Monday, October 31, 2016

Patrizia Luca opens at Westfield Montgomery Mall (Photos)

What is that small space next to the Apple Store at Westfield Montgomery Mall in Bethesda going to be? Now we know. Italian women's apparel label Patrizia Luca has opened a store there. Patrizia Luca of Milan specializes in outfits that can be worn to the office, but also work for a night on the town by adding an accessory or two. At the same time, their lines are designed to be affordable.


  1. Anonymous5:34 AM

    Meanwhile, Smashburger is just six weeks away from their third birthday.

  2. 5:34: And Montgomery County is 8 days away from passing term limits. #ThrowTheBumsOut

  3. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Have there actually been any polls conducted on Question B? I'm just wondering on what your extreme optimism is based, given that similar ballot initiatives have failed repeatedly in Montgomery County.

    And what does Question B have to do with your humiliation regarding Smashburger?

    1. 7:02: Get ready to get a real job when the councilmembers who pay you to troll here are run out of town on a rail November 8 with term limits.

      Smashburger is for lease. Facts. Now your true humiliation - your deranged false reports about Pizza Pass and Barbeque Company/Deli - yeah, those were pretty humiliating for you, I agree.

  4. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Great, another Poppy joint.

  5. Bethesda Dan7:34 AM

    Do they have a newsletter? How can I get more information?

  6. Anonymous9:00 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. 9:00: Says the guy who sometimes poses as a woman when posting nasty troll comments.

  7. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Dyer why aren't there comments on the article about the missing boy? Not that I do, but what if I had critical information to share but didn't want to kill brain cells reading through the rest of your shit articles. Get a grip man, c'mon.

    1. Anonymous10:39 AM

      Dyer has email & is engaged on social platforms. Why not just reach out to Dyer directly if you have urgent info?

  8. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Bethesda man was found unharmed, per MCPD.

  9. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Dyer will never be engaged, LOL

  10. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Happy Halloween, Dyer! Enjoy wearing your trench coat today without looking like a fool

  11. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Term limits lost in the past by a narrow margin like just 2-3 percentage points. This time around, there's a large effort to get the word out -- I've seen plenty of "Yes on B" lawn signs out there for example. The general political climate right now is favorable for B to win. I hope it does.
