Friday, February 19, 2016

Tapp'd Bethesda to take over Union Jack's space

Tapp'd appears to be the new tenant taking over the recently-closed Union Jack's Bethesda space at 4915 St. Elmo Avenue. A source tells me that will be the name. After some investigation on my part, the new bar appears to be related to the ownership of the last one.

Union Jack's co-founder Gary Ouellette has indeed registered a domain, The website is not yet active as of this writing. As I reported yesterday, some parts of the interior are being demolished, but you'll notice that the bar remained untouched as of that evening.


  1. Betsy5:54 AM

    Nice investigative work on the domain and ownership!

  2. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Bethesda Magazine reported this several days ago.

    1. 6:46: Total BS. You're flat out lying. This is breaking news.

  3. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Since Hans Riemer gets the blame for the closure of Union Jacks, will he get credit for Tapp'd opening there?

    1. Betsy6:53 AM

      Of course! Only makes sense to go both directions.

    2. 6:49: No, Riemer's too low-energy. Even his weak special orders liquor bill is on the trashpile of history. He doesn't have the stamina or energy to serve on the Council, much less run a bar.

    3. Anonymous7:53 AM

      It must totally suck to have been defeated in two landslides, to such a low-energy loser.

      Or maybe he has more energy than you?

    4. 7:53: No, Riemer's so low-energy, the Post withdrew their endorsement in 2014.

  4. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Hello 6:46 AM.
    Dyer broke the news on Tapp'd.

    How was Montgomery Mall this morning?

  5. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Another failure waiting to happen.

  6. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Thanks, Riemer! I can't wait to vote for him again.

    1. 7:57: Your job depends on it, and you can't wait to get his coffee and pick up his dry cleaning. You're a regular Guy Friday for Riemer.

  7. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Is Dyer a Trump supporter?! Exciting.

  8. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Dyer now resorting to "Trumpology" with the label liar. Classy.

  9. Anonymous8:07 AM

    @6:46am Nope, BM didn't scoop Dyer on this one. They didn't report the new name or other details.

    Then today, they reported the Lucky Strike thing a day after Dyer did. At least they credited him this time.

  10. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Robert Dyer is living proof that Donald Trump and Mama June Shannon are more than just friends.

  11. Anonymous8:17 AM

    "At least they credited him this time."

    BM always credits Dyer. Dyer's the one who has literally never once credited BM, even though they, e.g. broke the Union Jack closing news.

    1. 8:17: Union Jack's announced their closure on Facebook - not a scoop. Meanwhile, this article is about what is replacing it. Breaking news - not just posted on Facebook.

    2. 8:17: By the way, no, they don't always credit me.

  12. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Make Bethesda Great Again!

    1. 8:24: Make yesterday's news great again!

  13. Anonymous9:31 AM

    So I don't know a thing about the new place and I'm already bored with it.

  14. Anonymous9:59 AM

    BM doesn't always credit Dyer. Look at the CityBurger closing earlier this week. Dyer announced it first. No credit from BM.

    Now the funny thing is how incompetent BM is. Look at the timing on Dyer's post here about Tapp'd. 5am PST so 8am EST. He probably wrote it overnight, and chose to sit on it and have it published at 8am. He knew he'd STILL scoop BM on this, even by sitting on it a few hours... and for a place that's 2 blocks from BM offices!

  15. Anonymous11:22 AM

    9:59am comment = Dyer posting anonymously

  16. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Presumably 11:58 is Bethesda Mag?
    Bethesda Mag's publisher has personally plagiarized several of Dyer's stories under his own byline.

    Folks who read both sites recognize that Steve Hull is continuing more of the same bad behavior this week. Really sad for Steve Hull. He's not fooling anyone and looks really small with this stuff.

  17. George Hayduke12:09 PM

    Hopefully this new place will be along the lines of Brickside and Gringos where younger professionals can have a drink. The name might need a little work thought, but you can't blame Riemer for how business owners try to market or brand their establishments, as a die-hard Republican, Dyer should look for business related incentives rather than just blaming the government (Hans Riemer) for the bar closures.

    I'd still like to hear the specific vision Dyer has for Bethesda's night life, if Hans Riemer is doing such a terrible job, what would he do better?

  18. Peter1:22 PM

    Love it that the Moribundly Sloth-Energy-Level Dyer can take the time to write "Union Jack's announced their closure on Facebook - not a scoop" .... but then says "Meanwhile, this article is about what is replacing it. Breaking news - not just posted on Facebook. "

    I guess the energy level is such that he doesn't want to mention either who his own source was for said. Maybe it was his buddy Hans?

  19. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Apparently, there's an audience that reads both sites and are realizing that Bethesda Mag is not crediting Dyer.

    BM indeed.

  20. Anonymous2:09 PM

    "Presumably 11:58 is Bethesda Mag?"

    No, I'm not Bethesda Mag, you paranoid fool. I'm just someone smart enough to look up and see that you were making crap up about Dyer breaking that news story.

