Thursday, March 24, 2016

Yet another popular Bethesda bar for sale

A business-for-sale listing is offering a "top restaurant and bar" that opened in 2002 in Bethesda for sale. Much of the description of the business is word-for-word taken from the "About" section on the Caddies on Cordell website. I also happen to recall that Caddies opened in 2002.

This doesn't mean that Caddies is closing. But clearly they are exploring their options in soliciting offers for the establishment. Caddies is usually packed on weekend nights, so they are definitely not in a decline.


  1. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Dyer sure is starting a lot of nefarious whispering campaigns against popular Bethesda bars and restaurants lately.

    Is Dyer part of Greenhill's conspiracy to take over the Woodmont Triangle?

  2. Anonymous5:51 AM

    So did Dyer ever contact the owners/management of Caddies for more information? Mussel Bar? Smashburger?

  3. 5:37: What does reporting on a bar being offered for sale via public advertisement have to do with a "nefarious whisper campaign"?

    You sound like a nutjob.

    5:51: You sound like a nutjob, too. Don't tell me, it's another bar and they're just using the text from the Caddies website, right? Did Frank get his pizza yet from Pizza Pass?

  4. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Dyer goes to Caddies? I thought it's too well lit in there.

  5. Anonymous6:15 AM

    What happened to Frank? He was a regular here, then after the Pizza Pass fiasco, he disappeared.

  6. Just a thought, but maybe this is just good time to sell at a nice profit for owners who operated all through the great recession.

  7. Anonymous6:39 AM

    "But clearly they are exploring their options in soliciting offers for the establishment."

    And yet Dyer doesn't even have the slightest inclination to contact them, to ask if they can give any information on what is going on?

    More passive-aggressive reporting by Dyer.

  8. It isn't rumor or whisper campaign. Caddies owner's have done well and are ready to get out should someone come along and make a good offer. If not, they won't.

  9. Anonymous6:57 AM

    There is a "space for lease" sign on the second floor of the building that holds the Norfolk Avenue Starbucks. Now there's another opportunity for Dyer to stir the pot.

  10. Anonymous7:10 AM

    With a name like Caddies, that bar sounds like it should be a delightful little hole in the wall place on Martha's Vineyard or Nantucket full of smartly dressed folks enjoying a relaxing time on the island. When we went there we found that it was not like that at all.

    I guess the only thing we have for a taste of the islands without leaving home is Jetties. Its a shame really.

  11. Yes, Caddies could never be mistaken for quaint and no one came back and said, about the food, "hey, that place outta be on Diner's, Drive-ins, and Dives".

  12. Anonymous7:24 AM

    6:57 AM Robert Dyer already reported weeks ago that the whole building with Starbucks in the Woodmont Triangle is for lease.

    1. Anonymous7:48 AM

      Just the upstairs office space I believe

  13. He sure did. I'm shocked that hasn't found the wrecking ball yet. It's outdated and ugly.

  14. Anonymous7:31 AM

    @ 7:10 AM - Well, the world needs ditch-diggers, too.

  15. A. Lindsey7:50 AM

    6:39 it's the same old MO Dyer has always had. He doesn't follow through. Throws out lots of opinion and idea but doesn't support his statements. Ignores the tough questions. Doesn't provide details. Insults anyone with a different opinion. Etc.

    1. 7:50: Baloney. Same old talking points from a competing website. Everything you wrote is a lie. No reader has ever been insulted, just the well-paid trolls from the MoCo political cartel and competing websites. "Etc."

  16. Anonymous8:01 AM

    @ 7:50 AM - Dyer would rather insult his readers, from his keyboard, than contact live people to get more information to provide more context to his stories.

  17. Anonymous8:16 AM

    @7:50am Here's how it works. Dyer does the work to get the scoop and reports on it. Then, the other competing website reads his story, and does the remainder of the work (contacting the restaurant for comment, etc) and reports on it.

    Maybe it's the formula for peaceful coexistence?

  18. Robert8:20 AM

    I've just made the link. Robert Dyer is the TMZ of Bethesda!

  19. Anonymous8:24 AM

    @ 8:20 PM - "There is no such thing as bad publicity."

  20. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Caddies: Because ditch diggers need a place to drink too.

  21. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Here's how it works. Dyer does the work to get the scoop and reports on it. Steve Hull at Bethesda Mag re-writes it (plagiarism) and posts on his site. Rinse and repeat.

    Hull does the same thing with Post articles. Simply re-writes them and posts under his bylines. Disgraceful.

    Never asks tough questions. That's why Riemer and Leventhal love Bethesda Mag.

  22. Anonymous9:27 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. A. Lindsey9:31 AM

    See what I mean? As ridiculous as comments get here, you sink to their level and then some.

    What trolls are being paid here to comment on your blog? How would someone even go about proving that? It's completely and utterly made up.

