Thursday, January 19, 2017

15 local governments & organizations call on MoCo Council to revise Bethesda Downtown sector plan

Fifteen Bethesda-area governments and organizations have delivered a joint letter to Montgomery County Council President Roger Berliner, asking for major changes to the draft Bethesda Downtown sector plan. Chief among the requests sought are staging of the development permitted in the plan, heights and building designs more compatible with the communities surrounding the downtown, adding more parks and amenities, retaining fire and rescue stations as single-use public safety sites, improving transitions between new downtown development and adjacent neighborhoods, and the use of better and more-accurate data in formulating the plan.

The letter is also calling for not only the return of citizen advisory boards for master plans, but also a Design Review Advisory Panel with citizen representation, which would weigh in on building designs. Many residents have complained that their input no longer matters since those advisory bodies were replaced with week-long charettes.

Several elected officials signed the letter, including Scott Fosler, a former County Councilman and current Mayor of Chevy Chase; Jeffrey Slavin, Mayor of Somerset; Michael Denger, Chair of the Board of Managers of Chevy Chase Village; and William Brownlee, Chair of Section 3 of the Village of Chevy Chase.

Also signing were many civic associations, including the East Bethesda Citizens Association, Chevy Chase West Neighborhood Association, the Edgemoor Citizens Association, the Sacks Neighborhood Association, the Battery Park Citizens Association, the West Fernwood Citizens Association, the Citizens Coordinating Committee on Friendship Heights, residents of Middleton Lane, the 7420 Chevy Chase Drive condominium association, and the Bradley House condo association.

Rounding out the signatories was Mary Flynn, head of the Coalition of Bethesda Area Residents, the citizen group that has spearheaded the efforts to scale back the plan.

One notable detail that jumps out - 25 life members and former members of the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Rescue Squad submitted a separate letter in which they endorse the Squad property and the Bethesda Fire Station 6 remaining as public safety facilities only. Rather than have new stations built by a developer who would also add residential units, they say station renovations and replacements should instead be co-funded by the County. Both stations are owned by their respective organizations, not the County.

Flynn said those signing the letter are optimistic that the high level of detail in their recommendations will lead the Council to take their concerns and proposals seriously. All told, the letter represents over 10,000 Bethesda households.

To read the full text of the letter, recommendations and attachments, click here.


  1. Anonymous11:09 AM

    While you were wringing your hands over crimes that happened miles outside of Montgomery County, let alone Bethesda, dozens of local residents are over at Bethesda's news site of record discussing the sector plan.

    1. 11:09: No clue what you're talking about, jackass. Gunmen at large in Spring Valley and the Palisades aren't "miles outside of Montgomery County." Funny you didn't comment when Bethesda's fake news site of record was tweeting fake news claiming that gays were marching in Chevy Chase, Maryland and Friendship Heights, Maryland, and retweeted something about Comet Ping Pong, which is in the District, NOT BETHESDA.

      Meanwhile, I can now write anything about the District or Timbuktu, and you can't criticize me without being a homeless hypocrite.

  2. Anonymous12:26 PM

    No news on the spike in hotel rates due to the womens march or inauguration?


    1. 12:26: Faryab, baby. #Scooped #RealNews

  3. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Hey Dyer ^ yours!

  4. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Dyer doesn't believe in Women's Rights unless its Poppy sitting on his face

  5. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Dyer's troll is very insecure and is still seeking validation, attention and love from Robert Dyer.

    He's giving himself a little pep talk in his not so anonymous comments.

  6. Anonymous1:18 PM

    1:16 And Dyer often gives it to him. Takes two to Tango. But that lesson rarely seems to sink in to folks like you and Dyer.

  7. Anonymous3:27 PM

    So if the troll stops trolling, that solves it all.
    See? Easy solution.

  8. Anonymous3:42 PM

    No "trolls" = no readers.

    Just one pop-psychologist talking to himself.

  9. The anonymous Dyer haters are pathetic. Post substantive comments or get a life.

  10. Anonymous6:27 PM

    I'm commenting on the crime report...all of Chevy Chase and Bethesda is being infiltrated by violent thugs from DC and Montgomery Village
    The crime rate is being hidden as it has increased 300%in that 6 months ...illegal ms-13 gangs from south of the birder too
    Thanks Obama

  11. Anonymous6:28 PM

    I am a woman who believes in women's rights and I VOTED TRUMP

  12. Anonymous7:40 AM

    @1226 - If Faryab is the best you can do, have at it Robert.

    Go Pound Sand.

  13. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Y'all know why trolls troll? It is fun when people react or they think they can shame them to stop. Jeez yet you all are here feeding the troll day and night. Dyer might be the most prolific troll feeder of the bunch.

  14. Anonymous8:15 AM

    7:47AM I've said before. It can be fun. It can be therapeutic. Target practice. They will troll whether they're "fed" or not. Let them embarrass themselves.
