Sunday, October 02, 2016

Ministry of Supply changes name to Ministry, adds clothing line for women

Just as build-out of the future Ministry of Supply space is clear to begin at Bethesda Row, the men's apparel chain has announced some major changes to its business model. First, the company has simplified its name to just "Ministry." Second, it has added a line of apparel for women. You can check out the first pieces for women on their website.

Ministry has also simplified its website, and has changed its naming scheme to make product names more descriptive. For example, the Archive dress shirt is now called the Daystarter dress shirt.

Their social media handle on all platforms has changed to MinistryApparel.


  1. Anonymous9:33 AM

    "Ministry of Supply" makes people think of Russia, and Russia makes people think of Trump. Not a good idea these days, especially in Bethesda.

    1. 9:33: No, Bethesda is a highly educated area, where residents know "Ministry of Supply" is actually a British term.

  2. Anonymous5:42 PM

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  3. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Trump makes Bethesdians think of Dyer.

    1. 5:46: Your invention of new vocabulary words makes BethesdANS think of George W. Bush

  4. Anonymous9:38 PM

    "Vocabulary words"

    As opposed to other kinds of words?

    Hoist on your own petard, Birdbrain.

    "George W. Bush"

    Is there any member of your own party whom you actually like?

  5. G. Money12:34 PM

    The mind is a terrible thing to taste.
