Saturday, June 25, 2016

AT&T store moving into former Domino's space on Elm St. in Bethesda (Photos)

The AT&T "authorized retailer" is moving a few doors down Elm Street. Their new location will be the former Domino's space at 4957 Elm Street.


  1. Anonymous5:43 AM

    Weird I wonder what was behind the change.

  2. Anonymous6:10 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Anonymous11:45 AM

    What's the reasonable comment policy such that Dyer has disabled comments on yet another Karr post?

  4. Anonymous12:08 PM

    LOL, it started with the police reports, now it's metastasized to articles about Karr.

    1. Anonymous12:42 PM

      He started with the Karr and Greenhill posts under the explanation that he didn't want to spend a weekend deleting negative comments. Looks like now he's timing related news for the weekend with comments off to intentionally keep negative press off his buddies. Talk about ethical journalism!

  5. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Anonymous nuts complaining they can't unleash personal ad hominem attacks.

  6. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Isn't 2:20 an example of "an anonymous personal ad hominem attack"?

    1. Anonymous2:42 PM

      Isn't every Dyer post an example of a personal attack on Riemer, county planners, etc.?

    2. Anonymous3:28 PM

      The old legacy local media has so coddled the Council and Planning Chair, that any skepticism or critical voices are all "personal attacks"

      Dyer should go along to get along, right? That's not journalism.

    3. 2:42: How is fact-based criticism of the County Council a "personal attack"? Aren't you late for your flight to North Korea?

    4. Anonymous7:21 AM

      And people talking about Karr and Greenhill is different how do again?

  7. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Isn't "personal ad hominem" redundant?

  8. Anonymous2:55 PM

    "New doors and windows have been installed as renovation of the old Leahy Plumbing headquarters continues at 4916 Cordell Avenue in Bethesda. You may recall the original front window was a 4-section design.

    There are also some new light fixtures in place on the exterior..."

    Must-read, breaking Bethesda news, when you want to be the first to know.

    1. 2:55: If you're not interested in what's going on in Bethesda, you can always read my competitor, where Bethesda stories are only 10% of output.

  9. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Dyer's Birdbrain Media has so coddled Greenhill and Karr, than any skepticism or critical voices are all "personal attacks".

    1. Anonymous8:14 PM

      Agreed. And he complains of other media for coddling Montgomery County leaders.

  10. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Dyer @ 7:23 PM - How are silly personal attacks on our elected officials "fact-based criticism"? Aren't you late for the Short Bus?

    1. 8:35: You dispute that the Council unanimously passed the two resolutions in 2015 & 2016 that funded the acquisition of Westmore and Carver as bus depot sites? You would need your head examined if you believe that and other factual topics of criticism are "personal attacks." Then while associating yourself with Riemer, Leventhal and the glossy magazine you make a hate crime statement against children with disabilities. Nice. Can't imagine they'd want to be associated with a nutjob like you.

  11. Anonymous10:09 PM

    Dyer just used the phrase "glossy magazine", confirming readers' suspicions that he is in fact "the shill".

  12. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Is the glossy mag still printed? I've only seen it in medical waiting rooms recently.
    Old legacy print media at its finest!

  13. 10:09: Sorry, punk, unlike you I actually post comments under my real name.

  14. Anonymous5:13 AM

    And The Shill responded in just 2 minutes.

    1. Anonymous7:21 AM

      Talk about obsessed!!

  15. Anonymous5:50 AM

    10:11 PM - you sure go to the doctor a lot. Do you have some chronic medical condition?

    Also, have you never been to Whole Foods?

  16. Anonymous7:22 AM

    And Robert Dyer ignores the glaring Karr/Greenhill ethics violation with his news site.


  17. Anonymous7:32 AM

    " different how do again?"


  18. Anonymous7:40 AM

    What glaring ethics violation?

    1. Anonymous9:59 AM

      Very obviously turning off comments to protect his buddies Karr and Greenhill. Especially when he is always talking about other news sites getting paid and council member'a receiving contributions, etc. hypocrite.

  19. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Notice how Dyer @ 3:17 AM very carefully did not say,

    "Sorry, punk, unlike you I actually post all of my comments under my real name."



  20. Anonymous8:23 AM

    @10:11 You bet the glossy mag is still printed. That's how they make all their money! It's 75% ad pages, and the advertisers subscribe for sure. If they stopped printing, they'd lose their main revenue stream of printing a phonebook-sized "magazine" of ads, and calling it a "magazine" with the occasional article by freelance stay-at-home mom "writers".

  21. Anonymous8:54 AM

    "Freelance stay-at-home mom writers"

    As opposed to the freelance stay-in-Mom's basement writer?

  22. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Why is it so difficult for you to believe that Dyer always posts under his name?
    Why can't others use the same words as either the article or the author?
    What's wrong with using the phrase "glossy magazine?" That's what fashion mags have been called for years.
    Why is Dyer's living space so concerning to you?

  23. Anonymous11:08 AM

    How do you know they're his buddies?
    You are insinuating that Dyer is being paid by them. What proof do you have, or is it just speculation?
    What is the obsession with Greenhill and Karr? No one ever gives real answers.
    It appears you do it just to provoke Dyer. You think it's okay to trash companies because of an imagined friendship with Dyer.
    You really are wretched individuals.

    1. Anonymous3:00 PM

      Woah ok so what level of proof does Dyer have that these commentors are paid by BM or developers or Riemer or are AK or SH or DR?

      So proof you say....

  24. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Dyer's shill is busy today. So much for his previous advice about "fresh air and sunshine".

  25. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Redirecting with another question. But no answers.

    I am outside. Nice day.

  26. Anonymous4:22 PM

    8 minutes. LOL

    "I am outside."

    And I'm a Miniature Schnauzer.

  27. Notice how nasty the anonymous nut gets if you mention his magazine.

    Why are Dyer's loyal readers so intelligent and the anonymous magazine guy is so crazy?

    1. Anonymous8:21 PM

      How do you know theywork for that magazine?
      You are insinuating that the reader is being paid by them. What proof do you have, or is it just speculation?
      What is the obsession with the magazine? No one ever gives real answers.
      It appears you do it just to provoke readers. You think it's okay to trash companies because of an imagined friendship with the magazine.
      You really are wretched individual

    2. Anonymous9:41 AM

      What's the obsession with the magazine?
      It only comes up when someone brings it up or tries to spam their beat blog here. No one much cares about it.
      It was more relevant before Dyer began covering Bethesda on a daily basis.

  28. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Changing questions. Still no answers.

    4:22PM -You don't know how to sit outside with a Surface Pro? Gosh, I feel sorry for you. We had music playing too.
    I've got a cute pink and white Puppia doggie harness in size L. If you think it will fit you, it's yours. Free.

    1. Anonymous12:53 PM

      So weird. Is this pro or anti Dyer? Can't even tell anymore who is who, everyone is so crazy.

  29. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Neither pro nor anti Dyer. Just questions. They scare people.

    Why is it so difficult for you to believe that Dyer always posts under his name?
    Why can't others use the same words as either the article or the author?
    What's wrong with using the phrase "glossy magazine?" That's what fashion mags have been called for years.
    Why is Dyer's living space so concerning to you?

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