Friday, July 08, 2016

Tesla critics don't dampen enthusiasm for Model X in Bethesda (Photos)

A recent fatal Tesla crash is being blamed by many on the company's Autopilot feature, and production of the luxury electric vehicles has failed to meet targets. But the media noise hasn't deterred Tesla fans and prospective owners in Bethesda. The company's new gull-wing Model X crossover has had such a crowd around it at the Tesla store at Westfield Montgomery Mall, it's taken me a few weeks to get these clear photos for you.
Want a safe SUV with zero emissions that goes from zero to 60 in only 3.2 seconds? The Model X is the car for you. If you're tired of dealing with undersized parking spaces and rude parkers in Bethesda, you'll appreciate the 1-foot clearance Falcon doors that open upwards in tight urban spaces. An "invisible chauffeur" feature opens the doors for you as you approach the vehicle. It also appears the high-end center console display comes standard with the leading source for Bethesda news, as you can see in these photos.
As far as the critics, the sniping is understandable. The future of autonomous vehicles scares the hell out of control freaks and big government types who aspire to ban private auto ownership, and force you to rely on super-reliable public systems like...Metro. Yeah, OK.
Those folks are monitoring the development of autonomous technology, and their plan goes something like this: attack the technology when deployed in private vehicles like Tesla, but hedge their bets, and be prepared to embrace it if it can be restricted to public fleets. The latter is the pipe dream for those whose hats are made of tinfoil.
Ultimately, autonomous vehicles will make public buses and rail obsolete either way. But automakers like Tesla - and expected competitors like Apple and Google - are likely to scale the costs to an affordable level before government can find the doorknob to get out of the smoke-filled back room. Highways won't be obsolete, as they've predicted, but more sophisticated than ever in carrying zero-emission autonomous vehicles.
For all the talk about the Tesla-truck crash, the investigation is far from complete, and there's been much speculation by the same folks who are quick to jump on Uber and Lyft, which terrify them as well. In fact, the media was quick to blame a Pennsylvania Model X collision this week on Autopilot, and then was forced to retract that charge, when it turned out their amateur analysis misdiagnosed the cause.
Talk of cracking down on the Autopilot feature is similar to those who believe government can legislate common sense into the minds of people without it. If you're over the age of 12 and don't know to check both directions before crossing the street, there's no government in the world that can help you.
I don't even own a Tesla, and I fully understand the Autopilot system, and the clear instructions Tesla gave drivers on using it in this Beta format (it says Beta right on the damn screen). It has limited functions, and is an assistive technology. The driver is required to be ready to retake control immediately at any moment.
If you don't follow the instructions, you can't blame the company. It may be entertaining and impressive to watch daredevils push the Autopilot feature (which is more capable than even Tesla likes to emphasize, for safety and liability reasons) to its limits on YouTube, but those folks are breaking the rules and are responsible if they get in a wreck.

The Model X delivers this cutting-edge technology in a format ideal for urban environments, while allowing you to make a Doc Brown entrance while toting the kids on errands.


  1. Anonymous5:55 AM

    Robert Dyer will never set foot inside a Tesla, because he knows that if he does, the highly intelligent cars will immediately lock him in, drive to the American Legion Bridge, and hurtle off the side of the American Legion Bridge. They will sacrifice their steel and electronic selves for the sake of humanity.

    1. 5:55: Thank you for vindicating my "tinfoil hat" remark. Will yours stay on? It's kind of breezy out there today.

  2. Anonymous6:44 AM

    The goal of urbanization is to live your life within 3 blocks. No one will need a car. Or afford one. Once they start taxing per mile driven.

  3. Anonymous6:50 AM

    5:55AM - That's a horribly mean thing to say. Shame on you.

  4. Anonymous7:12 AM

    So, here are some pictures of the Tesla X, and a generally good local report on the automobile maker's recent challenges and also DOWN WITH BIG GOVERNMENT

  5. Anonymous7:23 AM

    If only it had an auto-poop restroom in the back of the car

  6. Anonymous7:39 AM

    How are poor people that ride the bus going to be able to afford autonomous vehicles?

    1. 7:39: They will use the public fleets of autonomous vehicles currently under development by companies like Google and Ford. Buses will be obsolete.

  7. Anonymous9:14 AM

    They'll use the manual-automonous vehicles.

  8. Anonymous9:37 AM

    The "invisible chauffeur" touched me in a bad place.

  9. Anonymous10:00 AM

    7:12 Pretty much sums it up. You think, a normal article with detailed reporting and facts, then it quickly plummets into the conspiracy theory nonsense. I'm mildly surpirised that he didn't blame Hans Riemer, Bethesda Magazine, the "MoCo Machine," or the WaPo for Tesla's troubles

    1. 10am you desperately find a way to bring up your magazine on every Dyer

    2. 10:00: "Conspiracy theory"? The people who have advocated phasing out private auto ownership, and restriction of autonomous cars to publicly-owned fleets, are numerous and on the record. Please research the topic before spamming for the magazine next time.

