Saturday, November 12, 2016

Construction schedule expands at second Donohoe tower in Bethesda

The schedule of construction of a mixed-use residential tower at the corner of Rugby Avenue and Del Ray Avenue in downtown Bethesda is expanding. Construction work, which had originally been planned to take place only on weekdays, is now extending to Saturdays. Saturday construction hours will be from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, in line with the County's weekend noise ordinance.

There will be no construction during the upcoming Thankgiving holiday weekend, however. Donohoe is the development company and construction firm on the project, which is designed to pair with the existing Gallery Bethesda luxury apartment tower.


  1. Anonymous8:52 AM

    What a complete nightmare for the local residents now weekend work...ugh!

    Make Bethesda Great Again

  2. Anonymous9:41 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Anonymous11:02 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. 11:02: If it was so important, why didn't the people trying to publicize it share the information with me? I can't report what I have no facts on. And, please, if you go back for years and decades, you will find countless similar incidents

  4. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Robert: So, I (11:02) posted something about Nazi symbols appearing on Westland Middle School's bathroom stalls shortly after Trump's election and suggesting you should have covered it. Your response: Delete my post, suggest this wasn't important, say you didn't have the facts, and imply that it wasn't a big deal because their have been countless similar incidents. The incident was widely publicized and you, as one supposedly very in touch with our community, should have been aware of it. If you weren't, you could have requested the information. You cover many issues that have occurred countless times before. Your lack of coverage on this issue and your subsequent response suggests a blindness to the impact of Trump's rhetoric and connections AND an apparent insensitivity to groups attached or targeted by his supporters. I'd be happy to provide the details on the Westland incident, but I doubt you'd want them or would use them. If you don't trust me, you can also request them from the Westland Principal, Alison Serino, any Westland staff, or any Westland parent. I gave you the benefit of the doubt up to now that you were a principled Trump supporter, I now wonder whether such a thing exists. 11:02

  5. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Robert: One can only wonder where an "astute" reporter like you could have been to miss the Westland story. Everyone else seemed to have no trouble finding and covering it. Here's what a google search for "Westland Swastika incident" yields:

    Search Results
    Swastikas drawn on walls at Md. middle school |
    2 days ago - Swastikas drawn on walls at Md. middle school ... The letter states that one of the boys' bathrooms at Westland Middle school ... Officials said they are “very saddened by this incident” and that this “type of ... Alison L. Serino.
    Swastikas Drawn on Wall at Bethesda's Westland Middle School - Patch
    2 days ago - BETHESDA, MD — Swastikas were recently drawn on the walls of a boys' ... The letter from Westland Middle School Principal Alison Serino says the vandals drew ... Montgomery County Police are investigating the incident.
    Maryland Middle School Bathroom Vandalized With Swastikas
    16 hours ago - Westland Middle School Principal Alison Serino said the swastikas were drawn ... images of swastikas, the school's principal said in a letter to parents. ... Paul Starks said the vandalism is being investigated as a "hate incident.
    In election's wake, racist incidents have schools on edge - The ...
    1 day ago - Swastikas, blackface and name-calling worry administrators, students and parents. ... Friday, the second such incident at the school in the past two weeks. In a letter sent to parents of students at Westland Middle School, Principal Alison L. Serino said administrators have contacted the Montgomery County ...
    Alison Serino – WBNews - Tag
    1 day ago - “We are very saddened by this incident,” Serino wrote. ... a swastika drawn on a boys' bathroom wall Friday, the second such incident at the school in the past two weeks. In a letter sent home to parents of students at Westland Middle School in Bethesda, principal Alison Serino said the school has contacted ...

    Your contention that you didn't have access to the information on this story simply doesn't ring true. Maybe you just don't care or have a huge bias or blindspot.

  6. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Did you really lack the information on the Westland story OR did you simply not want to report on it? If you lacked the info before, you don't now. It's not too late, you can still cover this. If you don't and simply ignore or delete these comments, it will expose your bias.

    1. 8:47: As of early this morning, I have seen no official statement from the Montgomery County Police regarding this incident. The graffiti indeed happened, but those with the facts about it were very choosy about which news outlets they shared that information with. So, in reality, there is no source for the information other than these news reports. I've not been contacted by a single Westland official or parent about this incident.

      Secondly, the framing of this - with no evidence, or even a suspect being interviewed yet! - as somehow connected to Trump is journalistic malpractice of the highest order. Go back and search news archives, and you'll find numerous instances of identical graffiti in Montgomery County long before Election 2016. So that's definitely "bias" right there.

      If the police release an official statement with new information, or if someone has a new scoop in the case they would like to share, I'll be delighted to print it.

      Otherwise, this has been well-covered on the TV news, and nobody wants to read days-old news they've already heard. That's part of the game sources in this incident wanted to play for unknown, strange political reasons, and I'm not going to play it.

  7. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Saith Dyer: "If it was so important, why didn't the people trying to publicize it share the information with me?"

    Maybe they don't consider YOU important.

    1. 9:58: That would indicate they know very little about the state of media in Bethesda in 2016. My blog has changed the media landscape across Montgomery County. Someone genuinely trying to get the word out shares. With. All. Media.

  8. Anonymous7:35 PM

    If it was so unimportant, why did you feel the need to remove my original comment? 11:02

    1. 7:35: Because one of the things our resident troll does is try to divert traffic to the house organs of the MoCo political cartel by posting links and references to stories which have been hand-delivered to them to get people going elsewhere. Not going to allow that.

  9. Anonymous5:28 AM

    But there weren't any links in the original message you deleted. In fact, links were only posted after you claimed you couldn't write about this because you didn't know about it and suggested someone should have sent you information about it. NOT YOUR RESIDENT TROLL!

  10. 5:28: It isn't always a link. It's the mentioning of a Google-able topic that has been furnished exclusively, and literally hand-delivered, to my competitor. Standard operating procedure for the troll. Didn't say you were the troll, just that the comment was in that vein.