    1. 9:31: These guys are so lowdown, it's physically impossible to "sink to their level."

    2. Anonymous10:01 AM

      And there you are ignoring the question about proof.

  24. Anonymous10:10 AM

    What's the deal with Hull and his Bethesda magazine covers.... Anyone concerned about the lack of diversity? Look back 3 years worth of issues and I see a common theme and it stinks.

  25. Anonymous10:48 AM

    A Lindsey- please provide proof that "It's completely and utterly made up. "

    1. A. Lindsey11:23 AM

      The commenters regularly deny it. Burden of proof would be on the accuser

  26. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Caddies has been financially struggling for years and goes by the model "Make your money on Friday and Saturday nights because you wont make money any other night". The frat boy party crowd that lived in this place has grown up to be family men and going to places like Caddies is no longer of value. That quote is directly from their owner.

  27. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Would Hull be comfortable putting Isiah Leggett on a future cover? Serious question.

  28. Anonymous11:28 AM

    @11:08 AM - Although I am not a frat boy by any means I did grow up in Bethesda and I probably fit within their age range of clients. Over the last few years I have consistently not liked going to Caddies. Some reasons are my wife hates the place and others being the food sucks. The nachos are about one step up above movie theater nachos. My wife would go if the food was above decent quality. I really like the outdoor patio and balcony. But in the summer upstairs it is like a sauna in there and all they have is a big industrial fan...They really needed to reinvent their bar about four years ago.

  29. Anonymous11:29 AM

    @ 11:14 AM -

    Given that they have not put pictures of ANY of our local officials on their covers, in the decade that they have been publishing, your question is idiotic.

  30. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Yes, the MoCo Cartel and Bethesda Magazine are out to get you, Dyer. I'm paid to represent both of them in their attempt to silence you and your 10,000 word rambles on Westbard and halfassed posts about possible restaurant ownership changes.

    1. 12:30: Judging from your many threatening statements I've deleted but saved copies of for law enforcement, you are also being paid to stalk, harass and threaten me to stop publishing my blog. That won't happen, but you will likely wind up in jail as a result, with your employer and Council patrons sharing in your disgrace and felony conviction by association. Pro tip: quit while you're still a free man.

  31. Oh, it's getting good now. By the way, why doesn't Beth Mag just pay Robert to go away if he's an affront to them or an otherwise irritant?

    1. Anonymous3:38 PM

      I don't think Beth Mag is an affront to them or an otherwise irritant. The animosity is pretty one-sided - Dyer disliking Beth Mag.

    2. Anonymous3:42 PM

      *i don't think Robert Dyer is....


    3. 3:38: Sorry, you're wrong - I've been minding my own business publishing this blog and trying to help local businesses and the community. Newcomers to the scene have aggressively lashed out and tried to disrupt my site. The facts speak for themselves - there are never critical comments posted on my competitors' sites, but mysteriously, a lot of trolling and spam promotion of their sites in MY comments section.

      Anyone who examines the facts would have to be very low in IQ to claim I am the bad actor here.

  32. Anonymous4:14 PM

    This is a very legit piece of information that Dyer has posted. No...I am in NO WAY connected or have any affiliation to Dyer. One of the owners has mentioned that this was on the horizon to a few local regulars within the last few months.

  33. Yes, locals have known this. I posted that it was not rumor.

  34. Anonymous9:20 PM

    7:38pm Yes, Robert Dyer doesn't anonymously troll other sites like Steve Hull's Bethesda Magazine staff does here. That's actually a good thing.

    Hull & Co. clearly have to much hate and time on their hands.

    Hull: You've got enough issues at your place, no need to bring the hate to Robert Dyer's site. I urge you to represent the county better in your magazine! I went back three years worth of covers and the lack of diversity is sickening! Get out of Chevy Chase occasionally...maybe tour the rest of the county secure in a bus like George and Hans did in Bethesda?!

  35. Anonymous11:31 PM

    Bethesda Beat seems to get the same information out a lot later than Mr. Dyer does. Their articles are written like a high school student wrote them. I do understand that news publications are supposed to be written at a 4th grade reading level, but the 4th graders around here tend to read at a much higher level.

    1. Anonymous5:22 AM

      BB is written like a high schooler? Really? And Dyer is written like a conspiracy theorist!

    2. Anonymous5:39 AM

      11:31pm competent teen writers at high school papers should be insulted at your comment :)

  36. Anonymous6:36 AM

    10:10 AM:

    I must have missed all those pictures of black and hispanic people on Dyer's blog. Perhaps you could direct me to some?

    But what I didn't miss is all of Dyer's racial dog-whistles in his articles about new housing in Westbard and other places.

    1. 6:36: You really have missed a lot - my ongoing coverage of the growing achievement gap, my reports of the low morale among young African Americans in MoCo, and my special report that showed black students are more likely to be suspended by MCPS than in Texas.