  10. Anonymous10:04 AM




  11. Anonymous10:10 AM

    I'm honestly surprised the MoCo machine hasn't done a better job of driving Dyer out of Bethesda. I thought they were all mighty gods who could do anything? #DYERisaTRASHperson

    1. MoCo government aren't gods, they've consistently screwed up projects big (SS transit center) and small (Innovation Officer Hoffman's food truck fiasco).

      Time for new voices and leadership!

  12. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Ever think of running, Elm? (honest, actual question)

  13. Anonymous11:56 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. Anonymous12:08 PM


    You're absolutely right, and the government should certainly be held accountable. For instance, did anything change at the Dept. of General Services after the transit center problems? Instead of constructive criticism and realistic ideas though, all we get on this site is ad hominem attacks, childish name calling, made up "facts", and sweeping statements that the entire county is moribund.

    1. 12:08: The Washington Post reported used the word "moribund" in its recent report on White Oak, and even your buddy Hans Riemer's own former chief of staff agrees that our private sector economy and job creation have stagnated - would you call those "ad hominem attacks"?

      Instead, it appears that the credible news sources, like my website and the Post, are reporting the same facts. It's the media outlets that aren't saying our economy is moribund that have the credibility problem (they do have a large number of social media attaboys from failed and impotent councilmen, though!).

  15. Anonymous12:11 PM

    11:56 - Hellooo up there on your high horse.

    You must *work* for the other site. You made such a fuss saying you didn't own it, then showering it with questionable praise.

    You read all these sites, then come here to bitch?
    That makes you part of the problem.

    1. Anonymous2:45 PM

      Why is the troll from bethesda magazine so insecure? I wish they'd just share their private pain here instead of sniping Dyer everyday.

      Dyer is trying to do good covering Bethesda as well as areas like Rockville and Silver Spring where he has the most popular daily news sites as well. He just wants to do good! He should be applauded.

  16. Anonymous12:16 PM're attributing ad hominem attacks to Dyer?

    There's quite a difference between "dumass" and the filth that the others post.

    If you have such a problem with this site, don't read it.

  17. Anonymous2:40 PM

    "The people who have advocated phasing out private auto ownership..are numerous and on the record."

    Name one, who is actually in a position of authority.

    1. 2:40: As your quote indicates, I never referred to people in "a position of authority" because they are not dumb enough to explicitly state their intent. But a quick Google search brings up many such advocates, quoted in newspapers, major magazines, Mashable, Wired, etc. Even your beloved GGW. Classic Alinsky tactics to try to divert from the topic.

  18. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Dyer @ 2:42 PM - How will autonomous cars magically take up less space on the roadways than non-autonomous cars? How will they magically be more affordable to the poor than non-autonomous cars?

    Dyer @ 2:45 PM - #DyerForgotToSignInAgain

    Dyer @ 2:54 PM - In other words, you've got nothing. Apart from scary Jewish names.


  19. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Two things urban planners hate: Uber and airbnb.
    You bet they'll fight the future of autonomous vehicles.

  20. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Two more things that hate autonomous vehicles:

    Uber drivers and Lyft drivers.

    NIMBYs hate airbnb more than anyone else.

  21. Anonymous6:04 PM

    "urban planners hate Uber"


    1. Anonymous6:19 PM

      Uber promotes the use of single cars. City planners need to maximize use of public transport to allow our cities to operate as fluidly as possible, minimize air pollution and noise.

      The number of taxis needs to be calibrated carefully to complement public transport. The proliferation of private services like Uber runs contrary to this.

      Airbnb unduly inflating the number of idle urban spaces for the sake of the occasional renter. Planners aim to monitor the number of hotel beds to ensure the use of urban space can be as productive as possible. Airbnb risks undermining the balance between living and hotel space and represents a source of critical co-ordination failure.

  22. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Zombies are looking for brains. Don't worry, 6:45. You're safe.

  23. Anonymous7:34 AM

    "Want a safe SUV with zero emissions that goes from zero to 60 in only 3.2 seconds? The Model X [link to Tesla site] is the car for you."

    Remember when Dyer saith that "external links are a security risk"?

  24. Anonymous7:53 AM

    External links posted by the jackasses that troll are a security risk.
    Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but you're abusing the privilege.

  25. Anonymous3:20 PM

    "in a format ideal for urban environments"

    Whatever does this mean?

  26. Anonymous6:53 PM

    "the media was quick to blame a Pennsylvania Model X collision this week on Autopilot, and then was forced to retract that charge, when it turned out their amateur analysis misdiagnosed the cause."

    Really? Where did you hear this? Citation, please?

  27. Anonymous4:18 PM

    @ 6:53 PM - #DodgingDyer

  28. Anonymous8:21 AM

    I read something on engadget too, but didn't find it.
