Sunday, July 31, 2016

Asbestos removal to begin at Connor Building (Photos)

The tenants have cleared out at the Connor Building at 7720 Wisconsin Avenue in downtown Bethesda. It will be demolished this fall, but much like the doomed office building on Bethesda Avenue, the asbestos has to be removed first. Removal is scheduled to begin on Monday.
Let's take one more walk through the arcade, and what's left of the empty Kabob Bazaar. The building's site will become home to a Westin hotel.


  1. Anonymous5:01 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Anonymous8:05 PM

      That was just wrong. Robert Dryer provides a great service to Montgomery County residents.

  2. Anonymous7:08 AM

    I just don't understand people sometimes. Like what makes someone come to a blog on a beautiful Sunday morning to post vulgarity and hate. And so early too. 9AM? I can't imagine waking up so hate-filled and anxious to post venom.

    1. 7:08: Just remember, he has identified himself as a supporter of George Leventhal and Hans Riemer, and doesn't post these kind of comments on competing websites. #ThingsThatMakeYouGoHmmm

  3. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Vladimir Putin: If you've hacked into this (and I know you have), could I ask you a favor and post the identity and home address, including the names and ages of his children, of the 6:09 post? Thank you.

  4. Anonymous8:27 AM

    are they closed yet? Walking through during asbestos remediation is dangerous!

    1. Anonymous8:28 AM

      Oops it says right there Monday. Glad you didn't go through the cleanup! We wouldn't want anything to happen to our MoCo Savior!

  5. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Robert Dyer makes me listen to ELO - Summer & Lightning. He makes me THAT happy! Keep going Robert!!!

  6. Anonymous7:40 PM

    What would be funny is if the asbestos removal company's trucks get towed from the parking lot -- that place is legendary for predatory towing practices.

  7. Anonymous4:53 AM

    That towing company just announced a predicted 85% drop in business revenues......

  8. Anonymous6:46 AM


    A troll is a troll. Stop tying everything thing to the county council and Bethesda Mag. It's really getting old.

    1. Anonymous9:40 AM

      It seems Mr Dyer is the one that constantly ties everything to the council and magazine. He can't seem to get over it in fact, repeatedly blaming the council and accusing the magazine of spamming here.

  9. 6:46: I'm quoting the troll. He's tied himself to those folks, and can't stop talking about them. I'm just trying to publish a website here. If somebody comes in to attack, I'm going to defend myself for sure.

    1. Anonymous9:39 AM

      If the trolls comments were in violation of comment policy for going off topic, so would your reply be in violation of comment policy for going off topic.

  10. Anonymous7:15 AM

    @3:26PM --- Personally, I prefer BabyMetal to ELO, but happy music is happy music.

  11. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Hey, 9:40 How do you know that they aren't spamming here? I'd think if it wasn't true, they'd have some injunction or whatever to stop it.

    The county council deserves blame for many of their actions. What's a few more for good luck?

    1. Anonymous11:46 AM

      9:50 how do you know they are? I for one have posted relevant links to BM (and WP and many other sites) as reference or follow up and they are deleted. And I don't work for BM to spam the site. So there's a few for sure.

      Injunction to stop Dyer from deleting links and references to BM? Not sure what you're saying there.

      Dyer's the one always saying any comments off topic from the original post are in violation of the comment policy. That's what he uses to justify deleting comments. But he goes off topic himself all the time. Hence the hypocrisy.

  12. The magazine was a great resource for it's time, but that time has passed. Let's all turn the page. Dyer is our next generation local news source.

    1. Anonymous8:21 PM

      Elm is obsessed with Robert

  13. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Many, many, many years ago there was a physician in that building who was known for readily writing scripts for pain killers. A few sprints up and down the stairs could easily help one mimic opioid withdrawal. Lost a few friends back then.
    I can't see that building without remembering that. I'll be happy when it's leveled.

  14. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Actually, no he's not. The trolls are the ones spinning that off topic crap. I've seen him do that only when comments not only veer off-topic but turn into defamatory posts about local businesses.

    He doesn't allow links to competing websites, especially that one. So stop freaking posting them and complaining about them being deleted.

    There are numerous links to WaPo and they have NEVER been deleted, including some of mine. Of course, I haven't insulted or baited him in those posts either.

    1. Anonymous3:46 AM

      Um have you read his posts?

      Defamatory? That seems to be his forte.

      I get not allowing competitor links but deleting them even when they provide an answer to a question he asks is funny and stupid if he really is trying to get answers and do something good in the county.

      He insists anyone who doesn't agree with him. His shills insult his trolls regularly.

  15. Anonymous5:57 AM

    His trolls deserve it. They post things because they can be nameless and faceless.
    Are you suggesting that you read them before they are deleted and still think they are appropriate and question why?

    What about not allowing competitor links do you not understand? Not allowed, always deleted. His blog, his rule.

    1. Anonymous10:49 AM

      So he's not really striving for a better Montgomery County then.

  16. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Thank you for documenting these soon to be demolished buildings. While nothing special, they are part of Bethesda's history and it's nice to have some photographic record of them...

  17. Anonymous8:56 AM

    10:49 AM banning links to council propaganda machines is striving for a better MoCo.

  18. Anonymous8:57 AM

    12:44 PM Agreed. Everyone is happy that Robert Dyer is covering this rapidly changing city.
    These photos and videos will be part of the historical record.
