Sunday, April 30, 2017

Kit and Ace closes at Bethesda Row (Photos)

Kit and Ace has closed at Bethesda Row. They opened in November 2015, so it was a surprisingly short run relative to the hype the chain started with. Kit and Ace was founded by mother and son Shannon and JJ Wilson. JJ Wilson's father is the founder of Bethesda Avenue neighbor lululemon athletica, which seems to have figured out the Bethesda demographic better than the newcomer did.


  1. Anonymous5:29 AM

    Would Dyer logic mean this is plagiarism?

  2. 5:29: No, just that Kit and Ace had a 1970s publicist who only contacts print media when sending out press releases.

  3. Anonymous5:55 AM

    I have never seen a print edition of Bethesda Beat.

    Or Patch, either.

  4. 5:55: Check out the url of "Bethesda Beat" - it's bethesdamagazine, last time I checked. Print magazine. Patch, like me, did not receive the press release - they cited Racked as the source of the news.

    1. Anonymous9:45 PM

      "Check out the url of "Bethesda Beat" - it's bethesdamagazine, last time I checked. Print magazine."

      Dyer, why are you playing this extremely stupid game? Bethedians don't read the breaking news at Bethesda Beat in the print edition. They go to the website which is updated in real time.

      You are hopelessly stuck on stupid.

  5. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Would this not exactly match your previous definition of plagiarism? Even more so given you said they did not send you a press release.

  6. 7:11: Nope. There's a sign in the window announcing the closure, as pictured above.

  7. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Search Bethesda Magazine and Google recommends Dyer.

    Google knows what's up.

    1. Anonymous9:50 PM

      #UnsignedDyer @ 9:36 AM

      I searched Google for "Bethesda Magazine. Not only was "Robert Dyer" not "recommended", his name actually appeared nowhere in the search results.

      "Robert Dyer birdbrain", on the other hand, got tons of results.

  8. Anonymous10:32 AM

    7:43 I actually agree with you! It's not always plagiarism. It could be a sign, another source, even the same source. Just remember that next time you accuse someone without knowing the details.

    1. Anonymous1:43 PM

      Except when there is no other source (e.g. Tastee) and you just steal Dyer's story without even linking to his original report. Or play childish games and not name Dyer

      Stop it. Plagiarising is theft. Why can't you get that through your thick head?

    2. Anonymous3:09 PM

      Don't be silly. I agree Robert wasn't plagiarizing here.

      Yes absolutely plagiarism is theft, but Dyer makes accusations without proof. If the only "proof" is that there wasn't a source cited, that's hardly enough. Dyer himself also rarely cites his source too.

    3. 3:09: In the cases of plagiarism by the magazine of my content, they had no source other than my work. If they did, they would have gone to press with the big news. As Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post said, when asked if the Post was sitting on scoops to use against Trump if he won the nomination, you never sit on a scoop because your competition might report it first. Stop lying.

  9. 9:50: I just ran a search for "bethesda magazine" on Google, and I was the third result under "related searches," just as the commenter said.

    9:45: Bethesda Beef is hosted on bethesdamagazine url. The masthead at the top of the page is huge, and states "Bethesda Magazine," not Bethesda Beef. It is the clone of my site hosted within the print magazine website. Despite that, I don't see much breaking news that isn't handed off by Ken Hartman or Berliner staffers - just rehashes of all the big stories I broke, as usual, mixed with reworked County press releases and stories like, "Hans Riemer was dapper at today's Council meeting, as he singlehandedly cured cancer and healed the planet."

    Baba Booey!

    1. Anonymous5:51 AM

      This is a joke, right? You just talked about how BB was too immature to include your name. Then you intentionally misspell their name and gibberish?

  10. 5:51: No joke, just the facts.

  11. Anonymous6:40 AM

    I Googled "Robert Dyer". All I could find was some English dude who died 200 years ago.

  12. Rans Hiemer6:44 AM

    Another loony rant about Riemer and the Council! Dyer is the epitome of a sore loser

  13. 6:40: You must be mentally ill - I'm the first result.

    6:44: I'm not a loser. The cemetery precincts came in strong for Riemer, it's ok to admit that! You're going to be ok.

    Clean up the voter rolls, and get the poll watchers for 2018, and - combined with the rage of the taxpayers you, Hans and Dan Reed call "NIMBYs," and we'll have a different result.


  14. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Dyer, I'll make you a bet. If you lose for the 3rd time in a row, you have to post a photo of you wearing a "I LOVE HANS RIEMER" shirt. If you win, I'll stop trolling you.

