Saturday, July 30, 2016

Signs posted banning parking on Wisconsin Avenue next week in Bethesda

Signs appeared up and down Wisconsin Avenue on Friday advising drivers that there will be no parking along that state highway between August 1 and August 5 next week, from 5:00 AM to 8:00 PM.

In another acknowledgement that seizing an automobile land for Bus Rapid Transit would reduce road capacity by 33%, Montgomery County is taking this step to increase road capacity during the WMATA SafeTrack "surge" on the Metro Red Line next week. The added capacity is designed to help additional buses being deployed move faster along this busy commuter route, as well as commuters in their own cars.

As repairs are made to the poorly-maintained subway system, station closures and slow service will inconvenience riders, who are advised to find alternative transportation if possible.


  1. Anonymous5:25 AM

    "In another acknowledgement that seizing an automobile land for Bus Rapid Transit would reduce road capacity by 33%, Montgomery County is taking this step to increase road capacity during the WMATA SafeTrack "surge" on the Metro Red Line next week."

    WTF are you babbling about, #Birdbrain ?

    WTF is "an automobile land"?

    1. 5:25: It's called another dumb auto-correct by Blogger. It originally said "automobile lane."

  2. Eric T5:40 AM

    But Hands Reimer says there is metrorail service within 1 mile of Westbard, an easy jaunt just not for him. I'd say he's the friggin Birdbrain.

  3. Anonymous6:15 AM

    @ 5:40 AM - #UnsignedDyer

    1. 6:15: Sorry, but Eric T is an actual reader. This is the first comment I've posted today. Unlike you, I actually put my name to every comment I post.

  4. Anonymous10:50 AM

    911 doesn't work, infrastructure crumbling, a moribund local economy, schools overcrowded and failing a large segment of kids...great record for the County Council! And Mr. Leventhal wants a promotion.

    Well, they did ban packing foam...gotta give them credit for that.

  5. Anonymous11:07 AM

    @ 10:50 AM - #UnsignedDyer

    @ 6:24 AM - and 4 1/2 later, you can't be bothered to correct that yourself?



  6. Anonymous2:46 PM

    "911 doesn't work"

    That's a rather silly generalization. It went down for two hours during an upgrade of the system. What other times has it failed recently? In the past decade?

    "infrastructure crumbling"

    Sure, traffic is bad. And WMATA has problems. But those are regional problems. What specific infrastructure in Montgomery County is "crumbling"?

    "a moribund local economy"

    LOL, you and your hero are absolutely stuck on this.

    1. Anonymous3:29 PM

      Two folks died because of 911 not working. This isn't a joke. Take accountability.

    2. Anonymous3:53 PM

      Yes definitely the county needs to take accountability about it. But everyone needs some perspective too.

  7. Anonymous4:35 PM

    We can't count on having a capable backup for the 911 system--one of, if not *the* most crucial county system?
    Then what other county systems aren't working the way we think they are?
    You know what I'm stumbling to say...

  8. Anonymous4:41 PM

    "You know what I'm stumbling to say"


  9. Anonymous4:50 PM

    4:41PM - Me? Never. The man gives me the creeps. Never voted for him, never will. One of those dislike at first sight things.

  10. Anonymous9:11 AM

    signs?? not signage??
