Monday, January 02, 2017

Signs that opening of Lucky Strike in Bethesda is moving closer

The long-delayed opening of Lucky Strike Social at Westfield Montgomery Mall has disappointed many. However, there are a few signs that the opening of the new bowling concept will happen sooner rather than later. Lucky Strike has filed the paperwork to request a liquor license from Montgomery County. And they are currently hiring staff.


  1. Anonymous7:16 AM

    It'll be great to have a quality bowling alley company here. I just hope they aren't too pricey. The most recent version over at Westbard was so expensive I think it drove folks away. One reason this will be successful is due to their dress code policy. No thugs hanging around with their jeans down by their ankles and under pants showing. No riff raff means good, clean fun for all.

  2. Signs of life for Bethesda's newest bowling venue!

  3. Anonymous2:14 PM

    I would never patronize any business that names itself after a brand of cigarettes. We have lost way too many people to lung cancer, emphysema, and other health effects of smoking.

  4. Anonymous3:30 PM

    It didn't name itself after the cigarettes #Birdbrain

  5. Bethesdan3:57 PM

    Westfield's malls are on the rise: Wheaton and Montgomery are greatly improved. Both have outstanding new theaters and dining options.

  6. Anonymous4:56 PM

    1.23: Neither fair nor funny. In the words of the late Joan Rivers; "Grow up!"

  7. Anonymous5:39 AM

    How true.