  15. Troll (alleged) #228:23 AM

    I keep asking for links to the cemetery precinct results.

    You have no way to prove your outlandish claims.

    Dyer's votes came from those same cemetery precincts!!! Truth!!!

    Now see, I'm making the same type of statement that Dyer makes against others.
    Can he take what he dishes out? Or will that thin-skin get this post deleted or incur a nasty retort complete with name calling and possibly even threats!

  16. Anonymous8:28 AM

    "stories like, "Hans Riemer was dapper at today's Council meeting, as he singlehandedly cured cancer and healed the planet"

    I don't recall seeing such a story. In fact, I haven't seen any story that featured individual County Counclimembers, in ages. You have become dangerously delusional.

  17. 8:23: If I got votes from cemetery precincts, how did I lose? Think about it.

    1. Anonymous8:47 AM

      Because no one likes you.

  18. 8:28: You must not read the magazine every day. There have been articles centered on Riemer and Berliner just recently.

  19. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Any news about Secolari?

  20. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Not all of them agreed with your positions.

  21. 8:32: I'm laughing that you keep bringing up Secolari, as I was the one who broke the story that they had closed a week or two before your favorite site did. Baba Booey.

  22. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Strange that Dyer's remaining competitor outright plagiarises his Tastee Diner story then lies.
    Why not just interview Dyer, the source of the scoop?

  23. Anonymous9:45 AM

    9:43: That magazine/blog doesn't give two craps about dyer. It's all in his delusional mind and apparently the mind of his shill too!

  24. Anonymous10:02 AM

    9:45 AM No one cares what Bethesda Magazine thinks or does. They're old media. They just need to stop plagiarizing Dyer's stuff. Pretty simple ask.

    1. Anonymous10:58 AM

      Bethesda Magazine - 2002

      Robert Dyer's blog - 2006

      Bethesda Now - 2012

      Does this mean that Dyer's blog is "middle-aged media"?

  25. G. Money10:12 AM

    Google doesn't give everyone the same results if you're logged in, FYI. I just searched "bethesda magazine" and there was nothing about Dyer in the top 50 results. "robert dyer" did return this site as #1 though.

    1. Try it on a logged out computer. I come up as a related search to Bethesda Magazine on random computers in stores.

    2. Anonymous9:47 PM

      Dyer @10:37 pm - What kind of weirdo spends his days Googling himself on computers in local stores?

  26. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Google, DogPile, Bing, DuckDuckGo, ixquick, Yippy - nothing about Dyer

  27. Anonymous10:48 AM

    My third result for "Robert Dyer" was Bethesda Magazine's article about "Weekend At Bernie's".

  28. Anonymous11:06 AM

    "Robert Dyer Bethesda" comes up as a suggestion for every search I do of "Bethesda Magazine" in Google. Interesting!

    10:58 AM Old print, legacy media

  29. In my Google search of Bethesda Magazine, a glassdoor review came up. (Just one)

    An intern complaining they weren't paid for working for the Magazine.
    I wasn't aware there were still unpaid internships out there! Not exactly attracting the best of the best.
    And these interns are covering the No wonder Reamer loves them.

    The intern gave a "neutral" rating for the future of Bethesda Magazine. Not exactly a vote of confidence.

  30. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Wow Dyer and his stooges certainly stalk their competitors a lot.

  31. Anonymous2:24 PM

    "No one cares about what Bethesda Magazine thinks or does"

    Says the guy who whines about them at least 10 times a day, every day.

    1. Anonymous3:23 PM

      Calling out plagiarism isn't whining.

      It's not hard to source & interview Dyer about Tastee. No need to steal.

  32. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Dyer doesn't list his sources and it's not necessarily plagiarism. Same with other publications.

  33. Anonymous8:24 PM

    If Robert Dyer reports an incorrect story about Tastee Diner, and then Bethesda Magazine reports the correct story about Tastee Diner, then how is that "plagiarism"?

    1. Anonymous11:25 PM

      we are not talking about that story, 8:24.

    2. Anonymous8:15 AM

      @ 11:25 AM - Why are you using the royal "we" at 2:25 AM EDT?

    3. 8:24: Yes, it is plagiarism - my story was the source and starting point for their story. That's plagiarism. And my story wasn't wrong, either.

  34. Anonymous5:22 AM

    When do respected publications (whether digital or print) badmouth and compare themselves to other publications?

