Sunday, April 17, 2016

Bethesda Row restaurant week 2016 starts Monday, April 18

Bethesda Row Restaurant Week 2016 is here, and will give you a chance to try the newest hot spot at the row, Kapnos Kouzina. The rustic Greek restaurant is the newest venture from celebrity chef Mike Isabella, and just received a good score from normally Bethesda-averse Tom Sietsma of the Washington Post.

Restaurant Week will run from tomorrow, April 18, until next Sunday, April 24.

Kapnos will be joined by many other popular dining destinations at Bethesda Row, including: American Tap Room, Cafe Deluxe, Jaleo, Lebanese Taverna, Mamma Lucia, Mon Ami Gabi, Mussel Bar, Raku and Redwood.

Three-course lunches will be $17 (except at Mussel Bar, which only is participating for dinner), and three-course dinners will cost $32. Save $2 on your Restaurant Week bill at participating restaurants when you show your parking ticket from the Elm Street Garage (located at 4950 Elm Street near the corner of Elm Street and Arlington Road).


  1. Anonymous7:53 AM

    That picture just fills me with excited anticipation.

    Seriously... you could have at least taken the picture such that the sign for Kapnos Kouzina was actually visible and legible.

    1. 7:53: Not very credible criticism coming from a guy who A) is an amateur hack photographer, and B) is committed to ensuring Maryland's U.S. Senate delegation remains white and elderly male for decades to come.

    2. Anonymous1:54 PM

      Not sure what/who you're arguing with Robert, but we the readers may need a primer on your rant. Why are you comparing a commenter to a racist WV senator? And assuming you're commenting on the Senate race, why is being black and female suddenly better qualifications to hold office over competent and experienced? Seriously,are you implying that Edwards would be a better senator than Van Hollen?

    3. 1:54: Just the same troll as always. I'm pointing out the fact that the Montgomery County Council and the rest of the MoCo political cartel have opposed every black candidate for U.S. Senate since at least 2006. After seeing how "effective" Mr. Van Hollen was in the Bethesda post office scandal, and having contacted his office twice on two other issues and not having even received the courtesy of a response, I can confidently say Edwards would be a better Senator than Van Hollen.

  2. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Keep moving those goalposts, Dyer.

  3. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Those 2 obviously know each other. Amusing chatter.

    1. Anonymous4:03 PM

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  4. Anonymous4:02 AM

    So the disappointing location of the new Bethesda Post Office is now a "scandal"?

    "...having contacted his office twice on two other issues and not having even received the courtesy of a response..."

    They don't feed trolls, mang.


  5. 4:02: Van Hollen refers to his constituents as "trolls"? I'm sure the voters would like to know that before heading to the polls. "LOL"

  6. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Meanwhile, back at the plate, try focusing on better subject oriented pics in the future. Your connections are worse than a Rorschach test.

  7. Anonymous12:26 PM

    He should take and post pictures however he likes. After all, it is his blog.

    If you were at any local business meetings you would know that not only was the post office fiasco a scandal, it was also a laughingstock.
