Monday, July 11, 2016

Westbard sector plan map amendment on July 21 Planning Board agenda

While the Westbard sector plan was unanimously passed by the Montgomery County Council in May, it doesn't take effect until the Planning Board and Council approve the filing of a sectional map amendment. The SMA is what applies the new zoning outlined in the plan to the properties in question.

If approved by the board, the Council will set a public hearing date. The Council has 60 days to vote on the SMA after that hearing. The board is now scheduled to take up the SMA at its July 21 meeting.

Here's something strange - the two existing townhome developments on Ridgefield Road and Brookside Drive are now shown as being part of the sector plan area. That's not supposed to be the case; existing residential housing was supposed to be left untouched by the new zoning. What is the redevelopment implication of "TMD" and "TLD" zoning on these existing homes?

Map courtesy Montgomery County Planning Department


  1. Anonymous6:23 AM

    I guess I just don't get this notion that once a given tract of land is developed as single-family homes, it may never be given to any other use any time in the future.

  2. 6:23: It's okay, Hans Riemer doesn't get it either.

  3. Anonymous6:54 AM

    I like electrons.

  4. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Aren't you supposed to give answers rather than pose questions birdbrain? Did BM not answer for you?

    1. 8:01: No clue what you're talking about. "Kenneth, what is the frequency?!?!" Straitjackets at the ready, folks.

  5. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Maybe these are zoning upgrades? Maybe there is an opportunity for the property owners to redevelop these parcels for increased density, too?

    1. 11:24: If so, it would mean the planning department lied to residents in telling us that existing residential homes weren't going to be touched. Neither of those properties are within the sector plan area, so why are they in the yellow and getting a new zoning designation?

  6. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Are those the "buffers" between detached houses and commercial?

    1. 12:46: No, they are shown here as part of the map amendment and getting a new zone. Existing townhome developments are under an "R-Xx" zone, not "Txx".

  7. Anonymous5:12 PM

    "TMD" = Too Much Dyer

  8. Anonymous1:38 PM

    RD@ 4:47PM - Thanks. I got confused by the "T".
