Thursday, February 16, 2017

Demolition fence installed at Steamers property in Bethesda (Photos)

Demolition fencing was erected around the Steamers site in downtown Bethesda yesterday. The vacant restaurant is being torn down to make way for a 110' tall luxury condo building called The Claiborne. A public meeting about The Claiborne is scheduled for February 28 in Bethesda. The Steamers property is located at the corner of Norfolk and Auburn Avenues in the Woodmont Triangle.


  1. Anonymous5:56 AM

    While Robert Dyer was aimlessly wandering the streets of Bethesda at 3 AM, Hans Riemer was working to get Universal Pre-K, and our General Assembly granted Brian Frosh the power to impeach SCROTUS.

  2. 5:56: Hans Riemer wasn't supporting universal Pre-K in the last election. Looks like he flip-flopped to the Robert Dyer position. He wasted 8 years in office, as a result.

    Riemer copied Dyer, just like the Council is coming around to a few of my other longtime positions at a glacial pace. We'd be a lot better off having someone who is smart and ahead of the curve like me, so we don't have to wait decades to get things done with Helpless Hans.

    1. Anonymous11:47 AM

      "Hans Riemer wasted *8* years in office"


  3. Anonymous6:15 AM

    So you don't want the great people of Bethesda to know when WOB is opening Dyer?

  4. Anonymous6:17 AM

    The title could even read-

    "Montgomery County keeping illegal aliens employed with 110' upscale condo building rubber stamped by government officials"

    God forbid anything would ever be approved for the benefit of anyone who actually grew up here, lives here, and pays the taxes.

  5. 6:15: Actually, the World of Beer doesn't want the great people of Bethesda to know when they are opening, because they didn't send the press release to me. Not very smart. Poor marketing. Poor media relations.

    By the way, I broke the story about World of Beer opening in Bethesda, and just did a construction update last week. I think it's pretty clear the restaurant is opening in few weeks. Relax, Tom Gugliotta.

  6. Anonymous6:33 AM

    WoB sent a press release to Bethesda's news site of record, which gets 20 times as many readers as your site. Sounds like good marketing and media relations.

  7. 6:33: No, they didn't. I AM the news site of record in Bethesda. Maybe some advertisers fall for the fake circulation and page hit stats of a small and slightly failing magazine in the same market, but not me.

    Really bad media relations by World of Beer. You have to know the media in your market, and not just print, in 2017.

  8. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Yep, buying a fake "Best of" award isn't the best use of marketing funds from local businesses...just ask "Soup Up"!

  9. Anonymous8:14 AM

    They didn't send me one either, but you don't hear me bitching about it.
    I'm not important enough. I get it. I understand.

  10. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Dyer @ 6:33: "I AM the news site of record in Bethesda."

    LOL. Says YOU. And ONLY you.

    1. Anonymous8:39 AM

      You prefer another site written by interns and freelancers who don't even live in Bethesda, then good for you :)
      Go to whichever you prefer.

    2. Anonymous2:16 PM

      Yep. I'd rather get my MoCo news via the intern from Bumfuck U.
      They're happy just to be in the Council chambers...No tough questions. And Hans may reference their self published blog posts!

  11. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Headline: "Trump's combative, grievance-filled press conference"

    Dyer and Trump are soulmates. LOL

    1. Anonymous11:55 AM

      I'd say the frustrated "Anonymous" guy who trolls, attacks and threatens here daily is the one with the grievances.

      He can't let go of his grievance with Robert Dyer.

  12. Anonymous12:19 PM

    "Riemer copied Dyer"

    Lol. I can't imagine any coherent, rational person with agreeing with you on anything

  13. Anonymous12:20 PM

    "they didn't send the press release to me"

    Hahaha, you're not the "press."

    1. Anonymous2:19 PM

      Yes, no media outlet without a print publication is considered "press".
      Hello 12:20pm, the 1990s are calling you.
      "What year is it? What year is it?"

    2. Anonymous4:04 PM

      @ 2:19 PM - Instead of wringing your hands over "print", how about just focusing on actual readership - which is 20 times greater at the other site. If you dispute this, then let's see some statistics to support your own claim.

    3. Anonymous4:44 PM

      @4:04pm you sound very defensive about your readership and revenue.

      Your "I have the biggest dick in Bethesda" claims continue to be laughable.

      Why do failing sites always make up web traffic numbers before closing? Borderstan & BethesdaNOW all over again.

  14. 4:04: It's 20 times greater on my site, particularly if you exclude the Google News traffic they pay Google to get. Stats show engagement is greater on my site, and with better content and no reliance on fake news and click bait tweets, visitors stay longer on my site than theirs. Facts.

    12:19: He's actually proposing a half-loaf Pre-K plan, but the fact is, he wasn't even touting that in 2010 or 2014. He woke up and realized Robert Dyer was more progressive than he is.

    8:34: Another threat? You're facing a couple of decades in the federal pen at this point. Better hope your identity is never revealed.

    12:20: I AM the press in Bethesda. The only one who doesn't get "attaboys" from crooked councilmembers.

  15. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Where are your "statistics", Dyer?

  16. 4:46: Latest statistic is breaking news on the Westbard cemetery story, exclusively on this site.

  17. Anonymous6:01 AM

    Dyer @ 4:45 PM Hello. I'm 8:34.

    Man you're nuts. It is YOU who keep threatening ME. I asked you to prove a statement you made, which resulted in you going off on a tirade against me. How many times do I need to say it? I'm a long-term county resident and not one of your alleged media enemies. Translation: A county voter.

    "Decades of time in the Federal pen." For a sign with your own words "Shut up, idiot. I am the news in Bethesda." Laughable.

    Still would make a great sign. One of those pesky First Amendment benefits.

  18. Anonymous6:30 AM

    "I AM the press in Bethesda"
    Anyone got a sound-byte of this?
