Thursday, October 20, 2016

Bethesda demolition update: Miller and Long HQ/Rugby Avenue (Video+photos)

Demolition continues at the site of a future mixed-use residential tower on the corner of Rugby and Del Ray Avenues.

Here are some videos and photos of the demolition progress taken on Monday afternoon; this was the site of the old Miller and Long headquarters. You'll notice the workers are hosing down the debris to control dust around the site, as promised.

Keep out
The Palisades (left)
Triangle Towers (right)
Gallery Bethesda
apartment tower
Workers hose down
the debris as it falls
to reduce dust blowing
toward nearby
apartment buildings
A reader submitted this photo of an
an excavator that fell into a
parking garage below, when part
of the floor it was on gave way
around 2:00 PM Wednesday;
no one was injured, but workers
had to retrieve the vehicle
You can see right through
this shell of a building
There's the new police
station under construction
across Rugby


  1. Anonymous8:25 AM

    You definitely cannot "see straight through this shell of a building" you dipshit

  2. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Marriott wants to move to an area where buildings are literally falling apart? Time for the great exodus from Bethesda.

    1. Anonymous11:34 AM

      Someone needs to tell Donahue about this building that is falling apart on the site of their future Gallery II. Hopefully they can address the situation so the same thing doesn't happen to their soon-to-be-built 17-story building. That would be a catastrophe!

  3. Anonymous9:31 AM

    8:25 AM You can see through the building since all of the walls were gone at that point in the photo.

    1. 8:25: Your comment being below photos that show you can - duh! - see right through the building makes you sound like an ignoramus.

      And that foul language - our refined NBA and NFL players don't speak like that in locker rooms. They talk about stocks and bonds, their kids, and the Holy Bible. Follow their example of purity in our chaste Republic.

  4. Anonymous10:20 AM

    @941 are you drunk birdbrain?

    1. 10:20: Are Don Lemon and Jake Tapper drunk?

  5. I remember Giffords8:25 PM

    7:13 PM has no self awareness. Total nut. I shouldn't even make fun of him because he's obviously mentally ill.
