Friday, May 05, 2017

Bethesda residents want WSSC to "drain the swamp" their contractor created on their properties (Photos)

This morning's torrential downpour and a WSSC contractor's staging area conspired to create a literal swamp in adjacent yards near Bethesda Country Club. Today's deluge wasn't the first problem caused by the staging area, which is located at 7731 Bradley Boulevard. Neighbors have complained to the utility and to the Montgomery County Council, to no avail so far.

The staging area has been in place for WSSC's Bradmoor Drive 20" water main replacement project since August 15, 2016. That project, which involves replacing more than a mile of iron water main, is not expected to be completed before September 2018. Last summer, residents say, dust from the staging area was a problem, as well as flooding of adjacent property, and noise. Those issues have continued.

Neighbors have asked that the staging area, which they say they received no advance notice of, be relocated. In a letter from WSSC to one resident, the utility says their contractor decides where the staging area for a project will be located. For this project, WSSC's Deputy General Manager for Operations Joseph Mantua wrote that the contractor, A&M Concrete, has scouted other locations, and has found none large enough to accommodate it. Mantua added that the County Department of Permitting Services has expressed concerns over other possible locations, stating that the impacts would be too great on nearby schools, traffic and residential areas.

Of course, that leaves residents near the current staging area wondering why those concerns aren't protecting them. "Someone has to explain to me why the county is not protecting us from such things and who will pay for clean up," one resident wrote this morning of the "river of mud," and the mess it has caused. "[W]hy is THIS NEIGHBORHOOD of LESS IMPORTANCE than other neighborhoods !!!!" another resident wrote to Councilmember Roger Berliner's office. "Why is OUR PEACE LESS IMPORTANT than other neighborhoods ????"

For its part, WSSC told the resident, the utility has made several site visits, and proclaimed everything to be peachy-keen. WSSC "found no issues with cleanliness, traffic impacts and/or safety," Mantua wrote. They promised the contractor would screen off the side of the staging area facing Bradley Boulevard, but that's not the side that presents and eyesore to residents currently. Mantua said the contractor has promised to not start before 7:00 AM, but residents say that wasn't among the problems they've been complaining about.

Mantua wrote that if the staging area is moved, it would have to be broken up into smaller staging areas around the neighborhood. The locations of those potential smaller sites are unknown at this time.

Neighbors are growing frustrated with the lack of response by WSSC and the County Council. "This is INSANE!" one said. Well, we know the Council spent some hours in a catered luncheon at taxpayer expense this week...


  1. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Dust last year AND rainwater this year?!? Won't someone think of the children???

  2. 11:04: You would be cool with that being on your property? Come on.

  3. Anonymous12:13 PM

    OMG! The council went to a catered lunch? Oh the humanity!

  4. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Whose property is it on, Robert? As far as I can tell from the pics, it's someone complaining about water running down their street when it rains and water running down a it has done since the beginning of time. Is the person complaining that the water's brown with dirt? That's the issue?

  5. Anonymous1:07 PM

    THIS, Dyer, is the reason why it is crucial to give property owners incentives to reduce the amount of impervious surfaces on their properties.

  6. No, these are problems that have developed since the WSSC project began, according to the residents. Are you more knowledgeable than the property owners?

  7. Anonymous1:16 PM

    It's WSSC's fault it rained?

  8. Anonymous1:16 PM

    I am a property owner unlike you...

  9. Anonymous1:38 PM

    What was at that site before it was a "WSSC staging area"? What kind of surface is there now? If there were previously complaints about dust, then it seems unlikely that there is an impervious surface there.

  10. Anonymous2:26 PM

    So then what did WSSC do, Robert? You still haven't described what the issue is or what is causing it. As far as I can see from what you've said and the pics, the "problem" is that the rainwater is brown because there's some exposed dirt somewhere (likely because the wheels of vehicles tore up some grass in the staging area). Is that the problem? I'm asking, yet you're not answering. If that's the issue then what do you expect the county or WSSC to do and why? You can't just post some nutjob quotes like "Why is OUR PEACE LESS IMPORTANT than other neighborhoods ????" (oh the humanity, you're having brand new pipes installed) and call it news.

    1. 2:26: Curious why your skepticism is greater towards the residents than the utility? Do you want to put in a good word for Barwood Cab and Comcast while you're at it?

    2. Anonymous5:00 AM

      Dyer @ 10:50 - Curious why you can't give a straight answer to a simple question.


  11. Any knowledge on the flood that occurs outside the cvs parking lot on Bradley boulevard anytime it rains (corner of Bradley and Arlington)? Today cars, including myself, had to turn right from the left lane because the road was so flooded. I know there is a metal plate over the drain here but it has been there for months...

    1. 6:19: As a lifelong resident, I can tell you there has been flooding at that intersection with Arlington Road since the 1970s. It's unlikely to change unless you elect me to the Montgomery County Council, so that we could tackle real day-to-day issues like this, instead of tanning beds, Styrofoam, and vending machines like the current Council.

    2. Thanks - as a relatively new resident it's interesting to know it's been that way forever. Seems odd they don't just pick the metal plate up and let water actually go down the drain

  12. 5:00: You just dodged an even more relevant question. They might have a job for you in the State's Attorney's office.

  13. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Dyer @10:45, if we elect you to County Council you're going to make the Bethesda nightlife even crappier with your moronic "vegas style nightclub" obsession. I'll never vote for you and your birdbrain ideas!


  14. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Dyer, it would have been helpful if you had labeled these photos. As it is, it is impossible to tell which is the staging area, which are areas downhill from it, and even more importantly, which areas are uphill from it.

  15. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Sorry to change the subject but could someone in charge call back the Mexican contractor called Luiz and have them finish repaving River Road before the winter!

  16. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Did ICE pickup the Mexican construction crew called Luis and deport them cause the River Road repaving project is not completed. Hire Americans next time Montgomery County maybe the job will get done! Ridiculous

  17. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Imagine how awful it would be if there were Styrofoam containers floating around and ending up in people's gardens?
