Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Agenda for first Board of Education meeting since Rockville HS rape has no mention of the incident

The Montgomery County Board of Education will meet for the first time tomorrow, March 30, since the March 17th announcement by police alleging a gang rape of a 14-year-old girl in a bathroom at Rockville High School. Yet the meeting agenda makes no mention of the incident, nor of any planned discussion of immediate steps Montgomery County Public Schools should take to prevent something like this from happening again. This is absolutely mindboggling, given that policies and security lapses by MCPS and the Board allowed this alleged rape to occur. They've had two weeks to plan this agenda, and it appears the amount of thought they've given to student safety speaks for itself. Disgusting.

A protest of citizens demanding accountability is scheduled outside the Board offices, the Carver Educational Services Center, at 850 Hungerford Drive in Rockville tomorrow at 5:15 PM.


  1. Anonymous10:08 AM

    It's dated the 23rd.

    1. 10:08: You're saying the agenda I linked to says the 23rd?

      Trust me, I was sent a copy of the 30th agenda, and the topic wasn't on there. I later wanted to link to it (big mistake) so readers could verify, and I clicked on what BOE called, "next meeting agenda," so if it's wrong, that was the BOE, not me.

      There still is no Rockville rape agenda item on the 30th regardless.

  2. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Read the article below, and you'll see that the hysteria over this particular crime is misplaced. Yes, it's heinous, but it's not about the immigration status of the perpetrators. It's about the crime of sexual assault. Where's the outburst of concern over all the other sexual assaults?

  3. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Video of a brutal beating from a week before this incident, but at the same high school, released:

    Nothing to do with immigration -- it just seems like MCPS is inept at security.

  4. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Any news about the texts that were allegedly exchanged between the victim and the defendants?

  5. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Here is a link to the meeting agenda:

    You're welcome, Dyer.

    Doing Robert Dyer's job for him since 2013

    1. Anonymous11:17 AM

    2. 11:16: Thanks, I genuinely appreciate you posting the correct URL.

  6. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Unless you believe that all Central American immigrants are inherently rapists, the only "policies and security lapses that allowed this to occur" were the location and design of the bathroom in which the incident occurred.

    1. 11:22: I don't know anyone who believes that. But even if you went further beyond racist types, and exclude all issues related to immigration in this case, there were still many more issues than the bathroom - security guard lapse, nobody watching security cameras, an 18-year-old in 9th grade, no criminal background check, attendance, just for starters.

  7. Anonymous11:54 AM

    The 18-year-old defendant did not attend classes with the 14-year-old victim, and there are many 18-year-old-students in that school, as there are in every single other high school in the USA. How is that a "security lapse"?

    The public schools in Virginia (and New Jersey) have a later school-entry age, so there are 19-year-old high school seniors in those states.

    1. 11:54: People just enrolling at 18 should really be in night school to get a GED. I don't remember having free time to roam hallways freshman year in high school. It doesn't sound like this clown was enrolled in a vigorous academic program, which is alarming, given that Smith and Berliner have emphasized so strongly that the alleged rapists were so far behind, and with no English skills. If so, how does he have time to troll for victims and take them into bathrooms for extended periods.

      How come the local media doesn't ask these questions and give these officials the badgering 3rd degree?

  8. Anonymous11:54 AM

    You don't know people in the legal field?

  9. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Yes, that's why I posted what I did. Are you calling me a liar?
    I followed the meeting agenda link you have in the article. In the top left corner, as well as other places, it clearly is 3/23/17. so it was prepared or printed on 3/23.

    1. 11:58: Never called you a liar, I just explained how I ended up linking to the wrong document, but also to emphasize that my article was indeed based on the correct March 30 agenda, even if the link is wrong.

  10. Anonymous12:04 PM

    maybe the Supreme Court ruling from 1982 stating that all people must be admitted to schools in the US regardless of their immigration status should be overturned. We didn't have 13 million illegal immigrants in the United States in 1982 when that law was upheld let alone MS-13 murdering people and forming gangs in schools.

