Sunday, September 18, 2016

Pedestrian struck on Fernwood Rd., vehicle burglarized in Kenwood + more - Bethesda crime update

Here's a roundup of crimes reported across Bethesda on September 15, according to crime data:

Theft. 7600 block Old Georgetown Road.

Vehicle burglary. 5300 block Woodlawn Avenue (Kenwood).

Drug arrest. 7100 block Whittier Boulevard.

Theft. 7100 block Democracy Boulevard.

Pedestrian struck. 10400 block Fernwood Road.

Theft from vehicle. 11300 block Woodglen Drive.


  1. Anonymous10:58 AM

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  2. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Funny how you turn on and off the comment section on this useless listing.

    1. 7:35: Even funnier is when it Rickrolls you into revealing that you actually test the comments section on my crime report EACH DAY to see if it will let you post a childish comment. The fact that the MoCo political cartel actually puts you on their payroll tells us all we need to know about them. Sick.

  3. Anonymous8:25 AM

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  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
