Saturday, May 28, 2016

New José Andrés restaurant in Bethesda hiring

Beefsteak, the new fast-casual restaurant from the culinary empire of Chef José Andrés at Westfield Montgomery Mall, is hiring for all positions. They will be welcoming prospective employees in-person at the restaurant's Dining Terrace location next week, but also at an Open House from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM on June 3 and 4, where they say they will "hire on the spot."


  1. Anonymous7:03 AM

    The lighting is weird, and the sizes of Jose Andres and Robert Dyer are not quite right in relation to each other.


    1. 7:03: Do you realize how stupid you sound?

  2. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Dyer's suit jacket looks like it's about 5 sizes too large. Did he rent it?

    1. 7:09: Says the sartorially-challenged tool. You're no authority on men's fashion last time I checked, hobo. You're messing up George Leventhal's homeless count just by being in the CBD.

  3. Anonymous7:15 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Anonymous7:33 AM

    I love the surprised smirk on Jose Andres' face, and the cringey looks of the people in the background, after getting caught in Dyer's selfie.

    1. 7:33: I love the surprised smirk on your face, when you realize that none of my competitors have a photo with José Andrés. And the cringy taxpayer funded newsletters of Ken Hartman in which he improperly uses public funds to boost traffic to a competing media outlet, an arrangement that will have to be examined by the Inspector General.

  5. You'll never see the anonymous man child troll posting here ever use his photo...for good reason.

    Maybe he'll use public art as his avatar? Worked so well before.

  6. Anonymous3:38 PM

    "the cringy taxpayer funded newsletters of Ken Hartman in which he improperly uses public funds to boost traffic to a competing media outlet, an arrangement that will have to be examined by the Inspector General."

    Have you reported this to the Inspector General? To anyone? Have you been able to find any actual law that has supposedly been broken?

    1. 3:38: An executive branch employee using taxpayer funds to prop up a failing online venture of a local magazine is illegal for sure.

    2. Anonymous8:42 PM

      So again you say any links to external sites by any county employee is illegal?

      And you also say if he's going to link to the one site he should link to you too.

      Which is it? I'm confused by your moral compass.

  7. Anonymous7:14 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. 7:14 PM is always obsessed with talking about men's "junk".
    How many times has he referred to this obsession in the past week?
    Please get help anonymous man child.

  9. Anonymous4:23 AM

    "For sure"

    In other words, you've got nothing.

    1. 4:23: It's legal to use taxpayer money to prop up a failing private sector online venture? What country did you get your law degree in?

  10. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Dyer, if you're going to be the only one in the room wearing a tie, you need to wear it right. Not just dangling around your collar as a sloppy afterthought.

  11. My husband saw that picture and told me he had never seen the knot you are wearing with your tie. What do you call it?

  12. Anonymous9:02 AM

    This is what I see when I read comments every day.
    If this linking is not allowed, Mr D, I apologize. No diss intended.

  13. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Looks like a Kelvin Knot. Or a modified Balthus (trendy!)

  14. Anonymous10:30 AM

    It's called the "I-Don't-Really-Know-How-To-Tie-Four-In-Hand" Knot.

    Does the rabbit go around the hole once, twice, or three times?

  15. Anonymous5:07 PM

    If Ken Hartman linked to Dyer, "using taxpayer money to prop up a failing private sector online venture" would magically become "providing useful news to the people of Bethesda".

    Dyer is such a pathetic liar and a hypocrite.

    1. 5:07: Wrong! I've said government email shouldn't be linking to any private media sites - but if it is going to, then it has to link to my site, not just my competitor.

  16. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Ken, keep your linking to your favorite faux news blog on your own time!
    Don't use taxpayers money to support a self proclaimed millionaire.

  17. Anonymous9:12 PM

    What is he getting in return for all those links? More positive coverage of his office? (Probably)

    He is jealous of all the servicing Leventhal receives from his fav blogger and he wants in?

    So many questions.

  18. Anonymous9:37 PM

    @ 9:12 PM - would you be complaining if the links were to Dyer's blog?

  19. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Dyer is obsessed with Riemer. Dyer's shill is obsessed with Leventhal. That seems to be the only difference between the two.

  20. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Serious questions. What is he getting in return from the self-proclaimed millionaire?
    My assumption is he's hoping for positive coverage of his office. Maybe a "Best Of" award to boot?

