Friday, July 29, 2016

Bethesda construction update: Hyatt Regency hotel (Photos)

The remodeling project at the Hyatt Regency Bethesda hotel continues. They're adding more restaurant and retail space on the ground level. You can see they've punched through the front wall. There are also more renderings posted around the property of what the finished product will look like inside and out.


  1. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Why this is open during construction is beyond belief. Out of town friends registered there and got to their room and immediately left and got their money back. They said the dust and debris was like Ground Zero on 9/11. Both were immediately coughing and weezing and one even developed a sinus infection because of it. I guess it'll be nice when done. But it does look like a bomb hit it.

  2. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Dyer neglected to report important news this week, such as what Councilmember Leventhal had for breakfast at the Democratic convention.

    County residents want the tic-toc breaking news of Leventhal at the DNC.

    They old legacy local media is all over this...even made the cover of The Sentinel.

  3. Anonymous5:20 PM

    @ 3:49 PM = Unsigned Dyer

  4. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Dyer also missed the announcement of the County Council's hearing about the recent failure of the 911 system.

    When you sleep in the daytime, every day is a slow news day!



    1. 6:15: I reported about the 911 hearing a couple of weeks ago, you ****ing moron. Apparently you were asleep in the afternoon that day.

  5. I don't know if the commenters who bash Dyer are friends just being sarcastic, but if these are genuine attacks against him you really need to get a life. It's pathetic. Please provide a link to your blog if you think you could do a better job informing us on Bethesda related news.

    1. Anonymous8:15 PM

      I don't know if the authors who bash Riemer/Levanthal/etc are friends just being sarcastic, but if these are genuine attacks against them you really need to get a life. It's pathetic. Please provide a link to your CV if you think you could do a better job running Montgomery County.

  6. Anonymous8:22 PM

    The MoCo machine never sleeps Dyer .... AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAAH

  7. Anonymous10:01 PM

    8:15 PM How can you defend Leventhal, who has terrible temper tantrums with country staff, and Reamer who is clueless and needs bus tours of Bethesda in his second term? Even with the bus tours, he doesn't know where the Metro stations are!

    8:10 PM The official magazine of the housewives of Potomac. Does anyone else read it?
    The covers and stories don't reflect the diversity of the county I live in. Folks need to get out of Chevy Chase enclaves more often.

    1. Anonymous10:41 PM

      Hardly defending Leventhal or Riemer. Pointing out the hypocrisy of Robert Dyer and his fanboys such as Bethesda 86 @ 6:35pm.

  8. Anonymous11:25 PM

    So, everyone hates Leventhal except his friends in local legacy media. Term limits can't come soon enough to this guy.
    He's such a dick to homeless folks, such a hard ass, won't even give a couple of bucks.

    The guy has been in his council seat so long, he was a young man when first Planning to die in his seat I guess...too bad he'll be term-limited. Power corrupts and this guy is power mad.

    1. Anonymous3:48 PM

      So why do people keep voting him in then?

  9. Anonymous5:46 AM

    @ 11:25 PM - Please dial Whine-One-One for a Waaaambulance.

    Also, sign in next time.


    1. 5:46: Your taunting of voters regarding your co-boss' belief he's entitled to a lifetime in public office is exactly why there were 5000+ more signatures than required to get term limits on the ballot.

    2. Anonymous6:55 AM

      Your taunting of voters and readers calling them idiots and morons all the time is totally different.

      How many signatures required to get it on the ballot?

      How many votes to get it passed?

      How many votes to win a seat?

      How many seats are voted on?

      How many residents in Montgomery County?

      Thanks, Robert

  10. Anonymous11:29 AM

    5:46AM - Buzz off. The one doing the incessant, unrelenting whining is you. #dillweed

    The guy @ 11:25PM was giving his thoughts on the county council.

    All you are doing is being a jerk to a commenter on a blog. Lofty goals.

  11. Anonymous7:29 AM

    6:57AM That's all you are doing. Whining incessantly. While you sit on your tuchus and do nothing.

    1. Anonymous11:25 AM

      And what has Dyer done?

    2. Anonymous8:06 PM


  12. Anonymous5:59 AM

    You are seriously asking that?
    He pens blogs with local information
    He attends county meetings and reports the info to residents
    He takes pictures
    He gets involved in county issues
    He's put his name on the ballot to try and evoke changes

    Whether you like him or not, whether you like his message or not, these are things he actually does currently or has done in the past.

    Now, what is it you naysayers have done or are doing?

    1. Anonymous11:48 AM

      So has anything positive come of it? Any positive changes? Any answers?

      Dyer often says something along the lines of if you're not winning you're the first loser or something like that.

    2. "He pens blogs with local information"

      Much of which is great and much of which is hotly contested, controversial, or arguably incorrect.

      "He attends county meetings and reports the info to residents"

      The reported news is great! See above for the injected opinions.

      "He takes pictures"

      Love em!

      "He gets involved in county issues"

      Yes he talks about them all the time. Has anything come of it?

      "He's put his name on the ballot to try and evoke changes"

      But never won. And the changes he wants to evoke are arguable.

      "Whether you like him or not, whether you like his message or not, these are things he actually does currently or has done in the past."

      Correct. And to what result?

      "Now, what is it you naysayers have done or are doing?"

      Apparently about the same result if nothing came of his efforts.

  13. Anonymous9:52 AM


  14. Anonymous1:01 PM

    11:50 If you don't like reading it, stop. If he's gotten ONE person to think about county issues they never thought about before, then that's a positive result.
    The question was "what has he done." Not what has he placed 1st in.

    You never answered. What have you done?

    And the quote is:
    "I never lose. Either I win or I learn."

    1. Oh I found Robert Dyer's quote. He said if you're not winning you're a loser. Referencing Montgomery County's moribund economy comparing it to Notthern Virginia.

    2. Anonymous7:06 PM

      That's hilarious, Lal. So by Robert's own terms that would make him a loser?

  15. Anonymous6:02 AM

    Gotcha, you do-nothings keep at it. Do nothing and deride those who do.
    Try to stop Hating yourself so much... Self-hate is the ROOT of hate.

    1. Anonymous6:19 AM

      To be fair, the hate is from the man's own words.

    2. Anonymous6:19 AM

      And hey now, Dyer certainly has tried to do something. He just hasn't actually accomplished anything from it

  16. Anonymous10:06 AM

    6:19AM Before you started reading Dyer, did you even know who our county council members were?
