Friday, December 02, 2016

Pepco work down to one lane on Del Ray Ave. in Bethesda

Pepco continues to make extensive repairs to its feeder lines in the Woodmont Triangle area of Bethesda, after WSSC workers allegedly damaged them while repairing their own underground infrastructure recently. One lane of Del Ray Avenue was closed last night at Old Georgetown Road, but Cordell Avenue - which had been closed for two days - was fully open again.


  1. Anonymous7:19 AM

    If you are going to post about something 3 days in a row, can you not at least take a different picture? Did Mommy's polaroid run out of batteries?

  2. Anonymous7:58 AM

    And a picture that shows people actually working at the site, instead of an empty tent at 3 AM.

  3. 7:19: Shut up, idiot. Nobody else has even reported this big story, which affected traffic and threatened to cut power to Suburban Hospital.

    7:58: I know you like to look at men, and I'm sure there are plenty of other websites that can serve your needs for that. Most people just care about the traffic and the power staying on, you moron.

  4. Anonymous8:36 AM

    For the freelancers based outside of the county, any hour after the office closes at 5pm apparently is 3am.

  5. Anonymous8:38 AM

    @802 - why the hate towards someone's sexuality? Trump is really in your head, eh?

    1. 8:38: No hate - you just explicitly said twice in 24 hours that you wanted pictures of utility workers. You said it, not me. How about the post being unable to print that "alt-right" Milo is openly gay in their editorial. Homophobia on the part of the editorial board? I don't recall seeing a letter to the editor from you when they didn't respect his gender identity. Again, the real sides of hate are being revealed, including your daily hate speech, threats and harassment against me in my comments section. Embarrassing for the MoCo cartel.

  6. Anonymous9:16 AM

    I guess the "men" beat up Dyer the last time he tried taking a picture of them. Maybe that's why he's so touchy about that.

  7. Anonymous9:20 AM

    The "men" spent most of their time idling in those trucks or under tents, so good luck getting the glamour shots that anonymous wants.

  8. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Sure, none of you are sexist.

    Assuming all utility workers are male.


  9. Anonymous9:28 AM

    @ 9:21 - Yes, note that 7:58 said "people", not "men".

    It was Dyer's mind that immediately jumped to oiled-up pecs and biceps and jangling junk.

    1. That's coming from your mind. TMI, I'm afraid. Aren't you late picking up Hans Riemer's lunch?

  10. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Dyer doesn't typically respond so quickly using his own name. I guess he was so flustered that he forgot to not sign in.

  11. Anonymous9:54 AM

    9:40 AM got flustered, realizing it's past noon and and the councilman's car needs waxing before the weekend