  21. Anonymous9:44 PM

    9:37 PM Why link to any blog for info available from the county's own sites? Makes no sense.
    Why he is driving traffic to one particular site using a county newsletter?

    I'm trying to understand motivations.

    1. Anonymous5:22 AM

      Probably because some sites deliver straight news without injecting personal opinion.

    2. 5:22: Ha. They all deliver opinion and slant. Being pro-MoCo Cartel is not "straight news" by any means. Fortunately, I provide a forum for the real facts to be told.

  22. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Dyer's photo is from three months ago. LOL

    1. 9:55: You don't have *any* photo, so of course you have sour grapes about mine.

  23. Anonymous5:24 AM

    "5:07: Wrong! I've said government email shouldn't be linking to any private media sites - but if it is going to, then it has to link to my site, not just my competitor." - Robert Dyer

    So if I understand correctly you are saying it's not legal and then insisting you be included in the illegal behavior?

    1. 5:24: It's only bad practice to link to outside sites - an unnecessary security risk for the County, among other issues. What makes Hartman's action rise to illegality is that he only links to one website, which thereby profits monetarily at taxpayer expense. Bad.

    2. Anonymous10:48 AM

      Hi Robert, oh ok I could have sworn I saw you say somewhwre it was illegal but you're just saying its bad practice. Does it say somewhere that multiple sources must be used? I actually am subscribed to Ken's email and do see many sources, yours included. All helpful links.

    3. 10:48: Wrong - my site has been linked to about 3 times over the past few years. Hartman has linked to BM in every single newsletter - hundreds of links. Many times on stories that have broken first, to boot.

      Again, it is illegal to use taxpayer resources just to prop up a failing online venture of a private company. If links are going to be employed, they must go to a variety of sources or it's obvious something fishy is going on. Too obvious.

    4. "... Then it has to link to my site, not just my competitor." - Robert Dyer

      So you are insisting the county do an act you consider illegal?

  24. Anonymous6:31 AM

    "It's only bad practice to link to outside sites - an unnecessary security risk for the County"

    "The other place is full of viruses", claims Dyer.

  25. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Does Dyer actually believe that his El Maximo Cheapo Blogspot site is more secure than BM's?

    1. 6:36: This "cheapo" site is as good as the glossy mag's, but without the annoying ads. My mobile site is better, and the site that went out of business didn't even have a mobile version.

  26. Anonymous10:09 PM

    What is your basis for claiming that it is "failing", and thus is somehow being "propped up"?

    "If links are going to be employed, they must go to a variety of sources or it's obvious something fishy is going on."


  27. 10:09: Uh, maybe the fact that they have to spam post links in my comments section, and have every County agency and politician tweet and share their stories at taxpayer expense to get traffic? Maybe a slight giveaway they're having trouble. "LOL"

    1. Or more likely...

      Commentors on your blog have no connection to these other news organizations.

      County agencies and politicians share their stories because they are useful, and in no way are they made to do it.

    2. 5:09: No, they can link right to the appropriate page on the County website if they simply wanted to share information. It is an organized mass sharing effort, utilizing taxpayer resources to help prop up a failing online venture. I always have useful information people need to know, but none of those helpful stories is shared. I am shocked. Shocked.

    3. Anonymous3:56 PM

      " It is an organized mass sharing effort, utilizing taxpayer resources to help prop up a failing online venture" - Robert Dyer

      That's pretty weak as far as conspiracy theories go.

    4. 3:56: How is it "weak" if it's actually happening and any social media user can verify the tweets, posts and shares on Facebook? It's not a "theory," it's fact.

  28. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Maybe if you learned how to tie a necktie you'd get more respect

  29. Anonymous11:23 AM

    @938 his mom never taught him properly

  30. G. Money8:49 PM

    "I've never blamed other news outlets for things or 'created conspiracy theories.'" - Dyer, Dec 2014

    1. 8:49: And I still haven't. Baba Booey.

  31. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Isn't all social media "an organized mass sharing effort"?

  32. Anonymous5:26 AM

    8:56 - contradict yourself much? Baba Booey!! Mr. Dumass

  33. 9:42: Nope. I doubt you would go into the average corporate headquarters and find everyone sharing the same exact media posts. I understand they need the help to stay afloat with the failing website, but unfortunately, you can't use taxpayer resources for that purpose.
