Saturday, March 04, 2017

Steamers demolished in Bethesda (Photos)

Developer Novo faked us out a little bit. Earlier this week they had said the crumbling ruins of the vacant Steamers restaurant would be demolished in the next few months. But yesterday, the structure was quickly razed. That's good news, as it eliminates the mosquito risk the roofless building posed to nearby residents before the mosquitos really get going for the year.

Where did Steamers go? I found the restaurant's "coffin," on the street nearby. The individual pieces of the old wooden building were piled inside a dumpster there. Steamers will be replaced by The Claiborne, a 110' luxury condo building.


  1. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Fuck that place!!!!!!!

  2. Anonymous7:11 AM

    dumpster divin'

  3. Anonymous10:11 AM

    "Developer Novo faked us out a little bit."

    I love the use of "the royal 'we'" here.

    Nope. Just you, birdbrain.

  4. Anonymous5:43 PM

    6:34 Nothing he said was 'racist' and there was no 'profanity.' Are you insane? I suppose you think it's just great that having 'Sanctuary City' status in MoCo has lured a great deal of crime into the area and overburdened our public school. You are a cretin.
