slanderous to himself. Otherwise the comment policy is ignored.

  15. Anonymous4:50 PM

    @6:27 Oh yeah.. Whatever happened to that plan to open another crab house in Bethesda?

    As for the one that's there, where I've eaten often, it's not cheap ($60-70/dozen out of season) but the service is perfectly fine, and cost per person isn't that out of line with other restaurants on the same street. I think the closest alternative is to pick up a dozen from that carry out crab place in Silver Spring, but then you have to be ready for a big clean-up if you eat them at home.

  16. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Not sure what "Crabby" was expecting in terms of service. Basically, you are taken to your table, and asked how many crabs you want. You buy chips and/or drinks at the front. Works just fine for me and anyone else other than him.

    1. Anonymous5:11 AM

      Most people expect a bit more than that when they spend that kind of money... :)

  17. Anonymous5:12 AM

    I asked if they do bushels to go.... yes at $400 you can buy one.

  18. Anonymous5:24 AM

    Agreed on the service comment--some of the nastiest people in Bethesda work at (and manage) this restaurant. It's a shame, really, and unnecessary.

  19. Anonymous5:43 AM

    It's not open for interpretation ok? As I commented above, my parents knew the owner, who is still the owner, socially and he was and is one of the biggest A-holes in town. How he's in business with all the "modern" places now is beyond me. It's dark, dirty and out of date inside. The most shocking is that people will pay hundreds of dollars for a few dozen crabs. Please, please Bethesda Crab go out of business.

  20. Anonymous7:33 AM

    I heard that "Crabby's" parents are the biggest A-holes in Bethesda. LOL

  21. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Interviewing the owners would be a great followup!

    1. Anonymous10:09 AM

      Dyer doesn't really ever follow up on anything unfortunately. He brings up a lot of good points and then drops the ball and disappears on any given topic and nothing gets done. Like our county council!
