Monday, March 28, 2016

Batman v Superman takeover at ArcLight Cinemas in Bethesda (Photos)

ArcLight Cinemas is literally wall-to-wall Batman v Superman right now. Last week I told you about the special character-themed cocktails from the movie available at the bar. 

But there is also a special souvenir glass ($12) you can keep if you order a draft beer. Check out their massive poster wall in the lobby, and a treasure trove of Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman merchandise available in the lobby gift shop. 

You can click here to watch my review of the Man in Blue cocktail at the bar, and of the movie itself.


  1. Anonymous5:03 AM

    Maybe once this movie is done they can do a Dyer vs Reimer takeover.

  2. Betsy5:47 AM

    That's fun chronicling youd trip. How was the movie? How come you chose Arclight over iPic? So many little kids running around the mall.

  3. 5:47: The special cocktails by themselves made it a good choice.

  4. Anonymous5:57 AM

    If you want to see Reimer vs. Dyer, load up the MyMCMedia debate from last election.
    Needless to say, Reimer was peeing in his pants by the end.

    1. Anonymous6:41 AM

      Pants peeing apparently wins elections over fast food reviewing.

  5. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Dyer's shill seems to think that he is in a high school parking lot, and is obsessed with Hans Riemer's bodily functions. Very strange. From the results of the election, Riemer appears to have won that debate.

    1. 6:09: Let's have a fair election with a free press, and then see what the results are. You know how many local media outlets reported I crushed Hans Riemer in that debate? Zero.

    2. Anonymous8:22 AM

      Ok so it's the systems fault?

    3. 8:22: Yeah, thanks to the MoCo political cartel.

  6. Anonymous6:10 AM

    "The special cocktails by themselves made it a good choice."

    If you think that the cocktails are more important than the movie, then you just might have a drinking problem.

  7. Anonymous6:40 AM

    I heartily disagree with you 6:10. Imagine watching an Obama biopic directed by Michael Moore with a glass of 2005 La Mission Haut Brion. Now imagine watching the same movie with a glass of Skinny Girl Pinot Noir. Which would you enjoy more?

  8. Anonymous6:44 AM

    I heard the movie was pretty bad so maybe cocktails weren't a bad idea! Hope Dyer had a designated driver though. That's a problem with Montgomery Mall - only car and bus access. Drivers can't really drink there. IPic at Pike and Rose has metro. Regal Bethesda has metro too but that theater is crappy compared to these two new ones. Cheaper though.

  9. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Love your review. Two hour beatdown! hahaha. You nailed it.

  10. Anonymous7:05 AM

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  11. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Horrible movie.

  12. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Dyer's jacket is about two sizes too big. Did he get it at Good Will? Also, he badly needs to iron his pants.

    1. 7:26: Look who's talking - the most disheveled "man" in Bethesda. Hysterical hypocrisy!

    2. Robert8:20 AM

      7:26 is anonymous. How do you know he's a man much less disheveled?

    3. 8:20: Actually, I know he's a "man" rather than a man. And he's disheveled, to boot.

    4. Anonymous9:49 AM

      What does that mean?

  13. Anonymous8:25 AM

    That is not very nice 7:26. People who get on Robert's case on here are a really sad bunch. When they're done complaining about how they don't think Robert has a job outside this blog, they turn to complaining about how he dresses in a thrifty manner.

    You can't have it both ways. No matter what, Robert is running a website that we all use. Some of us even enjoy it. Don't let these guys get to you Robert. Bethesda would be just another boring suburb without interesting people like you.

    Not a Dyer schill. Just a decent human being.

  14. Anonymous8:27 AM

    "You know how many local media outlets reported that the Earth is flat and the Sun revolves around it? Zero."

  15. Anonymous8:29 AM

    There's a reason Hull only allows himself to appear in the slideshows on his site :)

  16. Anonymous8:46 AM

    @ 8:25 AM - You don't have to be rich to know how to iron your pants properly.

    "Bethesda would be just another boring suburb without interesting people like you."

    LOL. Such pathetic codependence.

    @ 8:32 AM - Have you ever come up with any possible reasons for your failure other than "MoCo Cartel"?

    1. 8:46: What if the guy who's criticizing walks around Bethesda looking as if he just rolled out of bed?

      Another reason besides the cartel - low-information voters who don't do their homework before voting.

    2. Anonymous8:41 AM

      Kraut is a pretty poor dresser I don't think folks will disagree. Lol.

  17. Anonymous9:29 AM

    What does it mean to "swing sh#t"? Perhaps you meant "fling"?

  18. Anonymous9:49 AM

    iPic is much more convenient to Westbard drunks who don't have designated drivers or can't afford Uber. A two-seat ride - T2, to the Red Line, and from there a 2000 ft. walk And it will be even more convenient once the free shuttlebus between Westbard and the Metro opens. And more convenient still when the Purple Line is extended to Westbard.

    Whereas it's a three-seat ride, and very indirect, ride from Westbard to ArkLite - T2, Metro or Ride-On 34, to J bus from Bethesda.

  19. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Yes, it seems like arch blight promotes drinking and driving. What message is this sending the children?

  20. Anonymous9:54 AM

    9:49 There's regular bus service from Bethesda Metro to Westfield Montgomery, so saying iPic is better due to bus access isn't a valid argument.

    1. Anonymous3:01 PM

      Isn't metro just down the street from iPic?

    2. Anonymous3:02 PM

      9:49's argument seems to be its *easier to get to iPic via bus. Sounds like a perfectly valid argument.

  21. Anonymous10:31 AM

    @9:53 It sends a perfectly safe message to my children: Let the Au Pair handle the driving.

  22. Anonymous3:34 PM

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  23. Anonymous4:53 PM

    "Man In Blue" ingredients: Vodka, gin, rum, tequila, blue curacao, Sprite, grenadine.

    Long Island Ice Tea by another name. For alkies who are in too big a hurry to drink five standard mixed drinks.

    1. 4:53: There's blue curacao in Long Island Iced Tea?

  24. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Long Island Iced Tea has triple sec instead of blue curacao. Huge fucking difference there.

  25. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Well it's enough of a difference to call it a different name...SMDH

  26. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Triple sec and curacao (with or without the blue dye) are interchangeable. They're both made from orange peel.

    Why not just call it "Long Island Iced Tea with Gross Blue Dye added"?
