Monday, January 09, 2017

Aeropostale reopens; Smart Toys, Peet's Coffee close at Westfield Montgomery Mall (Photos)

The redesigned Aeropostale
The new and improved Aeropostale has opened at Westfield Montgomery Mall in Bethesda. Will the cosmetic and product changes help the struggling chain stay afloat? We shall soon find out.
Smart Toys walled off
after closing last week
Meanwhile, in other mall news, Smart Toys has closed. I've also confirmed Peet's Coffee, which went dark late last week, has permanently closed. Signage and menus have been stripped from the kiosk, as Starbucks continues to dominate the coffee wars at the mall.


  1. Anonymous5:35 AM


    Peet's permanent closing was reported several days ago.

    The entire The Limited chain is going out of business.

  2. Anonymous5:48 AM

    Aero looks exactly the same in your photo. What's different?

    1. Anonymous5:55 AM

      "Old and lousy" LOL

  3. 5:35: I'm the one who reported it, dumbass. And the closing of The Limited was first reported by me, as well.

  4. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Jerry's in Cabin John Mall is gone.

    1. Anonymous1:32 PM

      Jerry's sucked even when they first opened.

  5. Anonymous9:10 AM

    #Deadmall ... Dyer sucks at everything! Hahahhah What a loser :D

  6. Anonymous9:24 AM

    I heard Jerry's closing was a direct result of new ownership forcing out local, long-standing tenants in an effort to bring in more national chains and diminish the legacy of the center

  7. Anonymous9:31 AM

    5:35 Dyer sounding just like his idol, Orangina, with the name calling and self-proclaiming prophet. Find someone with class to emulate, oh I forgot you two birdbrain tweeters are cut from the same turd.

  8. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Which would be worse - Dyer with Trump's orange octopus hairdo, or Trump with Dyer's ponytail and granny glasses?


  9. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Please do not sully my beloved Orangina drink.

  10. Anonymous10:55 AM

    9:24AM Pants on fire!!!!

    10:03AM I'm sorry the toy store closed too. Are you going to imply that I'm a child molester?

    10:45AM The worst would be someone so thin skinned that they feel the need to post childish insults at a blog author.

    9:10AM Everything except the one thing you want him to suck at. Sour grapes?

  11. Anonymous11:01 AM

    10:55 = #UnsignedDyer

  12. Anonymous11:08 AM

    11:01AM Thin skinned and quick to reply.
    And unless Dyer is a short blonde woman who lives in N Bethesda, you're also wrong.

  13. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Imagine if Dyer trolled Bethesda Magazine every day and intimated that its owner was a child molester. Because that's what they're doing here.

    You know, someone could say they saw Steve Hull prowling school properties, looking for trouble in his white box truck with no windows or something like that.

  14. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Agreed. Bethesda Magazine attracts a much better class of commenters than Dyer's blog.

    1. 11:26: Most a handful of developer-paid tools - "Frank" "Crickey" "Upcounty" "JustSayin" and I forget the regular guy who supports every development project except the one at the Bethesda Fire Station because he lives behind it. So, no, my commenters aren't paid, but they make more money honestly than yours.

  15. Skippy11:41 AM

    Dyer's report on The Limited closure was a real scoop last week.
    The national media is just now talking about The Limited shutting stores.

  16. Anonymous1:23 PM

    11:41AM I noticed that too. "The Limited Just Shut ALL Their Stores" and I was like, hey I already knew that.

  17. Anonymous3:58 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. 3:58: Hilarious that their report was 2 years late. You criticized all this time, and now you want to praise them for a late report. What a moron. Kind of like them realizing Obi-Wan Kenobi-style that renderings of 7272 Wisconsin had been posted, and knocking off my 8 AM article a few hours later.

    2. Anonymous5:42 PM

      How can reporting something that just happened this afternoon be "two years late"?

    3. 5:42: Because it happened 2 years ago.

  18. Anonymous4:17 PM

    OK, why is Dyer now deleting all comments about the The Limited?

    1. 4:17: You're having a psychotic episode - I haven't deleted any comment about The Limited.

  19. Anonymous6:53 PM

    I haven't seen Dyer this mad since he slept through the re-opening of the south end of Woodmont Avenue, followed by the opening of the Bethesda Row garage. And then he claimed that the removal of a temporary crosswalk related to that constructions was "war on pedestrians".

    1. 6:53: Why would I be mad about something I reported 2 years ago? No, I didn't sleep through the reopening. The reopening was kept secret for political reasons, and then a fake news blog funded by the MoCo political cartel was told at the last minute to run obediently over there and post before Robert Dyer finds out. That's the only way these guys ever get a scoop. Political machinations aren't journalism. Your comment reveals how close you were to the Lot 31 incident. There were 3 people involved in that and you were one of them. Too bad your guys did sleep through the closures of Bruce Variety, Lad & Lassie and Regal Cinemas.

    2. Anonymous7:41 PM

      "The Lot 31 incident"

      LOL, you sound like Captain Queeg.

    3. 7:41: You sound like a mental patient.

    4. Anonymous7:53 PM

      6:53pm What is the frequency, Kenneth?

  20. Anonymous7:37 PM

    It didn't "happen two years ago". Smashburger was open, serving meals, until this very afternoon.

    You absolutely cannot ever admit that you were wrong, no matter how much of a fool you make yourself.


    1. 7:37: They closed two years ago, but were allowed to stay by the landlord until they could find a replacement tenant. You were in denial, and now have been proven a fool. Smashburger was the site of Bethesda Now's self-proclaimed top story of all time, the infamous "Girl orders F*** ton of mayo on her burger" expose. Pulitzer worthy stuff. Meanwhile, I'm exposing underground fuel spills, and illegal use of funds in Montgomery County Government.

  21. Anonymous8:02 PM

    "No, I didn't sleep through the reopening [of Woodmont Avenue]. The reopening was kept secret for political reasons, and then a fake news blog funded by the MoCo political cartel was told at the last minute to run obediently over there and post before Robert Dyer finds out. That's the only way these guys ever get a scoop. Political machinations aren't journalism. Your comment reveals how close you were to the Lot 31 incident. There were 3 people involved in that and you were one of them."

    OMG, I'm dying here. Comedy gold.

    1. 8:02: I think most people would find low-level government employee going to such dramatic lengths and skullduggery over a 50 yard section of asphalt opening to be pretty hilarious. When the FBI ever starts turning over every rock in Montgomery County Government, there'll definitely be some entertainment value to the shenanigans they'll find.

  22. "F*** ton of Mayo"!!!!! Actual headline. Can't make this stuff up, folks.

    1. Anonymous3:05 PM

      Yes, reporting on a Tweet by ESPN and Washington Post hockey writer Neil Greenberg. Got a problem with that, Sister Mary Margaret?

  23. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Looks like R. Riveter has closed, too. That's three shops and one restaurant in just a week.

  24. Anonymous9:00 AM

    R Riveter planned for a short stay, over the holidays.
