Sunday, January 15, 2017

Bethesda construction update: Woodmont Central (Photos)

Excavation for the second luxury apartment tower of Donohoe's Woodmont Central development continues at the corner of Rugby and Del Ray Avenues in Bethesda.


  1. Anonymous6:30 AM

    What exactly is the difference between a "high-rise apartment building" and a "luxury apartment tower"?

    Also, did you know that there are several buildings on that block, and at least one across the street, that were originally built as single-family homes?

  2. 6:30: I'd say the difference is the number of stories (The Gallery Bethesda is the tallest residential building in downtown Bethesda) and the luxury amenities and higher price point. Now, we also have "ultra-luxury" with buildings like The Lauren, Stonehall Bethesda, The Darcy and Cheval Bethesda.

    I know there were a greater number of SFHs, sometimes being used as businesses, in downtown Bethesda when I was younger.

  3. Anonymous7:42 PM

    "Moribund economy in Bethesda drives shovels in the ground for another 17 story luxury apartment building"

  4. 7:42: Wrong. The Bethesda residential real estate market does well even as the County Council has failed to deliver jobs and major new corporate headquarters since 2000. That's why, as Ike Leggett acknowledged, we're becoming a bedroom community.

  5. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Why are they digging in to the ground? Is this a high rise for mole people?
