Tuesday, March 21, 2017

MoCo Council President on Rockville HS gang rape: "Bad things happen"

After hiding from their constituents and the press for four days, Montgomery County elected officials yesterday began to react to the alleged gang rape of a 14-year-old girl by two illegal immigrants at Rockville High School last Thursday. It was notable that County Council President Roger Berliner did not begin his weekly press conference by making a statement about the incident, which is foremost on the minds of county residents and parents. Only after being asked about the rape by a reporter, did Berliner comment. "Bad things happen," he suggested at one point.

Asked about the hot topic of why adults (the accused rapists are 17 and 18) are allowed to enroll as ninth-graders in Montgomery County Public Schools, Berliner endorsed the idea as a sound education policy for those with poor English skills.

In regard to the County's de facto sanctuary policies regarding citizenship status, a reporter asked if officials thought the incident should bring those policies into question now. Berliner disputed that idea in a puzzling way, asserting that the rape incident "reinforces why Montgomery County does what it does."

What was perhaps most troubling, was the passive, past-tense description of how the County would respond to the threat of serious crime, such as the gang rape incident. While most illegal immigrants do not engage in serious crime activity, Berliner said, "some of them do terrible things...and then we need to take care of it." In other words, our elected officials will allow a scenario in which we know "terrible things" will indeed happen, and then the County will "take care of it." That cannot be comforting to the victim of Thursday's brutal sexual assault in a bathroom at the school, who was allegedly gang-raped and sodomized. Wouldn't it make more sense to remove the criminal threat from the community and our schools before "bad things happen?"

Berliner went on to say the County does cooperate in limited circumstances with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) when the agency alerts them when prisoners in custody "have committed federal crimes." But just yesterday, Montgomery County was placed on a new federal list of jurisdictions that "limit cooperation with ICE."

"Is there some coddling [of illegal immigrants] here that might have contributed to this crime?" asked a reporter. Berliner denied that was the case, and claimed those being "coddled" by the Council are longtime residents, whose only crime is being "undocumented." "We're coddling, and I'm proud of it," Berliner said.


  1. Anonymous5:57 AM

    "After hiding from their constituents and the press for four days, Montgomery County elected officials began to react..."

    The news broke Friday. They responded Monday, the next business day.

    You really are a desperate birdbrain.

    1. 5:57am I wasn't aware being an elected representative was restricted to Monday-Friday "business hours".

      People are crying out for some leadership right now, not excuses.

  2. 5:57: This is why you're paid to be a BS artist, I guess. The news broke FRIDAY MORNING. They had all day Friday, and all weekend to respond. They were tweeting about irrelevant things like the Purple Line and 311 while their constituents were seeking answers from them. Stop lying.

  3. Anonymous6:08 AM

    "They were tweeting about irrelevant things like 'Maki Shops Coming Soon Sign'..."

  4. Anonymous6:25 AM

    You must be desperate if you're looking for news here.

  5. Anonymous6:36 AM

    The Trumptrain will be steamrolling through Montgomery County soon rounding up these illegal aliens and sending them home where they belong. I would send a dozen ICE buses directly to the Silver Spring MVA for starters. Berliner and rest of his pathetic liberal colleagues need to be held accountable for all these horrible incidents in our schools because they condone it. They are all part of the problem not the solution. They are directly responsible for what occurred because of their liberal policies that America has overwhelmingly rejected.

  6. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Trumptrain or not. Right is right and illegal is illegal. I'm all for legal immigration but have very little compassion for the ILLEGAL immigrants currently in our country.

  7. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Trump Train = Short Bus

  8. Anonymous8:05 AM

    7:12AM ROTFLMAO! That's a great one. That train will get derailed in MoCo before it leaves the station.

  9. Anonymous8:30 AM

    "liberal policies that America has overwhelmingly rejected" What rubbish.

    What happened in the recent election… was that Trump won the electoral college, while losing the popular vote… in a year in which more people didn’t vote for president than did vote for either major party candidate.
    If ‘did not vote’ had been a candidate, it would have won, overwhelmingly.

  10. Anonymous9:33 AM

    My neighbor grandmother visiting
    They went out for dinner and invalid grandmother was raped by Hispanic illegal workers ms13 initiation in her bed they have high tech security system
    Think it was illegal workers who have been doing flip houses in the area or their friends

    1. Anonymous7:05 PM

      Your neighbor grandma [sic] is a hot mamacita!

  11. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Build the wall
    Liberals in Montgomery county have destroyed once bucolic Bethesda

  12. Anonymous10:28 AM

    STFU, Gail.

  13. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Berliner sounds like a psychopath. Total lack of emotion or concern.

  14. Deport these Mofo's after sufficient time in the slammer.

  15. Anonymous12:30 PM

    And Berliner wants to continue to hold elected office. What a joke.

  16. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Keep protecting illegals and you get what you deserve to live in fear and have the knowledge to know that you can't do a thing about it libitards protect us citizens first

  17. Anonymous6:27 PM

    8:30 ""liberal policies that America has overwhelmingly rejected" What rubbish.

    What happened in the recent election… was that Trump won the electoral college, while losing the popular vote… in a year in which more people didn’t vote for president than did vote for either major party candidate.
    If ‘did not vote’ had been a candidate, it would have won, overwhelmingly."

    That's really not a deviation from the norm. Of the last 12 elections, this election with 55.3 percent participation of VAP participation ranks third behind 2008 (57.1%) and 2004 (55.7). That being said, everyone would have lost overwhelmingly to "did not vote".

    What happened in this election was that Trump won under the system we have, and crybaby liberals have been trying to discredit it ever since.

  18. Anonymous7:29 PM

    They took way too long to respond. The arrest was made on Thursday morning. The press release from MCPD (police) came out on Friday. Given the seriousness of the incident, I'm sure the Rockville HS principal notified the Superintendent on Thursday, and he notified the Council and/or Leggett..... crickets until national media started picking up the story and they realized what a mess this was.

    1. 7:29: Excellent summary of how it went down. There should be significant backlash against the super, MCPS, and Council for their emotionless and severely tardy response to this tragedy.

  19. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Another quote from Mr. Berliner earlier today on the radio:
    “How is this on us?”

    Mr. Berliner has no clue. Totally out of touch with reality at this point.

  20. Skippy7:50 PM

    Roger Berliner is complicit with child rape. Let that sink in.

  21. Anonymous3:21 AM

    You people are frightening.

  22. Listen to the lib whine about losing the election!
    You lost, because your candidate was the biggest piece of garbage and the electoral realized it and protected us from the worst of two poor choices.

    Fact IS-it's lefty policies that allowed the scumbag Islamists and All the illegals into America with open arms.

    Cry all you want, but we are taking America back one way or the other...America is DONE with being lulled into sleep by the left and their complicit media. You traitors to the Republic will be flushed out with the rest of the garbage if you don't come to your senses.

  23. Anonymous7:00 AM

    4:05AM - This instinct to humiliate and hate is disheartening. Hate and encouraging others to hate:
    Hate if you worship a different version of their God.
    Hate if you have courage.
    Hate if you have a differing opinion.
    Heck, they will hate you while they post prayers and religious quotes on Pinterest and Facebook. They just hate.

    But...remember this: It really isn’t about you. It is about the hatred they have for themselves.

  24. 7:00: What does hate have to do with protecting the children in our school system?

  25. Anonymous7:43 AM

    It shouldn't.

    But you are the ones bringing hate and intolerance.

    Interesting how you zeroed in on my comment, yet ignored the hate-filled one I replied to @4:05AM.

    What does that say about you Mr Robert Dyer?
