Saturday, May 20, 2017

CVS cleared out at Wisconsin Ave. and Bradley Blvd. in Bethesda (Photos)

Here's something I've never witnessed before - the closure and clearing out of a CVS Pharmacy store. Usually, CVS is an ever-multiplying thing in a community, like Starbucks. CVS and Starbucks stores open, they don't close. In this case, the store at Wisconsin Avenue and Bradley Boulevard essentially downsized to a pharmacy counter, and moved into the new Target store directly across the street. The vacant CVS space is now up for lease.

Ultimately, you have cocktail party discussion bragging rights to your hometown being the first place in America to prove there is such a thing as "peak CVS." Combined with the CVS stock plunge after Jeff Bezos has shown signs that will enter the pharmacy market, it's safe to say the ghost of the Marlboro Man has had a few laughs at "tobacco-free" CVS' expense this week.


  1. Anonymous6:42 AM

    I thought they just moved across the street?

  2. 6:42: Well, as I said in the article, the pharmacy part did.

    1. Anonymous9:12 AM

      Thanks, I was unaware it was just the pharmacy. Makes sense if they merge the pharmacy into Target and then stop selling all the other goods in light of Target probably taking up a lot of their business anyway.

  3. Anonymous7:10 AM

    "The CVS stock plunge after Jeff Bezos has shown signs that will enter the pharmacy market"

    CVS stock has fallen about 7% since that news. Meanwhile, both Sears and Macy's are down 50% since early December.

    "it's safe to say the ghost of the Marlboro Man has had a few laughs at "tobacco-free" CVS' expense this week."

    It's safe to say that the ghost of the Marlboro Man is burning in Hell right now, for promoting a product that caused the premature deaths and debilitating illnesses of millions of Americans, and many millions more worldwide.

  4. Anonymous7:38 AM

    "Here's something I've never witnessed before - the closure and clearing out of a CVS."

    Then you must not have lived in Bethesda in 1998, when the CVS on East-West Highway (in the building that used to hold the Dart Drug and Crown Books) was torn down.

    1. 7:38: I never shopped there since it was a Dart Drug, so as I said in my report, this is something I've never witnessed before. Dart was 10000x better than CVS. They actually had arcade machines, too.

    2. Anonymous2:25 PM

      Come on, 7:38, don't you know if Dyer didn't witness it then it never could have happened. Of course!

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. 8:52: You were so #triggered by my perfect analogy - that not including Robert Dyer in an article on "Bethesda is changing" is like trying to report on Tesla without ever mentioning Elon Musk - that you had to create a new account and launch a trollstorm. You got served, tool.

  6. 9:25 Robert Dyer

    You were triggered that I mentioned that you were looking kinda dumb

  7. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Hi Robert, can you explain that analogy? I am totally confused by it. You miss a ton of news if someone else reports it before you, so you only really report on the council and the occasional news story you get first.

    1. 10:03: Totally fictional comment. I am the news in Bethesda. The small and slightly-failing magazine is reporting stories I have broken hours, days, weeks, and even months before. Often, they resort to outright plagiarism of my original reporting to do so.

      "Occasional news story" is the small and slightly-failing magazine, because the only time they have a breaking news story is when Council staffers pass something to them in exchange for favorable coverage, or when one of the few restaurateurs they've been able to bully into blacklisting me tells them about a new restaurant. Or lets them inside because they'll "lose Best of Bethesda award if you don't open that door!!!"


  8. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Better analogy:

    " trying to report on today's Republican Party without mentioning Donald Trump".

  9. Roald1:08 PM

    I hope all civilized and compassionate people can agree that the County should not allow an historic African American cemetery to be desecrated again with a parking garage built over the graves.

    This shouldn't even be a debate. I'm glad Robert Dyer continues to cover that story.

  10. Anonymous3:33 PM

    The graves, if they really exist, will be removed. Get over it. Everywhere cannot be a museum. Tax payers are not and should not be on the hook for that nonsense.

    1. Anonymous5:34 PM

      Anyone who supports this insane Westbard Plan disqualifies themselves from serving on the Council and Planning Board. Full stop.

    2. Anonymous6:01 PM

      "Full stop."


  11. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Just out of curiosity, why did you not report the Bethesda Art Festival last weekend if you were the news? Bethesda Magazine had a booth there and you as a candidate (or reporter) would have had a chance to meet people and gain exposure. Or you could have reported it since as you claim, you are the source of the news in Bethesda, so it would have been nice as someone who used to only read your blog, to know about this.

    1. Anonymous9:04 AM

      The folks putting on the art fair had no idea who Dyer was. #notevenaplayerinbethesda

  12. Anonymous8:51 PM

    "one of the few restaurateurs they've been able to bully into blacklisting me tells them about a new restaurant."

    Paranoia, the destroia.

    "Or lets them inside because they'll "lose Best of Bethesda award if you don't open that door!!!""

    What's stopping you from having a "Best of Tarnation Bob Award"?

  13. Anonymous11:13 PM

    The strange but true stories of the Bethesda blog wars.

    Let's put it this way: The old legacy media doesn't like competition.

    Study disruptive theory and it pretty much explains what is happening.

  14. Anonymous4:09 AM

    So, 11:13, what's your stake in this?
    Why do you care about this site beating the "old legacy media?"
    Dyer is the one always talking competition, not the others.

  15. Anonymous5:20 AM

    2:13 AM EDT. LOL

  16. 8:51: No paranoia. We all witnessed the troll, after I broke the Dog Haus story and the small and slightly-failing magazine was angry about it, take the previously secret defamation campaign public. I always suspected it was happening behind the scenes, but then we all witnessed the guy saying he was going to contact businesses and tell them not to give me any information or advertise on my site.

    Big mistake! I captured screenshots of the comments, which could be used in a defamation lawsuit down the road.

    7:24: Let's turn that question around and ask why Bethesda UP links to Bethesda Magazine and not to my website, much like Ken Hartman, despite my exhaustive coverage and promotion of their events like the art festival over the years?

  17. Anonymous8:13 AM

    So instead of answering 7:24 AMs question, you instead ask another question. And also you only cover news that you pick and choose, not all Bethesda news?

    Most journalists do this I guess, I just thought you were different. Also, is this a news site or a campaign blog?

  18. 8:13: No idea what you're talking about. No outlet covers every single possible topic every single day. That's why you have an editor.

  19. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Do you have an editor? Do you have reporters?

    1. Rugby6:07 PM

      8:25am needs an editor before he posts again Anonymously.

  20. 9:04: Assuming you really did talk to them, which I doubt, they would either be lying or complete morons if they didn't know who I was, and most likely the former.

    1. Anonymous5:06 AM

      Well isn't that cocky of you.

  21. Anonymous5:14 AM

    2:29AM - I'll let them know how you feel. The liars and morons moniker will inspire new art for next time.

  22. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Good riddance. F-CVS. I hope a Walgreens takes that spot.

  23. At all the haters on this blog... Leave. Seriously you are not taken seriously and are unwanted. If you don't agree with Robert then stop reading his stuff. It's not that hard.
