Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Bethesda construction update: Cheval Bethesda ultra-luxury condos (Photos)

The Cheval Bethesda ultra-luxury condo tower's skeletal facade is beginning to take on the distinctive shape seen in the renderings of the project. Located at 4960 Fairmont Avenue, the building will be 17 stories when completed later this year.

There will be only 72 condo units, and 7000 SF of non-residential space. Prices will be in the ultra-luxury tier: From the $900,000s to over $2.5 million. Delivery is expected next year. Duball, LLC is the developer.


  1. Anonymous7:44 AM

    The word chivalry comes from cheval the French word for horse.
    A concept lost on @7:03AM

    Horses like sweet flavors and will usually reject anything sour or bitter.

  2. Anonymous7:54 AM

    I would classify 7:03's comment as salty rather than sour or bitter.

    Horses love salt.

    And 7:44 just stepped in some pommes du cheval.

  3. Anonymous7:56 AM

    You look like an idiot in your Big Mac preview, Robert

  4. Anonymous8:20 AM

    If a horse has a red ribbon on it’s tail, it kicks.

  5. Anonymous8:58 AM

    I walked into McD's to get that new Big Mac but saw a bunch of MS-13 working there and ran straight out.

  6. Anonymous9:56 AM

    8:58AM Keep that up and they'll be coming after you.

  7. Anonymous12:35 PM

    What's the pricing on these bad boys?

    1. 12:35: I believe they are $5.19.

  8. Anonymous12:40 PM

    @1235 - who cares as long as their expensive AF?

    #PriceDyerOuttaBethesda #MakeBethesdaSafeAgain

  9. Anonymous12:48 PM

    If only we could be rid of history's greatest monster. #PriceDyerOuttaBethesda #MakeBethesdaSafeAgain

  10. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Why are there so many thefts and burgulary on Grosvenor Avenue which used to be a very safe road?
    Oh must be all the illegal workers rebuilding the huge lots of homes that have been razed and rebuilt! Ms13.

  11. Anonymous5:01 PM

    235 is too stupid to understand that all the #fakefeed stories planted by CNN ..go on little snowflake don't read and learn things ..just believe the Pravda state fake news fed to the stupid gullible masses like you you dumbass
    President Trump rules get over it
