Monday, February 20, 2017

Sneak peek: Georgetown Branch Trail detour sign in downtown Bethesda (Photos)

There's controversy over what route the detour of the Georgetown Branch Trail will take during the years of construction of the Purple Line along the trail's current route. But a sign has appeared with a cover over it, and underneath is a Georgetown Branch Trail detour sign. The sign is at Woodmont Avenue and Hampden Lane in downtown Bethesda.


  1. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Is Dyer licking the sign in that last photo?

    Sure looks like it. Ewww. You can get the kid out of the Short Bus, but you can't get the Short Bus out of the kid.

  2. Anonymous8:15 AM

    8:11 - It's worse than that. He's holding the corner of the covering on that sign, with his MOUTH.



  3. Friends of Woodmont Triangle4:04 PM

    Anonymous negative man has a lot of hate for a guy (Robert Dyer) trying to do good in the Bethesda community.

  4. Anonymous5:00 PM

    4:04 - And you're what? Anonymous Relentlessly Positive Man Giving Attaboys To Dyer?

  5. Yet another scoop causes our resident paid troll to melt down. Would be humorous, but he's a poster child for the very serious mental health crisis in America, which is no laughing matter.

  6. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Taking a selfie of yourself holding some filthy piece of plastic in your mouth is not a "scoop".

  7. Anonymous8:15 PM

    "The very serious mental health crisis in America"

    LOL, what does this mean? Seems like a rather extreme reaction to a comment on a blog.

  8. Anonymous8:49 PM

    The trolls are getting worked up again.

  9. 8:15: If you're reading the same bizarre comments in which a troll is describing things that aren't even happening in the above photos, and you don't think the clown has mental health issues, you may need a psychiatric evaluation yourself.

  10. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Somebody's angry today...

  11. Anonymous9:12 AM

    U MAD BRO?
