Sunday, July 24, 2016

Bethesda outdoor movies 2016

Bethesda outdoor movies are back for 2016 in the Woodmont Triangle, starting Tuesday night, July 26. Sponsored by Bethesda Urban Partnership, this year's lineup features memorable movies from a variety of recent eras. This is the 30th anniversary of the iconic 80s film Pretty in Pink, and Brooklyn earned three Oscar nominations just this past January.

Each movie will start at 9:00 PM at the corner of Norfolk and Auburn Avenues. There will be a limited number of chairs set up, so bring your own chair or get there early if you need a seat. Dine at one of the many nearby restaurants, or bring a take-out order.

July 26: Pretty in Pink
July 27: Manhattan Murder Mystery
July 28: Brooklyn
July 29: My Big Fat Greek Wedding
July 30: Creed


  1. Anonymous7:11 AM

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  2. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Who ate your bowl of sunshine this morning?
    You're awfully angry at 10:25 on a Sunday morning. Did Dyer not answer your emails again? Block your texts?

  3. Anonymous9:31 AM

    @ 7:29 is obsessed with 7:11 and "10:25".

  4. Anonymous1:33 PM

    12:31 PM has a lot of resentment towards Robert Dyer

    1. Anonymous2:41 PM

      Dyer seems to draw out this kind of response regularly.

    2. Anonymous3:30 PM

      Robert Dyer has a lot of hostility towards the correct time zone.

  5. Anonymous4:53 PM

    2:41 yes, from the same person

    1. Anonymous7:08 PM

      Are you really going back to the tired lone troll theory? Even Robert Dyer agreed that it wasn't just one person.
