Friday, March 31, 2017

Progress at River Rd.-Braeburn Pkwy. intersection as Monday crash shows Whitman crosswalk danger

Maryland State Highway Administration workers have made significant progress toward completion of an interim flashing signal solution for the dangerous intersection of River Road and Braeburn Parkway near Walt Whitman High School in Bethesda. Additional poles have been erected, and already the "Braeburn Parkway" street sign is attached to a new signal arm over River Road at the intersection. The backplate of an eventual message sign is installed, as well.

At the crosswalk just east of the intersection, which nearby residents consider just as dangerous as the intersection itself, a street light has been erected. The project is supposed to be completed by the end of March, so they have about 13 hours left. Three people died in an accident at this intersection last year, when their turning Chevrolet Volt was hit by a westbound driver who had been traveling 115 MPH approaching the crossing.

On Monday, I saw the aftermath of the type of accident residents have reported at the crosswalk in the past. Approaching the top of the hill from Goldsboro Road, I saw a three-car crash had occurred in the left lane. A white Mercedes Benz was stopped just short of the crosswalk, and each of the two cars behind it had hit the rear of the vehicle in front of it. It looked as though the driver of the Mercedes had tried to stop for a pedestrian trying to cross River Road.

Just wanted to pass this report along as we await the results of the SHA study for a realigned River Road-Pyle Road intersection.


  1. Anonymous8:17 AM

    "Maryland State Highway Administration workers have made significant progress..."

    How come you didn't post your usual Larry Hogan picture here?

  2. Anonymous9:02 AM

    So, a crash means progress? What delusional world are you living in?

  3. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Don't hold your breath... the SHA may finally get around to erecting things, but it will take forever for Pepco to catch up and actually electrify anything there. How long did we wait for the Bradley crossings to be electrified?

    1. 11:32: Good point. Hadn't even thought of that.

      9:02: Did you read the headline and the article? Progress on warning flashers, not the accident!

  4. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Dyer missed the biggest retail story of the year. To say he's scooped would infer he's a journalist when he's a blogger. Nonetheless, bethesda beat and mag got him.

    1. What's the source?

    2. Anonymous2:00 PM

      "What's the source?" asketh Dyer.

      "A company executive confirmed Friday the bookstore will close its three-level location at the corner of Woodmont and Bethesda avenues when its lease expires with Federal Realty at the end of 2017."

      You're welcome.

      Doing Robert Dyer's work for him since 2013

    3. 2:00: ""A company executive confirmed" - confirmed WHAT? Where did the company executive come from, and what was the source of the information he was "confirming?" Do international corporate executives just regularly float past office windows in downtown Bethesda, shouting damaging information about their own companies?

      What is the source? I've received many, many tips over the last several years about Barnes & Noble closing, but no one at B&N corporate has ever responded to inquiries about it. So my Spider Sense is tingling that there's a little more to the story here.

  5. Anonymous12:21 PM

    He's got the @bethesdarow twitter handle but misses biggest scoop in a decade at Bethesda Row. Just another small and slightly failing blog.

  6. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Dyer, no article on Barnes and Noble?

  7. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Bah, you guys in the Peanus Gallery.

    I came here to read about progress in flashing lights, not some worthless historic milestone for Bethesda.

  8. Anonymous1:50 PM

    breaking news about bethesda, hyperlocal, yeah right not with dyer!

  9. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Union Hardware is closing, too.

  10. Anonymous2:28 PM

    If not for Andrew Metcalf's hard work, we would never know about the moribundness of Robert Dyer's lifelong hometown.

  11. Anonymous3:35 PM

    In summary: Argle bargle.

  12. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Robert Dyer blaming the Montgomery County Council for Barnes and Nobles closing coming in 3....2.....1....

  13. Anonymous3:52 PM

    WUSA reported this in the 5 O'Clock hour.

  14. Anonymous7:33 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Anonymous7:03 PM

      7:33am hope the rest of your weekend gets better for you :/

  15. Anonymous7:37 AM

    3:48 PM called it. LOL
