Monday, February 15, 2016

First look: Flats at 8300 lobby + more (Video/Photos) #Bethesda

A wall of water
cascades inside the
Flats at 8300 lobby
Here's the first look inside the lobby of the future Flats at 8300 luxury apartments in downtown Bethesda. I just posted a set of pics the other day from this StonebridgeCarras project, which includes a Harris Teeter grocery store.

But more barricades have come down, so here are some closer looks at the grocery store exterior, first public art pieces, and the courtyard in the center of the building. Donohoe is the construction contractor for everything except the super-secret Harris Teeter interior. Bozzuto is the property manager.

Check out these distinctive
pavers on the Wisconsin Ave.
side of the building - not
the same old Bethesda streetscape
Light fixture 
Public art installation

Lobby with Rosedale
Apartments in the distance

Looking into courtyard,
facing the medical library and
NIH from this position

Harris Teeter

Harris Teeter


  1. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Notice how you never, ever see Dyer's reflection in the windows?


    1. 6:31: Most professional photos don't show the photographer in the image. Surely your angel investors can afford to send you to News Photography 101!

    2. Anonymous7:26 AM

      Obviously Dyer isn't a vampire. But he does a good job of angling the picture to keep the reflections out of the picture whenever he's snapping photos through the windows outside someone's shop.

  2. Anonymous6:33 AM

    There's still snow on the sidewalk. Hans Riemer must die!

  3. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Downtown Bethesda? Really?

  4. Anonymous8:29 AM

    "here's a pic of dirt outside Harris Teeter"

  5. Steve Hell7:03 PM

    You may have noticed that I require my photographers to include a few shots of me in our slideshows. I'm sexy and our readers appreciate that.

    Eat your heart out Dyer!
