Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Smashburger closes in Bethesda (Photos)

Two years after it became apparent that Smashburger was on the way out in Bethesda, the restaurant finally closed its doors yesterday. The restaurant space had been for lease for two years (I've even heard from potential tenants who had toured the space during that time), but the landlord had allowed Smashburger to stay until someone else signed a lease. Now that that has apparently happened, Smashburger was out.

I'm frankly puzzled as to why Smashburger was in trouble so shortly after moving in. The burger and fries were great there. As I've said before, my only issue was the lack of special menu items like Taco Bell and Burger King offer for a limited time each month.


  1. Anonymous5:30 AM

    I went there a few times, and the service was always sketchy. The staff felt like part-time college students who really didn't know how to serve customers.

  2. Anonymous5:58 AM

    The outside stench was horrible for over a year. It was always filthy inside, and the staff seemed like they were just hanging around. Not sad to see them go. Shake Shack? Probably not, but a girl can hope.

  3. Bethesdan6:00 AM

    Sad to lose smashburger! We'll probably get another bank.

  4. Skippy6:04 AM

    The smell was bad outside; but the burgers were good inside!

  5. Anonymous6:05 AM

    Dyer called it!! Anyways, I hope they put in a Good Stuff Eatery which is easily the best fast food cheeseburger in all of the DC Area. They have Old Bay Mayo.

  6. Anonymous6:05 AM

    Maybe we will get lucky and a Hermes store will open up! AHahahhahahahahahahahha

  7. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Why does Bethesda suck for restaurants? Between that and having to live in the same city as Dyer its making me want to move. Dyer is the WORST!

    1. Anonymous6:18 AM

      6:09am you sound like George Leventhal! He also thinks MoCo restaurants suck.

  8. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Dyer, your headline in January 2015 said "Smashburger is CLOSING". It didn't say "...two years from now". You were wrong then, and another news site reported the closure yesterday.

  9. Anonymous6:19 AM

    6:18 - hes is right! Also, Dyer sucks!

  10. 6:18: I was RIGHT. It was closing, and it finally did once they found a tenant for the space. That's how they were able to delay shutting the doors for two years. Wake up, idiot.

    6:19: I guess that's why the other outlets are reprinting my stories from hours, days, weeks, and even years ago? Or why the MoCo political cartel is desperately pouring money into creating websites to divert traffic from mine in every market? Boss Tweeds and Al Capones don't spend big bucks to try to derail a website that "sucks."

  11. 6:23: They aren't even the landlord for that building, dumbass. It's owned by Park Place Properties.

  12. Anonymous7:08 AM

    7:05AM has schizoaffective disorder

  13. Anonymous7:09 AM

    7:08 is a dyer lover!

  14. Anonymous7:20 AM

    7:08 is the same birdbrain that doesn't know the difference between "psychologist" and "psychiatrist". Much more importantly, he's talking to people who aren't there. (And just three minutes later.)

  15. Anonymous7:39 AM

    7:26 - The image of one of their morbidly obese staff doing that... Quelle horreur.

  16. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Everyone is stepping back and cringing a bit while Dyer's "anonymous" troll gets the bile and hate out of his system for the day.
    Hope the rest of his day is better!

  17. Anonymous8:33 AM

    8:12 - Thank you! It's been going swell ... How are you?

  18. Anonymous8:40 AM

    "6:23: They aren't even the landlord for that building, dumbass. It's owned by Park Place Properties." Dyer must have deleted 6:23?

  19. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Talking to invisible dumasses is a sure sign of paranoid schizophrenia. 7:08 the armchair psychologist will confirm that.

  20. Anonymous9:11 AM

    @605 or maybe ***Herpes*** store for Dyer

  21. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Dyer is love! Dyer is grace! Dyer does no wrong! All Hail!

  22. Anonymous9:19 AM

    *Let's check the comment section for any interesting additional insight*
    *Nope, just the usual childish name-calling, with the author embarrassingly leading the bunch.*

    Makes you wonder how many times he was called an "idiot" and a dumba** growing up. Must have been a lot...

  23. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Dyer should post an article, today, proclaiming that "Sears In Montgomery Mall Is Closing", given that it will do so, sometime in the next 5 years.

    1. 9:20: I'll leave the fake news to my competitors.

  24. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Someone still can't get over their psychologist gaffe. Pity. You were wrong. They can treat patients. Deal with it.

    Schitzo? Certainly some type of personality disorder with the obsession for Dyer and compulsion to attack him.

  25. I remember Giffords12:19 PM

    I always know Dyer has a big story when his troll gets all worked up.

  26. Anonymous1:31 PM

    There are multiple trolls - I'm not the only one. I despise Dyer though, so carry on and fight the good fight everyone!

    1. Anonymous1:38 PM

      1:31pm F*ck ton of mayo, right?
      The legend will live on!

  27. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Gotta ask, why do the trolls hate on Dyer? Are they jealous of his guitar shredding ability? Did your mommies sleep with him? I thought bullying wasn't cool anymore, but hey, if it makes you feel like a big man...I guess you gotta use what you got. I'd just think you'd pick on someone at school instead.

  28. Anonymous3:02 PM

    I troll because the comments are anonymous.

  29. Anonymous3:23 PM

    I troll because it makes me feel good :D

  30. Anonymous7:35 AM

    "...capable of...laugh"

    Check your grammar, birdbrain.

  31. Anonymous8:15 AM

    It is grammatically correct, numskull.
    Check on it. Again, you're wrong.

    Why don't you go to the library and brush up on your ignorance? I hear they have some new art on display.

  32. Anonymous8:35 AM

    "Capable of laughing" works.

    "Can laugh" works.

    "Capable of laugh" does not.

    Are you one of those callers that says, "your Windows has been expired"?

  33. Anonymous8:42 AM

    "It is grammatically correct, numskull.
    Check on it. Again, you're wrong."


  34. Bethesdan9:28 AM

    Dyer's stalker has a special feeling for Smashburger, hence all the weird comments on this closure. His story about a girl ordering a burger at this place with a "fuck ton of mayo" was the most read story in his short, but sad career as a journo.
    Not exactly local Edward R.Murrow Award stuff. I can see why Reamer loved him so.

  35. Anonymous11:45 AM

    You wish I was unsigned Dyer. Sorry dunderhead, that's another one in the Wrong column for you. Still thin-skinned, too.

    Here's a hint. Sentence structure. Another? Find a grammar check and use it.

  36. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Any idea what will be taking the place?