      You're the racist - playing the race card and the civil rights legacy so a developer can make bigger profits. Shameful! And I have to agree, BM certainly lacks diversity in its content and on its covers.

  37. Anonymous6:53 AM

    A Lindsey -you said "The commenters regularly deny it. Burden of proof would be on the accuser "
    I agree that's why I'm asking *you*to prove your accusations.

    1. A. Lindsey7:59 AM

      What accusations did I make again?

  38. Anonymous6:56 AM

    11:31 PM (2:31 AM normal-people time) - Go to bed already. LOL

  39. Anonymous8:22 AM

    A. Lindsey - reminding everyone of what Dyer has actually said is "accusing" him, per his shill, that anonymous (or so he thinks) coward.

  40. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Oh, look. Dyer is playing the "playing the race card" card.

    "My special report that showed black students are more likely to be suspended by MCPS than in Texas"

    No, it didn't. Your grasp of statistical analysis is pathetic.

  41. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Dyer: "A recent report...showed African-American students in Montgomery County Public Schools are 3 times as likely to be suspended from school as white and Asian students...the Texas Appleseed report, titled "Suspended Childhood", found that black students in that state are less likely to be suspended than black students in Montgomery County. Black students in Texas are more than 2 times as likely to be suspended as whites - not laudable, but lower than in MCPS schools."

    From the Texas study: "Black students make up about 13% of the elementary school population in Texas, but they account for 42% of all Pre-K through 5th grade out-of-school suspensions."

    Three times 13% is 39%. 42% is greater than three times 13%.

    1. 8:28: Old argument you lost a long time ago. If it was 3x, only an idiot wouldn't have used that to bolster their argument in the report. "More than 2x" DOES NOT EQUAL 3x.

  42. Anonymous8:47 AM

    A Lindsey - your words. "It's completely and utterly made up."
    That's an accusation. Just asking for substantiation.

    8:22 - " per his shill, that anonymous (or so he thinks) coward" Your ignorance is showing. Wrong, wrong and wrong. But please, tell me who you think I am.

  43. A. Lindsey9:23 AM

    I have no words....

  44. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Shows you the thought process of Dyer and his supporters.

  45. Anonymous11:30 AM

    a Lindsey--Wait, you came in here bitching about accusations being made with no proof, then you made an accusation. Why shouldn't you be subject to the same rules?

    Yes, 9:17 I guess I am. And I provided proof.

    Thought process intact!

    1. A. Lindsey12:19 PM

      What again was the accusation I made?

  46. Anonymous1:57 PM

    9:31AM It's completely and utterly made up.

  47. Anonymous2:04 PM

    No race cards or accusations are needed. I loaded the Bethesda Mag app, reviewed every cover (3 years worth are in there) and am stating that the magazine appears to be covering an alternate universe MoCo that I don't live in.
    Just an honest suggestion to be more inclusive! It's your magazine, do what you want.

  48. 8:24: Always hysterical to hear the racist Montgomery County political cartel try to play the race card in defense of private developer profits.

  49. Gotta be a Robert Dyer comment record and for something stupid - a "yesterday's news" bar that may or may not be closing in the near future. Move along, nothing more to see here.

  50. Anonymous3:58 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Anonymous7:38 PM

      It's not just African Americans, in three years worth of issues (confirmed via the magazine app) there haven't been Hispanics or Asians featured. Do the Bethesda Mag folks get out of their Chevy Chase enclave much?
      I challenge you to do better to expand your magazine readership!

    2. Dawayne8:06 PM

      Dyer definitely does not represent my perspective whatsoever. I doubt he even considers it even in passing.

  51. Anonymous4:10 PM

    @ 2:04 PM " alternate universe MoCo that I don't live in."

    You mean the one where the sun never shines and where the streets are always completely empty?

  52. Anonymous8:12 PM

    The only times you see pictures of African-Americans on Dyer's blog, are in his crime reports.

    1. 8:12: Lots more on here than on the cover of BM, which has zero according to the other commenter who went back through the archives. There are no photos in my daily crime reports, by the way. Good lie, but no cigar.

  53. Dawayne1:09 AM

    No pictures in your crime reports but we get what you are insinuating always.

  54. 1:09: And what am I "insinuating", "Dawayne"?

    1. Dawayne6:03 AM

      Are you making fun of my name?!

  55. Anonymous5:31 AM

    "Lots more on here than on the cover of BM, which has zero according to my shill who claims to have gone back through the archives."

  56. 5:31: Notice how quiet the comments section here got on Thursday evening? #Oops

  57. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Please quit the racist bullsh*t. You "commenters" are engineering the whole thing and throwing disrespect. Appalling. Not all of us reading here and living well in Bethesda are white.
