Friday, October 28, 2016

True Food Kitchen posts Coming Soon signage at Solaire Bethesda (Photos)

True Food Kitchen, the restaurant and anchor tenant at the new Solaire Bethesda luxury apartments, has posted Coming Soon banners promoting a Spring 2017 opening on the Wisconsin Avenue side of the building. The chain follows the vanished Rock Creek and new Beefsteak concepts into the Bethesda dining market, with healthy, organic spa cuisine as the primary selling point. You can examine their Fairfax County location's menu for a sense of what they might offer here.

Fresh-pressed juices will be part of the health beverages (such as one called Medicine Man at their Mosaic location featuring black tea, cranberry and pomegranate juices, honey and sea buckthorn) and cocktails served at a large scratch bar inside the restaurant, and a covered patio will provide al fresco dining. The Solaire was just delivered last week by developer Washington Property Company, and is now leasing.

Their website is up, but the chain's email list signup is not yet letting you set Bethesda as your location.
Also new outside the Solaire, are benches that were just installed. They are somewhat homeless-proof, but probably too short to provide a comfortable sleeping spot between armrests, despite lacking the more-blatant mid-seat hobo-repellent armrest you often find in urban areas.


  1. Anonymous5:59 AM

    Looks like Dyer has found a place to sleep on the nights when Mom locks him out.

    1. Skippy8:55 AM

      5:59am more comfortable than your crawl space :)

  2. Anonymous8:43 AM

    How long until your #SponsoredReview of their food Bobby?

    1. Skippy8:58 AM

      8:43am your jealousy and bitterness is unhealthy

    2. 8:43: Is Tom Sietsema a "sponsored review?" You sound like a raving lunatic.

  3. Anonymous8:46 AM

    The brick pavers on Wisconsin ave. are pretty poorly placed. Lots of tripping hazards, hopefully those are fixed.

  4. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Get lost Skippy

  5. Anonymous10:16 AM

    "Skippy" = "I Miss Giffords" = "Elm" = #UnsignedDyer

  6. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Looks like Skippy struck a nerve..

  7. Skippy2:18 PM

    "Anonymous" has so much resentment towards Robert Dyer, it's too much.

    Blames Dyer for all of his problems.

  8. Anonymous7:21 AM

    That bench will attract homeless.

  9. Anonymous7:48 AM

    7:21AM is marking his territory.
