Thursday, December 29, 2016

Bethesda's Waverly Street Gallery to host photography exhibit in January

Waverly Street Gallery will be hosting a new photography exhibit to start the New Year in January. Photographers Kate Stillwell and Wil Scott will bring a trove of shots from their travels - and the inspirations derived from the people, places and events they witnessed - in Two for the Road - A Photographic Journey.

The exhibit will open on January 10, and run through February 4, at the gallery, which is located at 4600 East-West Highway in downtown Bethesda. An opening reception for the exhibit will be held on Friday, January 13, from 6:00-9:00 PM. An Artists' Talk with the photographers will be held on January 28, from 1:00 to 3:00 PM.

All of the events are free.


  1. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Couldn't you get a picture of the sign that didn't have two letters blocked by that tree?

  2. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Couldn't you resist the urge to dis the author?

  3. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Couldn't you resist the urge to stalk the commenters?

  4. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Re December 25 crime report: "S. Glen Road" is #NotBethesda .

    Re December 26 crime report: wow, lots of domestic assaults. Is that why it's called "Boxing Day"?

  5. 3:59: Comet Ping Pong and Sibley Hospital are even less Bethesda than S. Glen Road, yet they were both topics of stories in Bethesda Magazine. I did not see any comments complaining on there, so let's be consistent.

  6. Anonymous5:28 AM

    Look at a map sometime, Dyer.

    S. Glen Road is much farther away than Comet Ping Pong, which is very popular with Bethesdians, and Sibley Hospital which is the second-closest hospital to much of Bethesda, and part of the same network as Suburban.

    On the other hand, "Military Road NW" is NOT within the Bethesda Police District.

  7. 5:28: You just contradicted yourself with your NW DC fumble. Fortunately, with all of Bethesda Magazine's many geographic sins from D.C. to Clarksburg, your nattering is completely irrelevant. I can basically write about anyplace and get away with it at this point. Fortunately, I have a much better record of sticking to my coverage area on each of my news sites than they do.

    A lot of people in Bethesda go to Verizon Center and the Kennedy Center, too. That doesn't mean they are part of Bethesda news.

  8. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Hey folks, WTF does it matter? Are the stories of interest to people in Bethesda? Dyer writes his blog on what he thinks is relevant. You others are more than welcome to write your own blog with what YOU think is relevant.

    Dyer, you aren't winning anything with your constant reference to Comet Ping Pong. Someone responding to fake news with violence is newsworthy to EVERYONE in the DC metro area.

    1. 8:33: Yeah, and it was well covered by TV and the Post so WTF exactly does BM add to the story by just repeating the facts of a case everybody already knew? Basically just spamming Google News to profit from pizzagate, and/or as commenter below suggested, they have personal or financial ties to the owner or restaurant. Longest morning link synopsis in their brief history. Surprised they're not taking heat for their misogynistic coverage of the Melania Trump case. Maybe there's enough anger about the election that BM will get another free pass on that totally biased editorializing. Were she a Democrat, women would be picketing outside the magazine office. And what that case has to do with Bethesda? Again, absolutely nothing. Baba Booey.

  9. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Any idea if Bethesda Mag's owner has financial interest in Comet Ping Pong?
    Alot of coverage for a DC restaurant and he often lavishes coverage on businesses he has a stake in.

  10. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Mr Dyer @9:34AM From @8:33AM
    Don't you be Baba Booeying me. I'm an honest commenter who points things out rather than taking badmouthing anyone.

    ALL politics aside, a fake news story riled someone so severely that they drove hundreds of miles, and entered a family restaurant, armed. I am from Bethesda. I have eaten at that place several times. I think is IS newsworthy in Bethesda.

    That said. I rarely read BB and could not give a rat's ass what they publish. My comments were here, on your board, to you.

  11. Anonymous11:43 AM

    taking badmouthing should read taking shots at or badmouthing

    from 11:41

  12. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Any idea if Robert Dyer has a personal interest in propagating the "Pizzagate" calumny?

    "A lot" is two words, not one.

    You're welcome, Birdbrain!

  13. Anonymous12:34 PM

    "Their misogynistic coverage of Melania Trump"

    How so, Dyer?

  14. Anonymous7:42 AM

    If there's misogynistic coverage, Melania brought it on herself. And you can bet if she were Democratic she'd be feeling the same heat. Would Republicans be all over it? You betcha. For:
    Promising but not releasing her immigration documents
    Lying about her college degree
    Copying a speech given by the current FLOTUS

    No hatred, just putting out a few facts. I think she's actually pretty sharp. And probably the last thing she wanted was for him to be elected. There's being in the spotlight and being in the spotlight

  15. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Dyer, do you realize that for your claim of "misogynistic coverage" to be true, there would have had to have been appeals to Melania Trump's gender which were irrelevant to the merits of her lawsuit. As usual, you've got nothing.

  16. 12:09: One of the essential points of the case is a completely false accusation that she was an escort. BM has strongly sided with the fake news purveyors in its coverage, which is a tacit endorsement of misogyny - these specific claims would never be made against a male figure.

  17. Anonymous7:33 AM

    That's right. She was a "model."

  18. Anonymous9:27 AM

    "Lügenpresse!" saith Dyer.