    1. 12:04: It probably should be overturned just based on the incredible economic burden it is placing on counties and cities nationwide. It's essentially functioning as a tax, and a classic "unfunded mandate" from Washington.

    2. Anonymous12:12 PM

      absolutely I agree with you.

  11. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Dyer, did you "submit to a criminal background check" when you enrolled in high school?

    Did you not have any free periods?

  12. Anonymous1:02 PM

    welcome to the United States Mr Sanchez-Milian,enjoy your stay.

  13. Anonymous5:05 AM

    "Rape survivor Victoria Bruce sharply criticized Gov. Larry Hogan’s response to the reported Rockville rape, saying he has used the case to stir fear and promote his own agenda. By turning an assault into a talking point on immigration, Hogan does a disservice to rape survivots, she said."

  14. 12:32: No, I didn't. But then, I wasn't an adult trying to enroll in the 9th grade! Why would someone as far behind as Jack Smith and Roger Berliner claim these two gentlemen were have any free time at all? That doesn't add up. They still haven't shared with the public Mr. Montano and Mr. Sanchez's class schedules - I have a hunch we could learn a lot from those just what the hell MCPS was doing with these punks.

    5:05: So Bruce is chill with 2 minor girls being gang-raped in MoCo in the last year?

  15. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Wow, Dyer. You are one incredibly clueless and callous asshole. Here is what she wrote:

    "The second thing that happens is that we immediately identify with the victim. So last week, when a Montgomery County teenage girl said she was raped in the bathroom of her high school, like millions of other survivors, I became that girl. I felt her terror like it was my own until it rose up in my chest like a hot poker. I sobbed for her. I ached for her parents, her friends, her teachers, her siblings. To rape survivors who now have children of our own, that girl is not just us, she is our daughter, too. Our hearts are crushed knowing that she now joins the millions of us who will never again hear about a rape without feeling the intense trauma along with the victim."

  16. 6:58: No, that describes you. It's absurd for someone to declare they control what any other person in America can or cannot say about a topic. It's called the 1st Amendment.

    I hearby declare you cannot talk about gun control right after a mass shooting, lest you "victimize the victims all over again."

    We have a small, sick group of people in Montgomery County who are more aghast that their grand political schemes may be foiled by this controversy than about the rape itself.

  17. 7:06: Hogan was absolutely correct. Both of these clowns were nabbed crossing the Mexican border, and then - instead of being shipped back to Central America - were released to family members here in Montgomery County DURING the Obama presidency, under the OBAMA "catch and release" policy.

  18. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Dyer deleting posts exposing his and BFF Ficker's racist agenda to round up illegals for Trump = PRICELESS

  19. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Dyer deleting posts exposing his and BFF Ficker's racist agenda to round up illegals for Trump = PRICELESS

  20. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Dyer deleting posts exposing his and BFF Ficker's racist agenda to round up illegals for Trump = PRICELESS

  21. Anonymous6:42 PM

    8:18 AM Troll posting lies 3x = PRICELESS!

  22. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Looks like the BOE did discuss the rape case at the hearing. So you were wrong.

    (WUSA scooped you.)

    And who was that jackass in the cowboy hat? Is he even from MoCo or even Maryland?

  23. 8:08: I wasn't "wrong" - it's a fact it was not on the agenda. The topic was brought up during the public comment portion of the meeting. Nobody scooped me. I was in the damn room.

  24. Anonymous5:58 AM

    If you were "in the damn room" but didn't actually publish anything, what good is that?

    And who was that jackass in the cowboy hat?

  25. Why would I publish the story at night when the audience is smaller, for something non-time-sensitive? That's why I'm the editor, and you're the dumpster-diving hobo. I don't recall you wearing a cowboy hat, but it would probably be an improvement over your current disheveled appearance.

  26. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Since Montgomery County didn't listen to my vote, maybe they'll listen to my feet: this is the last straw folks. Saynora.