    1. 2:09: First of all, you're a filthy liar. Second of all, who else besides BM would be this passionately concerned about BM? Think about it.

  21. Anonymous2:18 PM

    If Bethesda Mag would stop trolling Dyer, they might have time to occasionally break news.

  22. Anonymous3:07 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Steve Hull's Bethesda Mag bloggers, one of which already drove one Bethesda blog into a ditch (hello Aaron), and who haven't sniffed a job promotion in years are giving Dyer career advice?

    1. Anonymous5:59 AM

      Did I miss an announcement of Dyer's promotion?

      Did I miss a mention of him having a job?

  24. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Never liked going downstairs to a bar. Make it street level and you would have a great bar property. Make the basement a music venue. Think soundcheck.

  25. A full moon and me breaking all the big stories this week has indeed brought out the craziness in the comments section again. Meanwhile, I thank the mature and civilized readers who have added to the discussion on the ACTUAL TOPIC of the article above with their comments.

  26. It was interesting that in one of the libelous troll comments I deleted, the guy made a Freudian slip in referring to people who tweet tips to me. And which publication routinely trolls my Twitter feed to try to steal those tips? #Oops

  27. Anonymous8:14 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  28. Anonymous8:18 PM

    The only thing stupider than a normal Dyer reply is a Dyer reply made regarding a comment he's deleted. You're literally shouting at nothing, Bobby boy.

  29. Anonymous8:30 PM

    The "Freudian slip" is on Dyer's part. His insane reactions to comments about his shill only serve to confirm his identity.

    1. 8:30: No, they only serve to confirm you are a stalker, and that you are one of a handful of people who attended certain development meetings in downtown Bethesda. And given that multiple readers have told me they comment on here, you are the "insane" person who insists that there is one person typing all the comments that correctly point out what a childish person you are. Man up.

  30. Anonymous9:07 PM

    Calm down 8:14 and 8;18 and 8:30. Your addiction to Robert Dyer is frighteningly out of control.
    the #1 Tool of law enforcement today is social media

  31. Anonymous9:47 PM

    I've never understood why the Bethesda Mag staff trolls and attacks Robert here. Just do your thing and let Robert do his. These ridiculous attacks on Robert are really tarnishing the Bethesda Mag brand at this point.

    1. Anonymous4:01 AM

      What evidence do you have to believe it is the BM staff? One would think you would require proof.

    2. Anonymous1:49 PM

      Why the heck would you think BM comments here? If anything, they'd not comment so as to not push up his clicks. Everyone hates Dyer; it has nothing to do with being staffed by BM.

  32. Anonymous5:52 AM

    There goes 4:01AM, starting shizz again. SMH

    1. Anonymous6:49 AM

      Wouldn't 9:47 be the one starting "shizz" with the baseless accusations without evidence? :)

  33. Anonymous2:48 PM

    1:49PM: Lemme fix that for you:
    "Everyone working as a Bethesda Mag blogger hates Dyer"

    You're welcome.

    I'm sure Bethesda Mag's owner Hull doesn't want to help Dyer's "clicks", you idiot. That's part of why he's plagiarized Dyer in the past and doesn't like sourcing him. Folks read both sites and have caught on already.

  34. Peter9:20 PM

    Frankly any low-energy-statement from Dyer about BM staff commenting on his blog I ignore, it's not like he is posting any verifiable proof of said (such as source IP addresses from comments that would be provable to trace back to BM), which is part of the sloth-level-energy MO.

  35. Anonymous4:49 AM

    Dyer's only readers are BM staff and Hans Riemer.

    You heard that straight from the Dyer brothers.

  36. Anonymous12:49 PM

    I always get such a kick out of the posters who basically demand what they think needs to happen. And all the cute little descriptions and names you come up with for Dyer.

    Honestly, some of you commenters are so eager to embarrass yourselves. It's quite amusing. But also a little sad.

    Like a TRUTH someone mentioned above:
    "Folks read both sites and have caught on already."

    To Robert Dyer:
    Thanks for all you do putting together your various blogs, twitter, etc. Getting the stories, talking to people & taking pictures. Oh, and I'm not asking for you to anything but to continue what you do. It's much appreciated. should be all the haters calling me names, insinuating I'm someone I'm not, simply because I said something nice. I'm rubber y'all are glue...Bounces off me and sticks to you. (see, I can be childish too)

    1. Anonymous1:09 PM


    2. Anonymous5:04 AM

      and Dyer is definitely not demanding for anything to happen with Montgomery County and the county council (Riemer in particular). Hahaha.

  37. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Amazing Bethesda Mag employs nasty folks like Dyer's stalker. Like a child, he always needs the last word.

  38. Anonymous9:09 PM

    From above:

    "The #1 Tool of law enforcement today is social media"
    Something to think about 3:15PM

  39. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Yeah, because demanding something of an elected official is exactly the same as demanding from a hyper-local blogger.
