Monday, May 09, 2016

Sex offense on Parklawn Dr., theft on Brookeway Dr. + more - Bethesda crime update

Here's a roundup of crimes reported across Bethesda on May 6, according to crime data:

Disorderly conduct. Parking Garage 40 (Cordell-St. Elmo Garage).

Burglary. 4300 block East-West Highway.

Theft. Giant (Westwood Shopping Center).

Theft. 4900 block Brookeway Drive (Sumner).

Theft. 4000 block Virginia Place (Brookmont).

Assault. 11100 block Rockville Pike (Pike District).

Vehicle burglary. Lord & Taylor (White Flint Mall).

Drug arrest. 11700 block Rockville Pike (Pike District).

Other sexual offense. 12000 block Parklawn Drive (Pike District).

Shooting/homicide. Westfield Montgomery Mall (full story plus update).


  1. Anonymous10:51 AM

    It looked like a cyclist or jogger got hit where the CCT crosses little falls yesterday. You hear anything about that Robert?

  2. Anonymous11:16 AM

    @1051 ha ya rite! That birdbrain doesn't "hear" anything until he reads it on Bethesda Magazine. Also wouldn't "hear" it until thursday or friday

    1. 11:16: Are you talking about the magazine that waited 24 hours to report that a Whitman family was involved in the fatal River Road crash, while the Washington Post was plagiarizing my original, enterprising reporting on the same accident?

      What does need to be reported is the amount of taxpayer money some Montgomery County Government personnel and departments are spending to boost the private profits of that magazine.

      Man, you're posting on behalf of the magazine, so you know how many stories I've beaten you on today, yesterday, last week, last month, last year... There's no comparison.

      A press release is not breaking news, moron.

  3. Anonymous11:32 AM

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  4. Anonymous7:17 PM

    "What does need to be reported is the amount of taxpayer money some Montgomery County Government personnel and departments are spending to boost the private profits of that magazine."

    This should be easy to calculate. Just take Ken Hartman's annual salary and divide by the number of minutes that it takes to type a hyperlink, then multiply by the total number of links he provided during the past year. Tell us if you have gotten a total that exceeds two digits in dollars.

  5. Anonymous7:30 PM

    "A press release is not breaking news, moron."

    Saith Dyer, in a comment under his own copypasting of a press release that gives a minimal summary of crimes that happened four days ago.

  6. Anonymous7:36 PM

    @7:17 Funny you should bring up Ken Hartman's salary. BUP (Bethesda Urban Partnership) does not publish their financial reports publicly.. despite the fact they are funded almost entirely by fees from the public who pay to park in Bethesda.

    Here's their 20+ page, glossy, flashy annual report. Notice the one thing missing? Financials!

    1. 7:36: Funny you bring up Bethesda UP, as they just tweeted a link to BM on a story I had broken a week earlier. It seems that without mysterious angel investors spending heavily on paid Google/Facebook placement and troll to post links here, and a hearty taxpayer-funded boost from Montgomery County officials, BM wouldn't have any online readership at all.

  7. Anonymous7:41 PM

    It must burn Dyer up that every time he puts a couple of quarters in a parking meter, they are going to Ken Hartman to post links to Bethesda Magazine.

    I, on the other hand, don't need to pay anything, because I can easily walk the Woodmont Triangle, and I can hop on the Circulator (also paid for by Dyer's quarters) to go to Bethesda Row.

    1. 7:41: Not for long. I called him out on this on Twitter. If the shameless promotion of BM continues, I will alert the Inspector General to this activity. Cease and desist!

  8. Anonymous9:21 PM

    "Every time Dyer puts a couple of quarters in a parking meter..."

    Hey, why do you think he takes his photos at such odd hours of the day?

    He's too cheap to pay for parking.

    Also, he's terrified of that "Mean Little South Asian Man" who does parking meter enforcement.

    1. 9:21: You publicly associate yourself with the magazine, Hans Riemer and George Leventhal, and then make a racist statement about Asian people - not a good look, folks.

    2. 9:21: By the way, I noticed you didn't call BM reporter a "vampire" when his photos of Tapp'd were taken at night, and there weren't any people in the photos. So you obviously are with the magazine, or you would have posted that comment over there.

  9. Anonymous9:38 PM

    "I will alert the Inspector General to this activity. Cease and desist!"

    Sure you will. Like you called 311 about the pile of snow in Westbard.

  10. Anonymous12:11 PM

    "taxpayer money some Montgomery County Government personnel and departments are spending to boost the private profits of that magazine"

    "the Washington Post was plagiarizing my original, enterprising reporting on the same accident"

    Is it just me are Dyer's delusions getting worse? I really hope he doesn't truly believe half the things he says. Otherwise he might need help

    1. 12:11: Nope, you need help. The Post plagiarized my exclusive report to add details to their lightweight article, without crediting me. The whole Whitman community can tell you, because I was the only news source with any details on the wreck for more than 12 hours. No TV. No radio. No websites. Just me, knucklehead. Everybody else was asleep at the switch, except for the Post stealing from my reporting.
