Thursday, July 07, 2016

Public meeting tonight on Grosvenor Metro minor master plan

Here's something that popped up on short notice during a holiday week: A kick-off meeting is being held tonight for the Grosvenor-Strathmore Metro station minor master plan process.

While the agenda refers to improving pedestrian conditions and connectivity, what's really going on here is that WMATA is seeking greater density for its development project at the Metro station. It cannot receive that density without this process, which has previously been referred to as a minor master plan amendment.

The meeting will be held tonight at 7:00 PM at the Strathmore Music Center, Comcast Lounge, at 5301 Tuckerman Lane.


  1. Anonymous5:13 AM

    Would make a lot of sense to add density right next to the metro.

    1. 5:13: Yeah, and literally right on top of the current parking lot on the station property. Assuming they can figure out how to handle the students generated by the new development.

  2. This is an extremely vital Metro station to our community. The Metro is used by the staff responsible for serving drinks and ensuring that clean facilities await us when we attend an evening of Wagner, Garrison Keillor, or a concerto by Mike Mills of REM at Strathmore. We need to make sure these people can get to their jobs on the Metro. There is nothing worse than missing the beginning of the second act because the bar was short staffed during intermission.

  3. Anonymous6:58 AM

    The suggestions floated thus far are inadequate IMHO. Development at Grosvenor METRO is a no-brainer, but it is critical to provide a viable transit link between Grosvenor and Montgomery Mall (with a stop in Rock Spring). Such a transit link has been in the county’s plans since the early 1990’s and the failure to complete it has led to problems in Rock Spring.

    Rockville Pike is an obstacle for pedestrians, bikes and vehicles attempting to access Grosvenor. Hopefully the “improved connectivity” will address this while accommodating a future transit way link.

  4. Anonymous7:18 AM

    What kind of "transitway" were they intending? BRT?
    Will I see some of you tonight?

    1. 7:18: It was supposed to be a monorail.

  5. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Birdbrain will be there in his tux! His mom always drops him off 15 minutes early so he can sit in the front and play with his legos before it starts. His legos calm him down before he gets all worked up at the sight of the competent City Council.

  6. Anonymous7:50 AM

    7:45 - That's really mean. Shame on you.

    1. Anonymous7:54 AM

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    2. Anonymous8:10 PM

      Robert Dyer says plenty of mean things to the county council and others too. Same playing field it seems.

  7. Anonymous8:23 AM

    It's still mean. Shame.
    Two wrongs don't make a right.

  8. Anonymous8:30 AM

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  9. Anonymous8:34 AM

    8:30 - That's really mean too. Shame on you.

    If you're trying to improve the world, you should start with yourself.

  10. Anonymous8:36 AM

    "Here's something that popped up on short notice during a holiday week: A kick-off meeting is being held tonight for the Grosvenor-Strathmore Metro station minor master plan process."

    I notice that you provided no link to the actual notice.

    Is that because the notice didn't come up as suddenly as you claim that it did?


    1. 8:36: Your favorite publication doesn't give sources - people just sort of float past their window and deliver quotes. So make sure you post dumb comments like this on their site too.

  11. Anonymous8:40 AM

    I wish we could throw dyer in jail - he clearly is the worst element in Bethesda and the MoCo machine should be protected from him.

  12. Anonymous8:53 AM

    8:40AM - Why do you care so much? You could just stop reading and forget all about Dyer. But it seems important to you to let him know you don't like him.


    1. Anonymous8:09 PM

      Why do YOU care so much too that you jump to defend Dyer so quickly?

  13. Anonymous10:13 AM

    He is a dangerous fool who would commit us down a dark destructive path @ 8:53 - we can't let birdbrains like him think that he can run amok and destroy the civility of our county.

  14. Anonymous10:17 AM

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  15. "run amok and destroy the civility of our county"....too late, Mr. Leventhal already did that. See Mr. Leventhal's recent rants and his history of unhinged comments.

  16. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Get lost Elm - you're just as bad as Dyer!

  17. Anonymous10:53 AM

    10:13 - you sound like a petulant little boy. Grow up.

  18. Anonymous10:58 AM

    You people are more dangerous than Dyer could ever be.

    You must be happy with the idiocracy that is our current county council.

    Idiocracy, meaning rule of the stupid.

    1. The County used to be run by grownups, but we've been led by clowns like Leventhal for too long now.
      Time to correct course and bring in new leadership and new voices.

  19. Anonymous12:05 PM

    "You must be happy with the idiocracy that is our current county council."

    Yes, when we see that the alternative is Robin Ficker and Robert Dyer.

  20. Anonymous12:39 PM

    "Idiocracy, meaning rule of the stupid."

    Thanks for the translation, Professor Birdbrain.

  21. Anonymous12:39 PM

    You see that as the only alternative? No wonder we're in the trouble we're in now. There are many competent people between the wing-nut Ficker and the liar Leventhal.

  22. 12:05: I've been right on the issues (revenue vs. cost of new residential development, jobs and economic development, American Legion Bridge, MCPS performance, etc., etc.) and they've been dead wrong. Only an idiot would keep pursuing a path of failure.

    1. Anonymous8:08 PM

      In your opinion and analysis you are right and they are wrong. Not saying they are right in my opinion. But certainly a lot of people think you are wrong in yours.

  23. Anonymous12:43 PM

    12:39 - Considering the crowd here? I had to. It's a pretty big word. Glad it helped you
    Love, 10:58

  24. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Dyer will be silenced politically for his entire life - must be infuriating to never get off.

  25. Anonymous6:00 AM

    2:15PM - Your envy is showing.
    As is yours 8:09PM.

