Wednesday, October 26, 2016

New lights in Bethesda's Veterans Park (Photos)

New stringed lights have been installed at Veterans Park in downtown Bethesda. The park is located at the intersection of Norfolk and Woodmont Avenues in the Woodmont Triangle neighborhood.


  1. Anonymous5:08 AM

    I would spend more time sitting there if I could enjoy a beverage. Maybe one day they will allow alcohol consumption outside the little jennies and BGR patios. Maybe your boy Hans can propose a "picnic law" allowing small amounts of public consumption as long as food is present in certain zones. One can only dream.

  2. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Dream on 5:08 this will never happen, nor does it happen in most other areas, simply because there's no control over walk-offs. You should be able to figure this one out.

  3. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Just in time for fall/winter?

  4. Anita Gofradump2:10 PM

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  5. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Anita @2:10pm is drunk Steve Hull in drag having a bad day again.

  6. Anonymous7:55 PM

    #wikileaks Clinton making veterans pay back signing bonus ..isn't $125 million from foreign countries enough for her #draintheswamp
    they go fight for the globalists elites like #clinton #podestaemails

    1. Anonymous5:57 AM

      Clinton has not been an elected or appointed official in four years and has never been in the Department of Defense, and has no connection to the payback fiasco.

      "Global elites" is an anti-Semitic dogwhistle.
