Sunday, September 04, 2016

Demolition application filed for Connor Building in Bethesda (Photos)

The tenants are out, and so, apparently, is the asbestos. Now the official demolition permit request for the Connor Building, located at 7720 Wisconsin Avenue in Bethesda, has been filed with Montgomery County. The retail/office building is being torn down to clear the way for the Westin Bethesda hotel. You can see the latest condition of the building in these new photos.


  1. Robert D8:00 AM

    Can't wait! This will be huge for Woodmont Triangle. Of course it would be much better with both buildings, but certainly a start is better than nothing. :)

  2. Anonymous9:12 AM

    I'll miss the stone. I still prefer it to the glitz and glimmer.

    1. Anonymous5:40 AM

      This stone and old Union Bank was it were cool but the low density buildings grew out of place as Bethesda filled up and grew up.

  3. Anonymous6:46 AM

    It would be interesting to see what happens with the existing Bethesda Court Hotel. Will they demolish it after the Westin is built, even if the office market can't support a large spec building on the site?

  4. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Shut up about the low density buildings. Sheesh. Like a broken record.
    High rises are an acquired taste. Warm days, that rancid trash smell in the elevators and hallways. Dark wind tunnels between buildings, slow elevators, mailpersons not delivering mail without a unit# even when they know you by name, ahhh I remember it well. Not fondly, just well.

    1. Andrea10:02 AM

      Did you seriously tell someone to shut up about low density buildings? And then talk about a broken record? Do you not read Robert Dyer's blog regularly?

    2. Anonymous10:06 AM

      There's equality in saying "shut up" and "like a broken record" talking about reminiscing about the good old days, human scale, memories, etc. sheesh what a rude hypocrite 6:48 is.

    3. Anonymous2:50 PM

      6:48 you realize the irony in what you are saying.

  5. Anonymous3:47 PM

    @ 6:48 PM thinks all high-rise housing = Cabrini-Greenhill or Pruitt-Igoe.

    1. Anonymous5:56 PM

      Speaking of, I walked by the old catholic charities Greenhill building and it is still empty. Dyer, do you know what's going on? Last a commentor of yours said there was a NYC themes place going in to match the mural. Thanks!!

  6. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Yes I told someone to shut up. The 1st comments I read that morning all blamed low density buildings. What, all county problems stem from low-density building?

    High rises are not the answer. You'll see why.
